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Understanding and Pronouncing Words with Silent Letters [Your Name or Class Name] [Date]
Silent Letters in British English
- