Its a Dogs Life
Sarah Greenlees
Created on September 4, 2024
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The British have always been know as a nation of dog lovers with 10.6 million owning at least 1 dog (Paw Report 2024.) In more recent years the PDSA 2024 PAW report says 42% of dog owners have not owned a dog before as an adult.The Royal Veterinary College Report on pandemic puppies (3 March 2022) anticipated there is s potential cohort of dogs who might have ongoing behavioural issues because of the lack of socialisation. The UK Kennel Club research also indicates a quarter of new owners admit buying a puppy during the Covid-19 pandemic with little research. (17 August 2020).
The project
While 1 in 5 owners who bought a puppy hadn’t considered the long term commitment or responsibility that comes with having a dog.In addition to the issues created by increased dog ownership in UK, there are a huge amount of dog training and pet care resources available on the internet and social media. These resources include videos, articles and group chats, forums and social media accounts where dog owners ask for advice from other members. The purpose of creating learning is to provide a one stop shop for dog owners to access th most up-to-date information about dog training and care.
Th rationale for creating the learning
Professional Diploma in Digital Learning DesignSarah Greenlees
It's a Dog's LifeDigital Learning Experience Design Project
Select each section here
The Rollout Plan
Multimedia Development
Who, what and why
This course has been designed using the ADDIE model:
- Analysis
- Design
- Development
- Implementation
- Evaluation.
This sections looks at the process used to analyse the audience and map out the initial stages of design.This includes:
- Creating the learning personas
- Understanding the challenges with launching the learning
- Defining learning goals
- Setting out the modular framework for the course
- Considering the learning experience.
Part 1
Who, what and why
The Who
What are their goals, drives, learning requirements, barriers to learning and digital preferences?
Understanding our Learners
The Who
The 3 personas below capture types of new dog owner who are likely to source the online dog training. In summary they are:
- Someone with previous experience of dog ownership, but their skills and knowledge are out-of-date or forgotten.
- Someone with no previous experience of dog ownership, who is keen to become the best dog owner they possibly can.
The Personas
After reviewing the personas, the following common trends and considerations were identified for the training design.
Select the info button to review, what our learners want from the learning.
Barriers to learning
Select the info button to review what our learners want to achieve with the learning.
Goals and drivers
Select the info button below to review our learner's lifestyles and current knowledge of dog training.
Who are the learners?
Persona Insights
The Why
Turning business and learner needs into Learning Outcomes
Creating a dog training program will help dog owners develop better relationships with their pets and build their own confidence. The programme will ensure that both the owner and the dog have a structured and effective learning experience, that builds a bond between them. The online resources provide her with accessible, step-by-step guides learners can follow at their own pace. Additionally, online tutorials and forums will help the dog owners build confidence in their training abilities without the pressure of an in-person setting.Online dog training also offers owners the flexibility to fit training sessions into a busy schedule. They are convenient and can be accessed from a number of different devices. The online learning offers focused training modules to help pet owners manage their dog’s behaviour efficiently without making too many lifestyle adjustments.
The why
Business needs
Our learning personas have indicated that the target audience for this learning have little or no experience with dog training. The proposed solution will be able develop a basic knowledge of what is required to keep a dog healthy and safe. This is in line with Bloom's Taxonomy Level 1.The target for this learning is for participants to understand how the learning supports them and their dog and avoid any potential issues further down the line. This is aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy Level 2.They will be encouraged to practice training techniques, understand basic nutrition and healthcare to make their lives easier and build a bond with their dog. This is aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy Level 3.
The why
Learning gap
By the end of the programme dog owners will develop better relationships with their pets and build their own confidence. The programme will ensure that both the owner and the dog have a structured and effective learning experience, that builds a bond between them.
The why
The purpose of the learning
The What
A top-down approach was used to construct the modular framework. Using this approach means each of the learning outcomes in The Why section is linked to a specific module. The modules identify which outcomes will be achieved as learners complete each module.
Modular Framework
The what
The title of the learning will be It’s a Dog’s Life. The first part of the learning will be instructions on how to navigate the site and what to expect. Before leaners have access to the modules, they’ll be invited to complete a questionnaire (polling) which will identify modules they could prioritise based on their learning preferences. The questionnaire isn’t mandatory. The next 6 pages show you the lessons that will sit under each module.
Content map
The learning outcomes were written using SMART objectives. The target level for Bloom's Taxonomy has also been identified for each outcome.By completing the programme dog owners will:
- Be able to use 4 basic commands (Specific) successfully with their dog (Measurable) by practicing at home (Achievable) to manage behaviour around you and other dogs (Relevant) within 3 weeks of the learning. (Timebound) Bloom's L3 – Apply.
- Understand how dogs communicate and what is appropriate social behaviours in different environments with other dogs within 3 weeks of completing the learning. Bloom's L2 – Understand.
- Learn about basic dog health, to ensure your dog stays fit and health in time for your next Vet visit. Bloom's L2 – Understand.
- By the time your new puppy arrives, you will know how to welcome a them into your home and how to toilet train, crate train, learn basic commands and socialise them. Bloom's L2 – Understand.
- Understand the essential nutrients required for a dog's health, how nutritional needs can vary among different breeds and sizes of dogs, as well as foods to avoid. Bloom's L3 – Apply.
- Correctly use various grooming tools for different grooming tasks on your dog before their next grooming session. Bloom's L3 - Apply.
The why
Learning outcomes
Modular Framework
Below are the 6 modules, which link directly to the learning outcomes Select the + on each to title to reveal the corresponding learning outcome.
Nutrition and supplements
Dog psychology and behaviour
Basic Obedience
The What
Identifying core themes to develop lesson content.
Using learning outcomes to shape course content
Select the + to see the learning outcome.
Basic Obedience
Stop! Asking your dog to stand still.
Leave and Give Asking you dog to leave things or allow you to take items from their mouth.
Recall Making sure your dog comes back to you whenever you ask.
Sit and Stay Basic commands to keep your dog safe.
Content Map
Select the + to see the learning outcome.
When you should visit a Vet Describing the most common reasons dogs visit the Vet.
Regular treatments Looking at what regular medications your dog needs to keep them healthy.
Immunisations What vaccines are available for your dog in the UK and what do they do.
Content Map
Select the + to see the learning outcome.
Dog psychology and behaviour
Toilet training Addressing toileting issues with your dog.
Meeting people How to introduce your dog to other people in a way that doesn’t over excite them or make them nervous.
Introducing your dog to different settings How to introduce your dogs to different settings. What settings are beneficial for your dog?
Meeting other dogs The do’s and don’ts of meeting other dogs at training sessions and when you’re out and about.
Content Map
Select the + to see the learning outcome.
Sleeping and Crate Training Looking at crate training and dog beds.
Toys Reviewing the toys on the market and which are best for your dog. .
Walking and training Looking at, leads, collars, harnesses and e-collars and other training equipment.
Food The different food and equipment available to feed your puppy.
Content Map
Select the + to see the learning outcome.
Nutrition and supplements
Tailoring your dog’s diet Reviewing the different types of dog food available today.
Foods to avoid Foods that are dangerous for dogs. .
Your dog’s needs How nutritional needs can vary among different breeds and sizes of dogs.
Basic nutrition What type of food and treats your dog needs to be happy and healthy.
Content Map
Select the + to see the learning outcome.
Groomers When should you take your dog to the groomers?
Grooming toolsA review of the different tools for dog grooming.
Coat types The different dog coat types and their grooming needs.
Content Map
The how
As a freelance designer, I would like to offer a multimedia learning package for dog care and resources, that could be used by organisations like a charities, Vets, societies or dog training companies who provide the learning. All of the potential clients will use their own branding. The learning will be Digital Asynchronous and designed to complete at the learner’s own pace. They can prioritise the modules in the order which suit them.It could also be used as a stand-alone learning aid accessed by an online login or linked to a app.
Mode of Delivery
The How
Deciding on the delivery formats that will make an engaging digital learning experience.
Turning the content map into learning.
- Quizzes
- Polling
- Multimedia eLearning
- Podcasts
- Infographics
- Instructional videos
Assesment and Feedback
The how
There will be 3 delivery formats used to build the solution.These are outlined here, with the types of content used for each bulding block.
Building blocks
The how
To creat an engaging learning experience It's a Dog Life will follow the Network Flow Model. This is because it allows learners to explore the different modules and select the order they want to complete them.As the learners have requested access to course, they will be highly motivated to take ownership of their own learning.Network Flow provides an informal and flexible approach to learning experience design. There is no single learning pathway, it's down to the individuals to decide how they want to learn.
Course Flow
The How
The first part of the Learning will be instructions on how to navigate the site and what to expect. Before Learners have access to the modules, they’ll be invited to complete a questionnaire (polling) which will identify modules they might like to prioritise based on their learning preferences. The questionnaire isn’t mandatory.As this course is completed at the learner’s own pace, I’ve included the expected individual times for completing each module.
Learning pathway
ConclusionThe analysis stage is key in being able to design an engaging and robust piece of digital learning. The learning personas create a learner requirement, which meant a clear pathway could be created.
The HowIt was good to consider the course flow and map out the learning pathway. I liked having the visual representation to hand when moving onto looking at the design process in in part 2.
The WhatCreating the modular framework enabled me to map out the entire learning programme with real clarity. This helped break down the overall learning outcomes into clear module sections. It also helped define what learning assets, were needed for a successful programme.
The WhyWorking through this section it was clear to see the importance of separating the business need and the learning gap. Thinking about business need made me consider whether the project is commercially viable, as well as a good learner experience.Applying Blooms Taxonomy helped define learning outcomes, by considering a target level for each one from the framework. It was also a reminder about the importance of forming SMART objectives in creating clear learning objectives.
Reflective commentary for part 1
Using the learning personas was invaluable to me. This was because I’d never created learning for dog owners before. The personas are key in understanding the main goals and drivers for the learning as well as considering the possible barriers of digital learning to such a wide-ranging audience.
PDSA PAW Report 2023, viewed May 2024 PAW Report 2024, viewed May 2024 Veterinary College Report, March 2022, viewed May 2024 Kennel Club Research, August 2020, viewed May 2024 Rise Of Online Learning, viewed May 2024 Diploma in Digital Learning Design (DLI), 2024:Module 1 - Digital Learning Fundamentals, Module 2 Design Principles, Module 3: Learning Experience (LX) DesignDigital Learning Institute, 2024, Exemplar 1, viewed July 2024.Digital Learning Institute, 2023, Exemplar 2, viewed July 2024.
Here we're going to look at the design and development of one of the multimedia modules, which was based on the analysis of the information in the learner personas.The development the module will be our prototype and will cover the following elements of the design process.
- Scoping
- Wireframe
- Screen plan
- Storyboard and script
Part 2
Multimedia Development
The design process
To demonstrate how the learning package works as a whole. The development of the prototype will be of the landing page for Module 1 - Basic Obedience.This format has been chosen as it demonstrates the easy-to-use layout for the entire e-learning and shows that learners can 'pick and choose' what videos or resources they want to use for each module and in what order.Developing the prototype in this way, enabled the designer to consider how the learner will navigate through the whole module when it's fully developed.It also gave the designer the opportunity experiment with different ways of adding the videos and what to consider in regards video quality and file size.
Developing the protoype.
Target audience
Learning objectives
- The overall purpose of module 1 is to teach basic commands to help keep your dog safe and also build a bond with them while you train together.
- Someone with previous experience of dog ownership, but their skills and knowledge are out-of-date or forgotten.
- Someone with no previous experience of dog ownership, who is keen to become the best dog owner they possibly can.
The scoping phase is used to review the learning personas and map out the specific learning objectives, that are aligned with the original learning personas for our target audience. Here you can see the target audience and learning objectives for the module one landing page.
Developing the prototype.
Leave and Give
Sit and Stay
Basic Obedience
Module 1
Topics and sections
instructional video
Instructional video
leave and give
Instructional video
Instructional video
sit and stay
Module One
Basic obedience
This Wireframe shows the pathway of the prototype. It also shows how the rest of the content flows. The prototype screens being developed are coloured. The rest are greyed out.
The Wireframe
Select the yellow icon on each of the prototype screens to see the screen plan.
The Screenplan
Select the yellow icon on each of the prototype screens to see the storyboard.
The Storyboard
Select the link button below to access a demo of the prototype in Articulate Review 360. .
Conclusion It’s easy to neglect the scoping / design stage and go from analysis straight to development, especially if you’re under time pressure. Completing the scoping and design stage in detail has taught me the value of spending time on it. As well as providing a clear route through the learning with a Wireframe, it’s taught me time spent in this stage gives an accurate development plan and saves time in the long run.
Screen Plan and Storyboard Once the wireframe was created, it was easy to overlay the screen plan and storyboard. Again, in my role as a designer, I’ve not spent as much time on this part of the planning stage before. However, I can really see the value of doing this activity. It saves time at the build stage and prevents the learning solution design growing organically and becoming confusing for the learner. Identifying the screens and the content also allows you to effectively plan how long it will take to develop the whole learning solution.
The WireframeThis is the first time I’ve created a wireframe for a whole learning solution. Initially, I was dubious about the value of spending so much time on an activity that wasn’t designing the learning content. After completing it, I could really see how mapping out the whole solution like this saves time and errors at the design stage. For example, in the prototype I could easily see the screen flow needed for the learner to navigate through the solution, while ensuring all the key elements of learning are captured.
Reflective Commentary for part 2
ScopingThis is where the detail from the learning personas helped identify a target audience and create robust learning objectives for the prototype. Identifying the topics and sections at a high level, helped map out the structure of the whole learning solution.
Professional Diploma in Digital Learning Design (DLI), (2024) Module 4: Multimedia eLearning Design Digital Learning Institute, 2024, Exemplar 1, viewed July 2024.Digital Learning Institute, 2023, Exemplar 2, viewed July 2024.
This section outlines the key elements required for developing the implementation plan.
- The learning platform
- Who is involved
- The stages of the go live plan
- Learning marketing
Part 3
The rollout plan
The rollout plan
The goal for this learning is for it to be sold as an ‘off the shelf’ learning package that could be used by Vets animal charities or other organisations caring for the welfare of dogs. Its been designed so it can be customised with the organisation's branding or logo. This would mean it would be hosted on a number of different will then be up to each organisation who receives the learning to give their own customers access to the learning through own websites and manage actions like creating user profiles or providing access to the learning.
Who will it be rolled out to?
Because the learning will be launched from clients websites, I would recommend using a CMS type Learning platform. To ensure smooth launch of the training, I as the designer would work with the clients in house website managers and other key stakeholders in each organization to launch the learning.Select each buttons to find out more about the features, advantages, and considerations for this implementation approach.
The rollout Plan
The learning platform
Implementation stages
The plan below talks through the suggested roll out plan for each organisation and who would be responsible at each stage.
Before during and after the rollout
Before the rollout
After the rollout
During the rollout
Instructional Designer
Project Manager
Client Marketing
Website Administrator
Responsible for adding the learning content to the clients website and ensuring all technical and security requirements are met.
Responsible for marketing the course to their end customers.
Oversee the coordination of final activities before going live.
Designs the course and manages the content.Provides consultation and technical guidance.
The rollout plan
Because we are launching the learning to organisations who will in turn, launch it to their own clients, the following people will be required for the successful implementation. All of the roles would be in-house at the client organisation apart from the Instructional Designer who is independent.
Who will be involved
The rollout plan
The client's own marketing team are responsible for their own tailored tailored marketing plan. The following marketing strategies will be recommended to the client as part of the rollout. Select each buttons to find out more.
Learning marketing
Social Media
Teaser video
Conclusion For this learning solution to be launched effectively in any organisation, the rollout plan and marketing strategy has to be clear and simple. This means it could be tailored for each prospective client. It also means the marketing tasks are assigned to someone who is accountable for them.
Learning MarketingHaving an effective marketing strategy that could be utilised by any organisation was at the forefront when thinking about the approach. This included providing marketing templates to the client organisation for the different channels like social media and email (nudging). It will save time for their own marketing team and it’s also be a selling point when talking to a prospective client about the learning.
Reflective commentary for part 3
The Rollout PlanBecause the learning solution will be sold to different organisations and run from their websites, there had to be real consideration for the technical aspect of the rollout plan. The overall recommendation is to have a CMS platform with an LMS plug-in. This would work for the vast majority of target client websites, as animal charities and dog welfare organisations are unlikely to have an LMS on their main website.As this solution could be launched to a number of organisations simultaneously, it was important to have a clear and simple rollout plan, so responsibilities could be assigned to people in the client organisation. This makes people accountable for the activities that will make the training launch successful.
Select the buttons to find out more.
Final Rollout
Training and Support
Soft launch
The launch of the learning with each client will take place in 3 phases
The rollout plan
Professional Diploma in Digital Learning Design (DLI), (2024) Module 10: Rollout & Universal Design, viewed August 2024What is a CMS for eLearning? The Ultimate Guide, viewed August 2024Digital Learning Institute, 2024, Exemplar 1, viewed July 2024.Digital Learning Institute, 2023, Exemplar 2, viewed July 2024.
This sectionexplores the evalution models and frameworks used to evaulate the learning.
Part 4
Outcome Based
Goal Based
The Evaluation Plan
How the learning impact will be measured.
There are three types of evaluation used for the Digital Learning Experience (DLX).
Process Based
Questionnaire 2
Questionnaire 1
Kirkpatrick's model of evaluation will be used for this learning package. It allows the client organisation to evaluate the learning from immediate reactions to longer term behaviour changes in the dog and owner. It's the most recognised evaluation model used for learning and easy to explain to clients. The data for Kirkpatrick's levels 1 to 3 will be collected by using 2 questionnaires. Select the buttons below to find out more. The impact of learning, Kirkpatrick level 4, will be defined by the client organisation, depending on the reason they launched the training on their website.
The evaluation model
Kirkpatrick levels of evaluation
UX evaluation
UCDL Honeycomb Checklist
To evaluate the user experience of the course, the UCDL Honeycomb model from Waterloo University will be used. It focuses on six key principles:
- Useful
- Desirable
- Accessible
- Credible
- Findable
- Usable
Evaluating the design of the course
UDL evaluation
UDL Checklist
This is a tool for the evaluation of digital learning. It will be implemented to assess the course against UDL principles. The three considerations are:EngagementEngaging learners in multiple ways.RepresentationProviding multiple ways of displaying the content and allowing the learners to access based on their own needs. Action and ExpressionEnabling all learners to attempt assessment in a flexible way, adjusted to their needs.Select the button below to see the Checklist.
Evaluating the digital learning
Data Monitoring
Level 1 Reaction
Data Source
The following process will be recommend to each client when collecting the learning analytics.
Learning analytics
Collecting data about the learning
Learning AnalyticsThe collection of evaluation data will provide vital information about how the learners felt about the course and how well it was utilised. It will also establish if the client's goals for launching the learning have been met.
Conclusion Evaluation is more that collecting learners reactions (Kirkpatrick Leve 1). This process has taught me that evaluating the user experience and usability is also key to a successful learning solution.
UX and UDL EvaluationThe additional rigour of evaluating the user experience, using the UCDL Honeycomb ensures the learners are at the centre of the design process. The UDL Checklist also provides an insight to the usability and flexibility of the learning. This is not something I've done before, but will certainly include it in my design projects moving forward.
Outcomes and GoalsAs it's the most well known evaluation model, Kirkpatrick was used to assess the outcome-based learning from levels 1 to 3. Considering this learning could be launched by a number of different organisations, a generic level 4 evaluation would be difficult to assess. Each client would have to establish clear goals to measure against.
Reflective commentary for part 4
In my previous learning projects, I’d only completed outcome-based evaluation based on Kirkpatrick’s model. Evaluating all aspects of the learning programme, provides a holistic view of the learning’s impact.
Professional Diploma in Digital Learning Design (DLI), (2024) Module 11: Evaluation & Learning Analytics, viewed August 2024What is the Kirkpatrick Model, viewed October 2024Digital Learning Institute, 2024, Exemplar 1, viewed July 2024.Digital Learning Institute, 2023, Exemplar 2, viewed July 2024.
