Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Escape room

Shared Kitchen

You need to make 1,000 cookies for your nephew's birthday party in one week.You have found the CoMo Cooks Shared Kitchen from a quick Google search.You have no clue where to start so you talk to Manager Trish Siekmann for help!

Oh no! Trish is running late to the meeting. She found five kittens running around on the road and had to save them.She mentions that there are notes on how to get started at CoMo Cooks Shared Kitchen that can help you until she gets back.

Search for the note in the kitchen

This step must be done in...


The foodis burning!

Pick a business name

Pick somewhere to sell

Pick your kitchen space

Pick your membership



This step must be done in...

The foodis burning!

Pick somewhere to sell

Pick a business name

Pick your kitchen space

Pick your membership



You have decided you do want to start your own small business! What should be the process in finding a business name?

The foodis burning!


This step must be done in...

The foodis burning!

Pick somewhere to sell

Pick a business name

Pick your kitchen space

Pick your membership



The foodis burning!


The foodis burning!

This step must be done in...


The foodis burning!

Pick somewhere to sell

Pick a business name

Pick your kitchen space

Pick your membership


You have gone through all the notes just in time for Trish's arrival all while making a batch of your famous chocolate chip cookies for her to try. Now you can make the cookies for your nephew and take on the world with your new business!


  • https://www.voxmagazine.com/food/como-cooks-shared-kitchen-community/article_a5ef2980-0a98-11ef-bf18-b312b88b9e0d.html
  • https://www.thebiscuitcenter.com/
  • https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vecteezy.com%2Fphoto%2F30684278-cookies-2d-vector-illustration-cartoon-in-white-background&psig=AOvVaw3mc_ghxTntOjtLtYKjFz7R&ust=1725482863227000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCIiL7tvSp4gDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ

Pick a business name

Pick somewhere to sell

Pick your kitchen space

Pick your membership

To do:

Welcome to this shared space! We have over 30 different cooks and would love to have you. Never too many cooks in the kitchen! Here we welcome anyone starting up their small business that couldn't afford it before. We are happy to provide resouces such as commercial kitchen equipment, as well as a sense of community. Start cooking up something delicious while you think of the next things you have to do!