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In this photo is my partner in space, you can see what the earth looks like from here.

This is a picture of when we were taking off, we were very excited to see what space was like, the moon, the sun and the planets.

  • This picture is from when we took off and arrived in the space, this is one of our favorite pictures as we can see the earth, the moon and the stars, in this picture the moon is not visible but from the spaceship we can see how beautiful and big it is. We are very impressed with how big space is. We are exited to know that we still have so much more to see and discover.

This is an image of the moon, we can see how big it is and how beautiful it is, we learned that the moon is 400 times closer to the earth than the Su, and it is also 400 times smaller as seen from our planet than this star. That means that when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun it covers it exactly, and because of this we can have total eclipses of the sun.

This is our favorite photo as you can see the Milky way, we learned that the Milky way gets its name form a Greek myth about the goddess Hera wo sprinkled milk across the sky. We also learned that in other parts of the world the galaxy goes by other names. In china it is called the "Silver River", and in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa it is called the "Blackbone of Night"

the Coriolis force is an inertial (or fictitious) force that acts on objects in motion within a frame of reference that rotates with respect to an inertial frame. In a reference frame with clockwise rotation, the force acts to the left of the motion of the object. In one with anticlockwise (or counterclockwise) rotation, the force acts to the right. Deflection of an object due to the Coriolis force is called the Coriolis effect. Though recognized previously by others, the mathematical expression for the Coriolis force appeared in an 1835 paper by French scientist Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis, in connection with the theory of water wheels. Early in the 20th century, the term Coriolis force began to be used in connection with meteorology.

Coriolis effect

The Earth at night affords us a different view of the Earth's surface.The Nile River Delta in 2016 - The majority of Egypt's population are concentrated along the Nile River valley, with the highest concentration of lights in the Cairo metropolitan area. Also, Fishing Boats in the Tsushima Strait in 2016 - The lights in the strait are likely from fishing boats attempting to lure squid to the surface.Also evident is the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea.Aurora in the Northern Hemisphere - Here we turn on the daily Nighttime imagery layer from the Day/Night Band of the VIIRS instrument. This layer shows the Earth’s surface and atmosphere using a sensor designed to capture low-light emission sources, under varying illumination conditions. The oval band around the North Pole is the aurora.

We learned that he solar system has one star, eight planets, five officially named dwarf planets , hundreds of moons, thousands of comets, and more than a million asteroids. Our solar system is located in the Milky Way. It was formed about 4.6 billion years ago when a dense region of a molecular cloud collapsed, forming the Sun and a protoplanetary disc.

We learned that the Sun's gravity holds the solar system together, keeping everything from the biggest planets to the smallest particles of debris in its orbit. The connection and interactions between the Sun and Earth drive the seasons, ocean currents, weather, climate, radiation belts and auroras.

We learned that the Moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth. Its near side is marked by large dark plains (volcanic ‘maria’) that fill the spaces between the bright ancient crustal highlands and the prominent impact craters, also we learned that the Moon was created when a rock the size of Mars slammed into Earth, shortly after the solar system began forming about 4.5 billion years ago.

The Cigar galaxie is a starburst galaxy approximately 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It is the second-largest member of the M81 Group, with the D₂₅ isophotal diameter of 12.52 kiloparsecs.

Galaxies that we saw and things we learned about them.

The Andromeda Galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy and is the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way. It was originally named the Andromeda Nebula and is cataloged as Messier 31, M31, and NGC 224.