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Motivational Video

Resourcesof interest

What arewe going to need

Formative & Summative Assessment

How are we going to learn


What weare goingto learn

Who am I?

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SPE1057/8154 & EDU2011 Module Guide 24/25

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Formative Assessment

  • No formal submissions with feedback
  • Video observation tasks
  • Quizzes to test your knowledge/understanding
Summative Assessment
  • All cohorts are required to complete a child study which is 100% of the mark for this module. This is a 3500 word assignment.
  • You will recieve more information in Week 6: How to do a child study lecture
  • There will be a detailed Assessment Handbok on Canvas
  • Speech students will collect data/visit a child EDU2011 students will use videos
  • For EDU2011 this is due in March For SPE8154/1057 this is due in May see Canvas.

Formative & summative Assessment


There are three learning tools you can utilise within this module. Links to these are embedded within Canvas.Padlet - A course Padlet has been set up. Padlet is an online visual catalogue of various resources to support your learning on this module you can go here to do additional reading on a topic. Siren Films - Siren Films have an online video library of short video clips all in relation to child development, specific theories, areas of play, and learning strategies. These will be used in the lecture and details on how you can access will be provided on Canvas.BBC Tiny Happy People - Accessible and comprehensive information on child development - for further research.

Interesting resources

Siren Films

BBC Tiny Happy People

Workshop Learn how to use MIMo language analysis software Indpendent Learning

  • Use the additional resources like Padlet
  • and the recommended reading to further your knowledge
  • Complete the formative quizzes to test your knowledge

Interactive Lectures Interactive lectures include at least one opportunity for students to interact actively and directly with the material through a specific learning task.

  • Use of videos to practise our skills of observation.
  • Surveys to gauge opinion

How are we going to learn?

Welcome to Child Development. This module is a chance to study in-depth the typical development of the human child which will give you an excellent foundation for your further studies; to be able to recognise atypical development more easily, both in speech and language and education.

Module LeaderLecturer & Speech and Language Therapist

Dr Sarah Barnett

Other module Contributors

Nick Riches Senior LecturerMiMo Language Analysis Worshops Sophie SampfordLecturer & speech and Language TherapistWeeks 1-11 Speech & Language Aquisition

Drop in hour Mon 12-1pm Room KGVI 1:10

You will find a detailed roadmap with the weekly topics and the associated recommended reading on Canvas. See also the calendar in this interactive guide for a month by month and week by week overview of what we will learn.The main aims of the lectures are to: 1) Outline the stages and processes in the development of the child and examine factors that influence the course of development. 2) Examine the social contexts of early child development and communication. 3) Provide an introduction to children's speech and language development. 4) Provide an opportunity to observe and interact with typically-developing children and evaluate children's language, social, cognitive and motor development.

What are we going to learn?

Willingness, enthusiasm, a strong desire to learn

  • It will also be useful to have a device to enage in the interactive elements of the lecture like surveys and polls. If this will be a problem let me know!
  • Please do not have your mobile phones out otherwise.
  • Feel free to have laptops open to make your notes/engage as needed but please demonstare active listening/engagement where you can.

A good attitude and that is about it! But if you are a speech student you might want to start thinking about finding a child for your child study. They should be between 1:6 -4;6 at the time of observation and have at least some language. If you can't find one don't worry Sarah will help!

What are we going to need?