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Theories Part 1

Theorists: BF Skinner, John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov

Characteristics-Behaviors are learned through environmental stimuli (McLeod, 2024a).-Concerned with observable stimulus-response behaviors (McLeod, 2024a).

Role of Memory: -Memory is the result of associations and reinforcement (McLeod, 2024a).-Memory is a process that occurs over the course of a person's life (McLeod, 2024a).

How Learning Occurs-People are a blank slate when they are born, and learning is an active process taking place through conditioning (McLeod, 2024a).-Teachers need to ensure positive emotional experiences are associated with learning (McLeod, 2024a).

Types of Learning: By association, through experiences and conditioning, positive and negative reinforcement (McLeod, 2024a).

Theorists: Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, George Miller

Characteristics:-Learning is an internal process in the mind (McLeod, 2024b)-New information is processed and structured in the mind McLeod, 2024b).

Role of Memory:-Memories are encoded, stored, and retrieved (McLeod, 2024b)-Memories can be structured in the form of schemas (packets of information (McLeod, 2024b).

How Learning Occurs:-Learning occurs by organizing information into schemas (McLeod, 2024b).-Perception and attention have an impact on what we learn (McLeod, 2024b).

Types of Learning: Problem-solving andperception of information(McLeod, 2024b).

Types of Learning: Collaborative Learning, Critical thinking and analysis, problem solving(McLeod, 2024c).

How Learning Occurs:-Learning is a social activity (McLeod, 2024c).-Interpretations of new information are subjective, depending on the experiences of learners (McLeod, 2024c).-Learning is built on existing information (McLeod, 2024c).

Role of Memory:-Past memories help to construct knowledge (McLeod, 2024c).-Learners are more likely to remember information if it has meaning to them (McLeod, 2024c).

Characteristics:-Learning is an active process (McLeod, 2024c)-Knowledge is constructed based on previous experiences (McLeod, 2024c).-Learning is influenced by social and cultural factors (McLeod, 2024c).

Theorists: Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey