Tablero de actividades
Aregi 17
Created on August 31, 2024
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News: I was profoundly disturbed by this newsSitcom: They decides to watch the entire season of their favorite sitcom over the weekend. Nature show: He recorded the nature show to watch later when he has more time.Soap opera: She can't get enough of the drama in her favorite soap opera.Reality show: The new reality show focuses on the lives of celebrities behind the scenes.Remote: The remote control needs new batteries.
Would rather+ verb phrase + than + verb phrase.
Compare two actions with would rather.....than...
Example:I would rather watch news than soap opera.
This means you would like the first action moret than the second. In questions, you can use or to compare two options.
For example: Would you rather watch a reality show or the news?
If we already know what is bering compared, we dont'n need the than clause Just use would rather
For example.I'd rather watch Nature sows
Modals of possibility:
They went to see a new romantic comedy that just hit theaters.The movie is a fantasy adventure about dragons.She enjoys horror movies, because he loves so realistic that they made the scenes. We bought tickets for the action movie the last weekend.
- Adds meaning to the main verb.
- To say how sure you are about something.
Strong possibility
could, may, might
should, ought to
must, can't
Possibility.-The forecast says it could rain tomorrow-I may go to the concert, but I'm not sure.-If I had stuidied more, I might have passed the exam.
Certainty.-He must be the manager, he's giving orders.-She can't be older than 20, she's still in high school.
Strong possibility.-She should be here any minute now.-The package ought to arrive tomorrow.
Romantic comedy
Horror movie
Action movie
Horror movie
Guess: I guess that word.Explain: I can't explain everything.Complicated: The rules of the game are very complicated.Simple: Easy to understand or do; not difficult.Teammate: My teammates are great fun to play with.Minutes: He responden a few minutes later.Points: We agree on this point.Remember: I can't remember his name.Think: I'll think about that.Understand: I can't understand why he left.
Action Verbs:
- He is running in the park
- The students are doing homework
Stative verbs:
Stative verbs do not describe an action, movement or change.
- Julisa loves cats
- Juan believes in his girlfriend
Verbs with both uses:
Stative verbs:
Some verbs can be both actions verbs and stative verbs.
Think can be used as a stative verb to indicate an opinion: Maria thinks coffe is great.Think can be used as an action verb to mean "to think about" an event that has happened or will happen:She is thinking about her vacation
These are verbs that describe someone or something doing an action,moving or changing.
Comparisons with prefer
The term prefer in English refers to the action of choosing or liking one thing more than another.It is used to express an inclination towards something rather than another option.
Prefer + noun + to + nounEXAMPLE: He prefers dogs to cats.
When you use prefer with an infinite,you express a preference for a specific action.
Prefer to + verb + (+ rather than + verb)
EXAMPLE: I prefer to walk rather than drive
Reviews: I read all the reviews.Comic book: They haven ridden a comic book.Novel: He is writing a novel with creativity abd discipline.Screen: She watched the movie on a large screen in the cinema.Fiction: He enjoys writing stories about fiction.Non-fiction: His latest non-fiction work explores the history of ancient civilizations.Comedies: She loves watching classic comedies from the 1950s for ther timeless humor.Performance: He is working hard to improve his performance on the upcoming exam.
Would prfer is used when talking about a choice you are making now.
Subject + would prefer + object/action