Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




Each challenge might involve identifying the correct phrasal verb, matching verbs with their correct particles, or using phrasal verbs in sentences. The goal is to reinforce the participants' knowledge of phrasal verbs in a fun and immersive way, often within a (optional) set time limit to add excitement.

You need to complete this phrasal verbs escape room to have recess

¡Oh, no!

Phrasal verbs

Take up

Put off

Set out

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

He decided to postpone the meeting to next week.


phrasal verbs

Look into

Take back

Get through

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

Can you return the books to the library?


phrasal verbs

Turn down

Look up to

Look into

She researched the company before applying for the job.

Choose the correct phrasal verb:


phrasal verbs

Broke down

Gave up

Ran out

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

The car stopped functioning in the middle of the road.


phrasal verbs

Made up

Gave out

Turned in

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

He invented the story to avoid getting into trouble.


phrasal verbs

Bring up

Get over

Set off

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

Please raise the topic at the next meeting.


phrasal verbs

Give up

Give in

Hold on

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

I'm trying to quit smoking


phrasal verbs

Showed up

Took off

Set up

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

She arrived at the party around 9 PM.


phrasal verbs

Looked after

Brought up

Turned up

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

They took care of their younger siblings while their parents were away.


phrasal verbs

Put up with

Get on with

Run out of

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

He needs to tolerate his colleague's annoying habits.


phrasal verbs

¡You have completed the Phrasal Verbs escape room!



Truquito: La conexión emocional o engagement con tu contenido aumenta cuando consigues que tu clase se identifique con el mensaje que quieres transmitir.

Truquito: La interactividad es la pieza clave para captar el interés y la atención de tus estudiantes. Un genially es interactivo porque tu alumnado explora y se relaciona con él.

¿Sabías que... En Genially encontrarás más de 1.000 plantillas listas para volcar tu contenido y 100% personalizables, que te ayudarán en tus clases?

¡Ojo! En Genially utilizamos AI (Awesome Interactivity) en todos nuestros diseños, para que subas de nivel con interactividad y conviertas tus clases en algo que aporta valor y engancha.

¿Sabías que... Retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve? Es quizá el recurso más efectivo para captar la atención de tu alumnado.


You've completed the escape room

Remember to always try your best!

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