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Eagles can see up to five times better than humans, allowing them to spot prey from great heights.

Ants can lift up to 50 times their own weight.

Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues

Electric eels can produce shocks of up to 600 volts to hunt or defend themselves.

  • Bees can communicate with each other through a special dance.

A dog's sense of smell is up to 100,000 times more acute than that of humans.

  • Sharks have no bones, only cartilage.

Giraffes sleep only 4-6 hours a day, usually standing up.

Dolphins usually don't have siblings,as pairs typically have only one offspring.


Starfish don't have a brain

Bears can hibernate for up to 7 months without eating or drinking

These insects have their sense of taste in their feet! There are about 15,000 taste buds located there.


Octopus: Each tentacle has around 40 million receptors, mainly on the edges of the suckers, allowing them to feel and detect chemicals

use their whiskers to measure distances and orient themselves


Blue-ringed octopus: This small octopus, measuring around 20 cm, has an extremely potent venom that can paralyze a human in minutes. Despite its size, it is one of the most dangerous animals in the ocean

Rats can emit sounds similar to laughter when they are playful or feel happy. These sounds are high-frequency and are not audible to the human ear without specialized equipment.

Elephants: have an impressive memory. They can remember the location of water sources and other resources for years, and even recognize other elephants and people after a long time.

Starfish have the ability to regenerate their arms if they lose them. In some cases, a single starfish can regenerate a whole new organism from a detached arm.

Owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees, allowing them to observe their surroundings without moving their bodies. This is possible due to the unique structure of their cervical vertebrae.

20% of this bird's brain mass is lost during the winter.


Fun facts about animals

Today, we're diving into the amazing world of animals. From the tiniest insects to the largest mammals, the animal kingdom is full of incredible surprises.