Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Using your smartphone to find journal articles on CCCU Library Search

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

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Hover over the yellow arrows to find out more.Click on the blue arrows to move forward through the slides and the pink ones to go back a slide.

Accessing journal articles via LibrarySearch on your smartphone

  • Pinch or stretch out two fingers: Zoom in or zoom out (magnify or shrink).
  • Send to printer.
  • Share via email.
  • Converting the PDF to a word document.
These might include:

Reading your article

Now you have found an article to read make sure you familiarise yourself with the short cuts available on your smartphone to enhance your experience.


Having problems?

Contact the i-zone : i-zone@canterbury.ac.uk or library.canterbury@canterbury.ac.uk