Curriculum Map Foundations
Bailey Crowe
Created on August 31, 2024
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Learning unit
Learning unit
Curriculum Map Foundations
Bailey CarbaughGrand Canyon UniversityEDU:546: Curriculum Mapping Dr. Debra Schwietert August 31, 2024
Curriculum Map
- Facilitates collaboration
- Continuous improvement
- Strategic planning
- The road map for what is going to be taught
- The what is taught, how it's taught, when it's taught, and the measures to show achievement
Essential features:
Pacing Guide
Defines the curriculum and how long for each topic throughout the year
Defines the sequence of the topics
Defines the scope of the topic
Heavy with content standards (Broome,2020)
Lesson plans
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Weekly Lesson Plan Template
Daily Lesson Plan Template
- . When students are taught the standards starting from the curriculum map, and using the pacing guides as a guide to drive lesson planning while incorporating backwards design, students will then be able to successfully learn the concepts.
- Teachers practices of curriculum maps will guide teachers what and where they need to start their instruction. By applying, learning and using the curriculum map, teachers can determine what standards students will be taught throughout the year.
Curriculum Maps
Pacing guides
lesson plans
- The appliation of pacing guides for student achievement is based on the teacher and her knowledge of how to read and understand the pacing guide. Students are successful with the content that is being taught as long as what is being taught is within the pacing guide and aligned to the standards during that time.
- Teachers pracatices of the pacing guide informs not only the teachers, but also the students in what they need to learn and be taught during a certain amount of time. When a teacher effectively practices and implements the pacing guide into their lesson planning, students are successful.
- The application of lesson plans for student achievement is higher than pacing guides and curriculum maps. Students achievements are going to be higher when the lesson plans are rigiorious, structured and the learning outcomes are taught.
- Teachers practices are imperative to a successful lesson being taught as it is more focused on the program learning outcomes. Teachers putting into place the curriculum maps and the pacing guides into their lesson plans, will result in students getting quality, aligned lessons that are rigiorious.
Bartholomew, S., Loveland, T., & Santana, V. (2020). writing standards-based lesson plans to Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 80(3), 14–23.Broome, J. (2020). The dialogic dilemma: Pacing guides as objects of analysis. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 22(1/2), 77-331.Okojie, M. U. (2023). Curriculum Mapping: Implications for Basic Education Curriculum. A journal of basic education in nigeria, 71.Tocco, Audrey. (2020). Quick guide to program curriculum mapping.
A curriculum map shows where in the curriculum the student learning outcomes are taught and assessed (Tocco, 2020). A curriculum map ensures that the learning outcomes are aligned with what is taught in a curriculum (Tocco, 2020). A curriculum map can be used for existing curriculum as a way to ensure that the learning program learning outcomes are being taught and assessed (Tocco, 2020).
Curriculum Map features
Pacing Guide Features
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Pacing guides are unique to their level of detail based on the creators, the districts, the genre and the detail that is included (Broome, 2020).
Curriculum Map
Curriculum maps are a vague outline for what is to be taught based on the standards.
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A more detailed outline and when concepts need to be taught, how much time you have to teach that concept as well as what the standards with the specific concept.
Lesson Plan Features
When creating a lesson plan, it is important to keep in mind what the big idea is for that unit. The greatest way to do this is the backwards-design model (Bartholomew, Loveland & Santana, 2020). Lesson plans are in place to hone down what an educator needs to teach weekly and daily that are aligned to the standards. Lesson plans are designed for educators to identify and know the standards and how they align specifically to the weekly and daily lesson plans based on what is being taught to students (Bartholomew, Loveland & Santana, 2020).