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contextual, conceptual and formal analysis

visual culture

contextual analysis

Contextual analysis is the process of examining a visual object in connection with its historical, social, and cultural background. This helps us better understand its message and meaning.

Who created (made) this image, and why? (Here you identify the producers and their intentions)Where was the image made? (In a different part of the world? in a laboratory? on the beach?)

What are/were the historical, cultural, and social circumstances of the place where the visual object was produced?Who was the intended audience for this image? (Here you identify the viewers)Where was the image meant to be viewed? (A textbook? A gallery? As part of a movie set? In a family photo album?)When was this image made? How do you know?

Conceptual analysis

Conceptual analysis is about exploring the meanings of an image. The questions below can help you understand what your image is about.

What mood or (tone) feeling does the image create using visual elements?How do the objects or elements in the image relate to each other? How do the visual elements emphasise these relationships?

What message does the image convey through its visual choices?What parts of the image are most or least effective, considering its purpose or the expectations for its type? (e.g., public art (graffiti/murals) should engage people, realistic art should look like real life, an ad should increase awareness or sales.)

formal analysis

Formal analysis is based on your own perspective and doesn't require research. The more informed you are, the deeper your analysis will be, but this depth comes from your experience and knowledge, not from doing research.

What materials were used to create this image, and how do they influence your understanding of it? Is it part of a genre like graffiti, painting, or digital art?What technologies were used to make this image? Was it created through digital printing, online media, TV, or painting?

Is the image realistic or abstract? Why do you think the producer (creator) chose this style, and how does it affect your understanding of the message?Does the image include text? If so, how does the text or caption change your understanding of the image?What are the key (main) visual elements or principles in this image? Does the image rely more on one element or principle than others?

This is the end of the slideshow on contextual, conceptual and formal analysis.Keep exploring and applying these concepts in your projects and future work!

thank you