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Objetivo: Hablar espontáneamente de lo que haremos en el futuro, sin tener que haberlo planeado previamente.

Are / Is / am + about to + Verb

We are about to leave for the airport.The movie is about to start.

On the verge of + Verb-ing

The company is on the verge of announcing the new product.

I am on the verge of completing the task.

Objetivo: Expresar a los demás que nuestra opinión se parece o no a tal o cual cosa.

I think

I think our company should invest more in employee development programs.

In my opinion (formal)

I believe

In my opinion, the merger with the competitor will strengthen our market position.

I believe that improving customer satisfaction will directly impact our revenue growth.

Objetivo: Expresar a los demás que nuestra opinión se parece o no a tal o cual cosa.

From my perspective, enhancing our digital presence should be our top priority this year.

From my perspective

I am convinced that

I am convinced that adopting a flexible work policy will increase employee productivity.

Objetivo: Saber hablar de acontecimientos futuros dentro de un horario establecido, como una clase, una conferencia; llegadas o salidas de aviones, autobuses, etc.

set to + verb

The final boarding call is set to be announced at 2:30 PM.

The flight is set to depart at 2:00 PM according to the schedule.

I'm planning to + verb

I’m planning to arrive at the gate by 2:45 PM to avoid any delays

We’re planning to finish the security check by 1:00 PM.

Objetivo: Manejar con fluidez formas formales de decir la hora.

24 hours format

  • We don't say AM or PM

The flight departs at 18:30 hours

Boarding will begin at 16:20 hours