While completing this project I've learnt how learning personas help you to understand your audience, particularly if they're not a group of people you've created learning for previously. Frameworks like Bloom's Taxonomy have enabled me to identify clear objectives for the learning. It's also identified the skill level the learner should achieve after the learning. I can see how the ADDIE design process, helps to break down the macro and micro stages of the learning design, while finding a clearer pathway for the solution. Putting all of these pieces together, helps create digital learning that provides a great experience for each and every learner.
Be able to use 4 basic commands successfully with their dog by practicing at home to manage behaviour around you and other dogs within 3 weeks of the learning.
- It allows you to manage, and organise the learning in one place, making it easier to update and maintain. Students can access learning materials anytime and from anywhere, which provides flexibility and supports the needs of our audience.
- In addition to the learning, CMS platforms can also offer tools for collaboration, such as discussion forums, that some clients might want to implement to support the learning.
- CMS platforms often include features that allow for personalised learning experiences, such as customised content based on individual preferences.
- Organisations can track student progress and performance through built-in analytics, helping them identify which learning modules are most popular.
- CMS platforms can integrate with other tools, like video conferencing, assessment tools, and external content libraries, providing a comprehensive learning environment.
- In summary a CMS streamlines the process of delivering and managing online education, making it more efficient and effective for both educators and students.
A set of email marketing templates will be set up for clients to use when promoting the course on their mailing lists or social media.
- A Content Management System (CMS) enables organizations to create, manage, and modify website content with ease, even without in-depth technical expertise.
- These systems offer tools for organizing educational materials and support diverse content types, including videos, audio files, and interactive learning experiences.
- Additionally, they feature analytics and reporting tools to monitor learner progress, content engagement, and the overall impact of the educational content.
Soft Launch
Volunteers from the client organisation will take part in a pilot test of the course on the CMS and provide feedback. They will receive email instructions on how to access and use the platform. The pilot will focus on evaluating the module’s content where learners can complete it at their own pace.
Goals and drivers
These are based on making the right decisions for them and their dog.
- To understand dog breeds to help chose the right type of dog for their circumstances
- Learning modern dog training methods
- To have the right equipment for their dog training journey
- Understand modern dog nutrition
- Understand what Veterinary treatment is required
- Learn about dog psychology.
The checklist to measure learner engagement and experience.
Level 1 - Reaction
Select the image to right to view the checklist.
UDL Checklist
The data will be monitored by the the client and shared with the designer. The insights from the data will reveal the preferences of the learner and the usability of the course.
Data monitoring and Insights
Before the rollout
Content Management System
The data will be taken from the client's CMS. This means functionality will vary depending on the LMS plug in they use.
Data Source
Learn about basic dog health, to ensure your dog stays fit and healthy in time for your next visit to the Vet.
After launching the learning package
As this course is learner led, feedback will be collected via a questionnaire which will be emailed out to them after they have completed the course and again a month after. We would follow Kirkpatrick levels 1, 2 and 3 to develop the questions for the 2 questionnaires. We would also liaise with each organisation to create a tailored version of the questionnaire. The data from completed questionnaires will be shared with the designer and key stakeholders in the organisation. To measure engagement, website metrics can be used to identify how often resources are accessed by users and which parts of the learning package proved most popular. These metrics will be monitored weekly by the web developer.
Outcome based
Final Rollout
After everything has been thoroughly user tested, the marketing manager will advertise the learning to the client's customer base. The client may wish to charge for the course. If that's the case, they are responsible for taking payments. The Web Administrator, will give learners access to the course on the CMS. They will ensure the learners data is kept in line with GDPR regulation. The Web administrator also responds to any request for support from the learners. The project manager and marketing manager will monitor the rollout.
Correctly use various grooming tools for different grooming tasks on your dog before their next grooming session.
Barriers to learning
The personas have identified the learning will need address the following barriers. Access to technology
- All learners can access online learning, but have different preferences for the type of device they will use. For example, laptop, phone, tablet.
- Not all learners are able to commit to regular time slots for learning, so a flexible programme is required.
- Learning curated into a logical order and in line with modern dog training methods.
Understand how dogs communicate and what are appropriate social behaviours in different environments with other dogs within 3 weeks of completing the learning.
During the rollout
The client will decide how they want to action the results in their own organisation. The designer will also take away the evaluation results from each implementation to improve future versions of the course.
