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The world of Mr.Plant

Gardening with Argos

What is Gardening with Argos?

Gardening with Argos is the 2nd series of Ashur Gharavi, it is after Mark and friends. As it name says, Gardening with Argos is a gardening show where Argos, who is the main character, shows how to take care of plants, as well as, telling the viewer facts about them. The first episode of this series was uploaded on November the 23rd of 2022 with the heart flower, the walker and a one-eyed flower. Then on June the 12th of 2023 Ashur uploaded the first episode complication of "Gardening with Argos" containing 5 episodes.

Some plants that appear on the show:

Heart Flower

One-eyed flower


Portal flower

Meat flower

Babbling flower

Cry fruit

Venenum Tracta Flower

White mushroom

Resurection flower

Giving flower

Mend flower

Flammable flower

Heart flower

"If you land on a heart flower you're extra lucky because all you have to do is pay it compliments and it'll produce lots of hearts you can give to your loved ones"

This flower, as it name says, produces little hearts when paid compliments and if you happen to cross by one you're very, very lucky. The little hearts it produces can be taken and given to whoever you want, except for a small detail... The hearts pass from having a smiley face to a dead expression, but it doesn't stop the gift from being romantic.


one-eyed flower

"This flower has an eye, which means one thing, you need to assert yor dominance over it. The best thing to do is to stare at it until it looks away"

The actual name of the flower remains a mystery since Argos didn't say it's actual name so we'll just call it one-eyed flower. This flower has an eye,so, based on what Argos said, you have to stare at it until it looks away to assert your dominance over it.


Meat flower

"The meat flower produces a very specific type of red meat and everyone has a different opinion of what it tastes like. Some people say it tastes like beef but I think it tastes the most like human"

The meat flower (from void 42) produces meat as it's name says, it is great for adding protein to your diet and the flavor can have variations depending on the person. Many people say it tastes like beef, but Argos says it tastes more like human.


Portal Plant

The portal plant (from void 230) can grow to over 6 feet tall (1.83 meters). When it first appeared void citizents belived it was a portal to other realms; many went through the black hole in search of a better life. But now we know that the "black portal" is actually just it's mouth.


cry fruit

"The cry fruit produces the most delicious berry in the entire Void, unfortunately it is conscious so it cries before you eat it"

The cry fruit (from Void 14) is the most delicious berry in the entire Void. And it's easy to produce; the only "bizzare" thing about this berry is that it's conscious, so, it'll cry and scream for help when you're about to eat it.


Babbling flower

"The babbling flower has the most beautiful colors but it wont stop talking about them"

The babbling flower (from Void 17) has the most beautiful colors in the entire Void, but it won't stop talking about them and it can be very annoying. No wonder why Argos killed it...


White mushroom

"You can't breathe in Void 176 and the White mushroom is why. This fungi releases spores into the atmosphere... poisoning it"

The white mushroom (from Void 176) is the main reason of why you can't breathe in this Void,this is because it releases deadly spores into the atmosphere causing death to anyone that breathes without a mask.


Venenum Tracta Flower

"It attracts creatures by appearing to be edible, but, when consumed, it causes the body to quickly decompose. This way it's seeds quickly spread."

The venenum tracta flower (from Void 32) appears to be edible and emits a sweet scent causing creatures to eat them. But when consumed it causes the victim to quickly decompose in order to spread it's seeds; so, if you come across lots of them you know what happened...


Flammable flower

"This flower can burn for days and is perfect for roasting marshmallows. Unfortunately it does feel pain"

The flammable flower (from Void 37) can burn for days and is perfect for roasting marshmallows and keepeng you warm since it's Void is freezing. Sadly it does feel pain when doing so.


Giving flower

"This flower provides nutrients to all the flowers around it giving away more and more of its life"

The giving flower (from Void 37) gives nutients to the flowers surrounding it and not only that, 'cause it can also lift your spirits by just spending time around it. But it's not that easy, while giving nutrients to others the flower is also giving away it's life. But don't worry since nothing else makes it feel better.


Mend flower

"This flower emits good energy that feels everyone aroud it with warmth. It can help heal a broken heart; however if the break up was your faul it'll only make you feel worse"

The Mend flower (from Void 5) can heal people from heartbreak by emiting good energy that fills them with warmth, but if the break up was your fault it'll only make you feel worse.


Resurection flower

"The Resurection flower can bring people back from the dead but only once"

This flower (from Void 12) can bring people back from the death but only once per person. But many creatures resurected don't want to live again since "passing on was so worderful, no stress or fear"


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