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Changed your mind

Gender Roles


In my personal experience, being bisexual, but with the male gender is a very heavy burden, that in many cases we do not know how to cope with the situation and we tend to keep silent each of the pains that we carry and live.

What is ?





As a role that has been imposed on us bisexuals, it goes like closet gays, indecisive, effeminate in many cases, which is not bad, but not all of us are like that, besides, that we are going to be alone, that we like pure sex and that we will never be able to have a happy life.

Gener roles


Rejection from the same community




Forgotten end

My experience

We are not confused people, we do not have a contagious disease, we do not have to change our way of being and appearance, we are not rare people. We are people who feel, who love, who can be good friends, children or partners, remember that we are human and we are willing to be with you in good times and in bad times.


Eating problemsDepression Anxiety Loneliness In some cases, suicide



This is the most difficult process, since we refuse to be against the ideals of the family and society, we try to fit in no matter what, we keep things quiet and minimize our feelings.

The LGBTQ+ community itself rejects our orientation, as they tell us that they cannot be with someone who is confused, that we must have a pretty face, an athletic body, an established role in sexual acts and that we will never find a stable partner.

Rejection from the same community