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Educating children from an early age about empathy and respect for animals is key to preventing cruelty. Including educational programs in schools and communities promotes a more responsible and conscious society regarding the needs and rights of animals.

Education and Awareness:

"Combating Animal Cruelty: A Commitment for All"

Team 5 Members:

  • Andrea Fiorella Navarro Martinez
  • Gabriel Alejandro Hernandez Padilla
  • Monica Paola Perez Aldaco
  • Braulio Said De Anda Garcia

Educating children from an early age about empathy and respect for animals is key to preventing cruelty. Including educational programs in schools and communities promotes a more responsible and conscious society regarding the needs and rights of animals.

Education and Awareness:

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  • It is our duty to report these acts, regardless of whether the perpetrator is a neighbor, friend, or anyone else.

Citizen responsibilityIt is essential, as citizens, to act legally when we witness an animal suffering abuse. This abuse can manifest itself from the denial of food to keeping the animal in poor hygiene and health conditions.

Citizen responsibility

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Strengthening Laws

It is crucial to toughen penalties against animal cruelty and ensure laws are properly enforced. Public policies should protect both domestic animals and wildlife.

Animal shelters and rescue organizations play an essential role but need more financial support, volunteers, and donations. Promoting responsible adoption and timely sterilization reduces overpopulation, abandonment, and mistreatment.

Shelters and Responsible Adoption:

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Animal Exploitation

The use of animals in circuses, bullfights, zoos, and heavy labor often involves cruelty. These practices should be banned, and animals used for work should receive proper care and protection

The use of animals in scientific experiments is increasingly questioned. It is essential to develop and promote alternative methods to reduce animal testing, as some countries already prohibit cosmetic testing on animals.

Scientific Research:

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Inhumane Trade and Transport:

The trafficking and transport of animals, often under deplorable conditions, cause physical and emotional suffering. Additionally, illegal hunting and wildlife capture lead to severe mistreatment and habitat destruction.


Combating animal cruelty requires a comprehensive approach that includes education, stricter laws, support for shelters, and the promotion of responsible adoption. By raising awareness, implementing effective policies, and fostering respect for animals, we can build a more compassionate society that protects the well-being of all species.

Bibliographic references.

  • F, N. G. (2020, 8 abril). Maltrato animal: antesala de la violencia social. AnimaNaturalis. https://www.animanaturalis.org/p/1332/maltrato-animal-antesala-de-la-violencia-social
  • Blog de Atlas del maltrato animal. (s. f.). AnimaNaturalis. https://www.animanaturalis.org/blog/atlas-del-maltrato-animal
  • Sánchez, J. (2024, 15 julio). Cómo evitar el maltrato animal. ecologiaverde.com. https://www.ecologiaverde.com/como-evitar-el-maltrato-animal-1278.html
  • Greenpeace España. (2021, 1 septiembre). ¿Qué puedo hacer en contra del maltrato de los animales? - ES | Greenpeace España. ES | Greenpeace España. https://es.greenpeace.org/es/preguntas-frecuentes/que-puedo-hacer-en-contra-del-maltrato-de-los-animales/

Animal cruelty is a global problem that affects both domestic animals and wildlife. It manifests in various forms, from physical abuse and neglect to commercial exploitation and illegal trafficking. This type of cruelty not only causes unnecessary suffering to animals but also reflects a lack of empathy and responsibility in society.

What is it?

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