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Collaboration in the classroom

Think-Pair-Share.- Low effort and low task and the students work alone.

Small Group Discussions- The students interact with each other to learn and teach each other

Jigsaw Strategy- this strategy helps the students to understand and retain the informationGoogle classroom will be one of the technologies that will be used in the classroom as a collaboration. This Will help the students engage with other kids across the world virtually.

How the sutdents will engage in self reflection.The Students will set their own goals.We will have morning meetings so we can talk about things that does not have to do with schoolI will allow them to write in a journal evey day this will allow them to work on there goals and write their thoughts down.

Different learning styles are as follows:

  • Facilitaor- Active style ,and promotes self learning and critical thinking.
  • Demonstrator-Coach style and includes visuals.
  • Authority- Teacher centered and one way presentations
The ways I plan to teach students with diverse needs.
  • Teach lessons in different ways
  • Provide chores to students to keep them engaged
  • Provide acconidaions for all students

Name Surname

Reference Teachers Strategy (2019)Social and emotional learning(2019)https://www.edutopia.org/article/ensuring-instruction-inclusive-diverse-learnersLearnig theories(: Five theories of learning in education(2024)https://www.nu.edu/blog/theories-of-learning/Comparing virtual learning to in -person learning(September 19, 2023)alespin.com/reading/comparing-virtual-learning-and-in-person-learning

There are a few ways the children can learn and they are as follows. The first one is virtual this is used by using a laptop or comupter and you may have to log into the classroom. Then there is In person and this is the face to face and the most traditional style of learning. The other is Hybrid this is similar to virtual but with this one you can either be on line or even go in class room and be in person if you need to.

Welocme to Mrs. Beverly's class room.In this brocuhure is some information that will let you know a little about how you child will be taught in my class. You will find informaiton about different learning styles.The strategies I will use for your childs self-reflection.Collaboration in the classroom.