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- Turn off lights, computers, and other electronics when not in use. - Install energy-efficient LED bulbs and smart power strips.



1. Reduce Energy Consumption:

- Implement a recycling program for paper, plastic, glass, and metal. - Reduce paper usage by switching to digital documents and communications

2. Conserve Water and Reduce Waste:

- Encourage walking, biking, or carpooling to school.- Install bike racks and provide incentives for students who use eco-friendly transportation.

3. Promote Sustainable Transportation and Green Spaces:

actios we can do in our school to combat the green house efect

The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is one of the things that makes Earth a comfortable place to live. A greenhouse stays warm inside, even during the winter. In the daytime, sunlight shines into the greenhouse and warms the plants and air inside.

What is the green house effect, how thoes it work ?

Result of the green house effect

Team: Jose Ignacio, Dan Alejandre, Maria Jose, Alexa Barbosa .



As a result, the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is boosted and it alters our planet’s climate, leading to shifts in snow and rainfall patterns, a rise in average temperatures and more extreme climate events such as heatwaves and floods.