These can be added to the client's website or added to any emails and social media posts used to market the course.
After launching the learning package
Here feedback is collected from the client organisation on how the design process (ADDIE) went. This can be done through questionnaires and facilitation meetings with the client. Any learnings can be carried forward to future implementations of the learning package.
Process based
Understand how dogs communicate and what are appropriate social behaviours in different environments with other dogs within 3 weeks of completing the learning.
By the time your new puppy arrives, you will know how to welcome a them into your home and how to toilet train, crate train, learn basic commands and socialise them.
Understand the essential nutrients required for a dog's health, how nutritional needs can vary among different breeds and sizes of dogs, as well as foods to avoid.
The first questionnaire sent out straight after the learning. It will capture Kirkpatrick's level 1 and 2 evaluation:Level 1 - Reaction: Gauges participants' immediate reactions to the training, such as their engagement and satisfaction.Level 2 - Learning:This involves measuring changes in knowledge, skills, and attitudes resulting from the training.
Reaction and Learning
The client organisation can use their own social media platforms to market the course. This might include:
- Posting the teaser video
- Providing launch information for the course
- Adding hashtags to the posts, so they're picked up in searches.
Social Media
Training and Support
Volunteers will be encouraged to use the FAQs section as well as raise a query via the web form. The Project Manager will monitor the queries and Web Administrator will mange any technical queries and monitor the analytics to spot any trends. They will identify any technical issues with the learning and feedback to the Instructional Designer with a view to getting them fixed.
After launching the learning
This is focused on the client’s goals when releasing the learning on their website to users. The goal based evaluation will be done in a facilitated post implementation meeting. Select the image to right to view the checklist.
UCDL Honeycomb checklist
Correctly use various grooming tools for different grooming tasks on your dog before their next grooming session.
After the rollout
Learner requirements
Home situation
- All learners spend time in the home, either working or retired.
- All learners have access to a device to access digital learning.
- Two personas are aware of social media and can use search engines.
- Two of the personas have experience with digital learning, one persona doesn't.
- All learners have a desire to learn about modern dog training techniques.
Be able to use 4 basic commands successfully with their dog by practicing at home to manage behaviour around you and other dogs within 3 weeks of the learning.
The second questionnaire will be sent to out to learners after a month of completing the learning. It will examine how well participants apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios. It looks at whether the training has led to meaningful changes in behaviour or performance.
After launching the learning package.
This is focused on the client’s goals when releasing the learning on their website to users. The goal based evaluation will be done in a facilitated post implementation meeting.
Goal based
Teaser videos will be created to post on the clients social media. They will emphasise the benefits of training your dog and showcase how easy the learning is to use.
Teaser videos
By the time your new puppy arrives, you will know how to welcome a them into your home and how to toilet train, crate train, learn basic commands and socialise them.
- While there are other CMS platforms the most popular one is Wordpress. This means each client implementations would have to be approached on a case-by-case basis.
- To ensure online learning modules can be released onto a client's website, an LMS plug-in would need to be added to the CMS enabling course enrolments and to the launch learning. The requirements for the plug-in along with any cost implications would need to be discussed with each client. The plug-in would also need to be thoroughly tested prior to the go live date.
- Depending on the functionality of the plug-in, we would need to consider how to publish the Articulate file. for example, would it needed to be published as a SCORM or Non-SCORM file.
- The CMS will need to be able to manage the projected the number of users or the amount of content.
- Protecting the end users of the learner's data is paramount. The CMS platform used for the learning must have robust security measures in place to safeguard sensitive information.
- The end client purchasing the learning must consider the total cost of ownership, including licensing fees, maintenance, and any additional costs for features or plug-ins.
- Check feedback from the end users to ensure the user experience to ensure the CMS is performing to expectation.
Understand the essential nutrients required for a dog's health, how nutritional needs can vary among different breeds and sizes of dogs, as well as foods to avoid.
Learn about basic dog health, to ensure your dog stays fit and healthy in time for your next visit to the Vet.
Be able to use 4 basic commands successfully with their dog by practicing at home to manage behaviour around you and other dogs within 3 weeks of the learning.