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english staff meetingtuesday, september 3rd, 2024.


General Information

  1. Reminders from General Coordination: check in time 7 a.m (WS I+ II) 7:30 a.m (CH)
    1. Make sure to keep kitchen clean/in order (activities)
  2. WS I + II: Rol and Schedule for Sports Workshop (afternoon Tuesday-Thursday)
  3. Attendance lists (?) - names/ss on trial
  4. Topic Biology: What is a natural phenomenon?
  5. Participate 2 + 2 - PROMESA
  6. Check dates in which your guides will talk to parents (auditorium) - cover group with Assistant (plan independent activities for SS)
  7. WS I + II: check diagnostics in lp folder (audio, test, answer key, speaking rubric, grade format)
    1. Apply Sept. 10, 11, 12

Important Dates/Events

  • Logistic Independence Day
    • Flag (Escolta)
    • WSII
    • WSI
    • CH
    • Infant C.
  • Starts at 1:15 p.m *once the event is finished - check out
  • CTE (information by whatsapp)
  • Milton books - ask your guide to text parents by Friday (SS who already purchased book)
  • September 4th Camp Reunion (7:45 a.m)