DEL courses and services 2024
Adelina Ruiz
Created on September 4, 2024
More creations to inspire you
Language Department
Other Languages
Spanish as a Second Language
Conversation Club
Academic Conversation Club
Dual Immersion (Teletandem)
Language Hub
Writing Desk
Library, 3rd floor
Services offered to the ITESO community for developing communicative skills in English, Spanish, and other languages
Tutoring and advising program
Languages Department
Diploma Course: Advising for autonomy
ITESO's General English Program
Curricular English Courses
Library, 3rd floor
Services offered to the ITESO community for developing communicative skills in English, Spanish, and other languages
Teacher Training (in Spanish)
Teacher Training (in English)
BA in Translation and Interpretation
COE (Academic Spanish Courses)
Reading communities
Language Hub
Self-access Lab for language and academic communication learning.
A place for collaborative and autonomous work with a focus on learning and practicing languages. It offers: computers, software, books, magazines, tutoring and advising sessions. Open to the ITESO community. Library, 3rd floor.
Writing Desk
Spanish and English
Provides support in developing academic writing skills in Spanish or English. The tutors facilitate and mediate the learning process. Send texts in Spanish or English to:
Tutoring and Advising Programme
Personalised accompaniment to support the language learning process and the development of academic written and spoken skills in Spanish.
- On campus or virtually (TEAMS)
- During fixed schedules or by appointment
- Provided by students and teachers
- Support for professors
Conversation Club
English, Mexican Sign Language, French and German
- On campus or virtually (TEAMS).
- Free service for the ITESO community.
- Language Hub - Library, 3rd Floor
Academic Conversation Club
Aimed at academic staff
- Conversation clubs in English with an academic focus
- Space for dialogue between academics
ITESO students practice their English with foreign students of Spanish in 60-minute sessions.
Half the session students practice English and half the session students practice Spanish.
For more information, visit AUSJAL website here!
COIL - Collaborative Online International Learning
Students in curricular English courses and in COE (Academic Spanish courses) carry out four-week projects with students in partner universities. The focus is to work on intercultural skills as well as course content.
Other Languages
German, French, Mandarin, Japanese, Nahuatl
French and German
- 64-hour courses
- A1 - B1
- Face to face
- Curricular course for students of the BA in Translation and Interpreting (8 credits)
- 64-hour courses
- N5-N4
- Face to face
Indigenous languages NáhuatlSummer 2025(June 9th-July 18th)140-hour course(110 hour on campus)Visit to Nahua community and Mexico City
Spanish as a Second Language
ITESO offers courses for all proficiency levels:
- Semester program
- Four-week program
- Content based classes for B2 and plus students (Dialogo Intercultural con México).
Bachelor's Program in Translation and Interpretation
Curricular English Courses
8-credit courses of advanced English (aimed at C1).
- Public Communication (focused on advanced speaking skills)
- Critical Reading and Writing in English
- English for Engineers and Scientists
- Public Communication (for Int'l Relations majors)
General English Programme(Programa Certificado de Inglés)
8 levels (64 hours each) comprising A1 -- B2
- Face to face
- Online
- Blended
Diploma Course in Advising for autonomous learning
Working together towards student autonomy
This program originated in a research project on autonomy for language learning. It is aimed at professors and focuses on the development of advising skills to promote the development of autonomous learning.120 hours
Diploma Course in Advising for autonomous learning
Working together towards student autonomy
This program originated in a research project on autonomy for language learning. It is aimed at professors and focuses on the development of advising skills to promote the development of autonomous learning.120 hours
In-house training for ITESO professors - English
- Upper-intermediate English
- Advanced English
- Writing a Scientific Article in English
- English Medium Instruction
In-house training for ITESO professors - Spanish
Cursos LEO (Lectura, Escritura, y Oralidad) =Reading, Writing, and Speaking in Spanish for academic purposes
El curso provee a los participantes con el conocimiento, habilidades y estrategias de un asesor para el aprendizaje autónomo que le permitirá acompañar a un aprendiente en ambientes fuera del aula en su proceso de desarrollo personal y aprendizaje a través del fomento de la autonomía. A través del curso los participantes trabajaran en desarrollar autoconciencia, paciencia, empatía, autonomía, la escucha, el dialogo y habilidades para el trabajo colaborativo. Los participantes aprenderán también habilidades para la escucha activa, apoyar en el diagnóstico de necesidades, facilitación del aprendizaje y desarrollarán habilidades para la asesoría para el aprendizaje autónomo a través del dialogo reflexivo transformacional (Kato & Mynard, 2015) y el acompañamiento al estilo Ignaciano. Módulos: 1. Metacognición y Autonomía 2. La asesoría para el aprendizaje autónomo en teoría 3. La asesoría para el aprendizaje autónomo en la práctica A lo largo del curso, los participantes trabajarán en una amplia variedad de actividades:
- Actividades de construcción de comunidad
- Actividades de reflexión/análisis/retroalimentación entre pares
- Actividades de trabajo colaborativo
- Discusiones, presentaciones, talleres
- Lectura y discusión de bibliografía relevante
- Escritura de un diario reflexivo
- Grabaciones en audio y video de prácticas de acompañamiento
COE (Comunicación Oral y Escrita) = Spanish for Academic Purposes
All ITESO students must take this 8-credit course in the first or second semester. This course is intended for native speakers of Spanish.
- Blended modality (face to face + online)
- Online
Reading communities
Reading communities that help promote reading for pleasure as well as respectful discussions around a variety of topics.