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Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE): These are serious postoperative complications, with PE being the leading cause of death related to PS, accounting for 57% of these deaths.Local Anesthetic (LA) Toxicity: Excessive systemic absorption can cause symptoms ranging from perioral paresthesias to cardiopulmonary collapse.Mortality:Despite being elective, PS is not without risks. The lowest reported mortality rate is 2 per 100,000 procedures. Surgeries combined with obstetric procedures, such as abdominoplasty during a cesarean section, have the highest mortality rates.


Health regulation aims to prevent health risks and promote practices that positively impact both individual and public health. To achieve this, the following points are essential:

Accreditation of Establishments: This process ensures quality by evaluating the capacity, safety, and quality in medical centers providing health services, including those listed in the Universal Health Services Catalog and other protection programs.Mexican Official Standards (NOMs): These standards regulate the provision of medical and social assistance services, covering aspects such as equipment, infrastructure, training, and education of health personnel, as well as research involving human subjects.Strengthening of Hospital Units: This initiative prepares hospitals to efficiently respond to emergencies or disasters in coordination with the National Civil Protection Policy.

  • Risks
Cosmetic surgery addiction has risks associated with surgery and multiple or repeat procedures.These risks may include: infection excessive bleeding or bruising swelling or pockets of fluid anesthesia problems death

People may have an addiction to cosmetic surgery if they feel a continuous need to get multiple cosmetic procedures. This is caused because of The results of the procedures do not give them the satisfaction they desire, and they may continue to get further cosmetic treatments.The authors suggest that social pressure to meet certain beauty standards and social media may influence cosmetic surgery addiction.


Depending on the surgery, long-term functional problems may arise, such as difficulty urinating, intestinal obstructions, or problems in other organs affected by the surgery. Among the most notable are possible infections as well as problems with post-surgery healing. Within the implants we can find pain, which can cause additional complications, such as the need for surgical revisions or even complete removal of the implant.


Some places offer procedures with substances not approved by health authorities, such as liquid silicone or biopolymers, which can cause severe long-term damage or even death in very specific cases due to the same use and negligence that doctors offer within the same clinics.Advertising that shows exaggerated results or promises impossible changes in the body can be misleading; many times, the before and after images are retouched or do not reflect the real results, which causes discontent among patients after the surgeries.

Any person who is the owner of the damage or injury caused may sue for medical malpractice through judicial means, in order for a judge to declare the civil liability of the health professional and order payment of the damages caused to the patient.There is another option if you want on the penal routte, you can present a complaint to the doctor responsable of the bad praxis, this crime is stablished on the federal penal code of mexico from the article 228 to the article 230


The lack of match between expectation and outcome can lead to self-image problems and, in some cases, anxiety disorders or depression. Constantly seeking surgery may be associated with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), where the person becomes obsessed with minor or imagined flaws in their appearance. This disorder can cause anxiety, depression, and negatively affect daily life.Social stigma and rejection can cause feelings of shame and lead to isolation.


Loss of sensation can occur when nerves are damaged during the surgical procedure. It can be temporary or permanent, affecting areas such as the lips, face, breasts, or abdomen. A hematoma is a collection of blood outside the blood vessels, while a seroma is a collection of serum in the surgical cavity. They often require additional drainage, which prolongs recovery and increases the risk of infection.

Risks of Surgical Complications in Plastic Surgeries

  • Cirugía estética - Mayo Clinic. (2022, 25 octubre). https://www.mayoclinic.org/es/tests-procedures/cosmetic-surgery/about/pac-20385138
  • SAFAI, Y. (APRIL 18 2023) . What is plastic surgery addiction and what causes it?. MEDICAL NEWS TODAY. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/plastic-surgery-addiction
  • Nuevo Reglamento Publicado en el Diario Oficial, de la F. el. (s/f). REGLAMENTO DE LA LEY GENERAL DE SALUD EN MATERIA DE PRESTACIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE ATENCIÓN MÉDICA. Gob.mx. Recuperado el 1 de septiembre de 2024, de https://www.diputados.gob.mx/LeyesBiblio/regley/Reg_LGS_MPSAM_170718.pdf
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