Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Equipo 2Cristian Baca AntonioDylan Bautista CalvaAshley Pamela Bautista Ríos



¿qué es?


¿para qué sirve?


kanban board





¿cómo funciona?




¿qué es?


¿para qué sirve?


kanban board





¿cómo funciona?




¿qué es?

Se define como una potente herramienta visual de gestión de proyectos y optimización del flujo de trabajo. Concebida originalmente en la industria manufacturera, Kanban ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una metodología versátil aplicable en diversos sectores, como el desarrollo de software, la gestión de proyectos y el trabajo del conocimiento.FUENTE:(S/f). Ideascale.com. Recuperado el 5 de septiembre de 2024, de https://ideascale.com/es/blogs/definicion-de-kanban/


¿Para qué sirve?

La metodología Kanban sirve para mejorar la gestión de proyectos y optimizar flujos de trabajo en las empresas. Se basa en la visualización de tareas a través de tableros Kanban, lo que permite a los equipos equilibrar el trabajo pendiente con la capacidad disponible de cada miembro. Además, promueve la mejora continua y la colaboración entre los integrantes del equipo, facilitando la identificación y resolución de problemas de manera rápida y eficiente.FUENTE:Metodología Kanban: qué es y cómo implementarla en tu empresa. (2024, agosto 23). APD España; APD. https://www.apd.es/metodologia-kanban/



Hoy en día, los tableros Kanban son en su mayoría tableros virtuales con columnas que representan las etapas del trabajo. En un tablero, una “tarjeta Kanban” representa una tarea, y esta tarjeta de tarea avanza a través de las etapas del trabajo a medida que se finaliza. Los equipos que usan un sistema Kanban tienden a colaborar en un único tablero Kanban, aunque las tareas generalmente se asignan a miembros individuales del equipo.FUENTE:Martins, J. (2024, enero 19). ¿Qué es la metodología Kanban y cómo funciona? Asana. https://asana.com/es/resources/what-is-kanban



● Evita los excesos de producción. ● Los pedidos se entregan en el momento oportuno. ● Se cuida de cerca la rotación del stock. ● Optimiza la utilización de espacios en el almacén. ● Puedes tener información en tiempo real acerca de la producción. ● Ayuda a detectar rápidamente los problemas en la cadena de producción. ● Mejora la eficacia en la producción. ● Ayuda a evitar el trabajo innecesario, dando prioridad solamente a los artículos que ya han tenido salida y necesitan ser sustituidos. ● Los pedidos se entregan en el momento oportuno, lo que ayuda a aprovechar cada rincón del almacén. ● Al estar todo etiquetado, puedes tener certeza de lo que está funcionando bien y lo que está generando problemas o retrasos.



● Kanban apuesta por lo justo, lo que significa que siempre vas a trabajar con los recursos precisos y, en el caso de recibir una demanda inesperada de productos, es altamente probable sufrir cuellos de botella (producción insuficiente). ● En condiciones extremas, cuando los plazos de entrega no pueden cumplirse, se ve afectado el calendario de producción para el resto de pedidos. Esto puede ocasionar una cadena de incumplimiento. ● Cuando hay demasiadas etiquetas y poca preparación, los miembros del equipo pueden confundirse fácilmente. FUENTE:Mancuzo, G. (2020, julio 17). Kanban: Ventajas y Desventajas. Comparasoftware.com. https://blog.comparasoftware.com/kanban-ventajas-y-desventajas/


kanban board

Un tablero Kanban o Kanban board es la herramienta que hace posible conocer en qué punto está un proceso determinado. El tablero Kanban puede ser digital o físico. Los elementos fundamentales del tablero son columnas y tarjetas. Las columnas representan las fases del flujo de trabajo, por ejemplo: ‘pendiente’, ‘en curso’, ‘realizado’. Y cada tarjeta Kanban representa una tarea o elemento del proceso. El funcionamiento del tablero Kanban es muy sencillo: se trata de ir moviendo las tarjetas a la fase del flujo de trabajo que corresponde. Esto permite a los equipos hacer visibles sus avances, y a las personas ajenas al equipo, conocer el estado de cada proyecto sin necesidad de preguntar.FUENTE:Eloisa. (2022, enero 24). Método Kanban: consigue la máxima productividad y eficiencia. Redimensiona consulting. https://redimensiona.com/metodo-kanban-que-es-y-para-que-sirve/



‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’


‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’

  • Use this space to write down your sources of information. Citing where you got the info from is always a plus.
  • The APA Standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) are indispensable when citing bibliographies.
  • This is a set of guidelines for citing any type of project: theses, reports, presentations ... You name it!
  • These references include information on the author, date of publication, title, and source.
  • Here’s a quick little guide: Arial or Times News Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing, left aligned, and unjustified.
  • It is also important to list all the sources you have quoted throughout the article. To do this, create a reference page after the main body.
  • On the references page you should write the title of the section, in bold and centered. The second line lists the references, in alphabetical order.

Write an awesome title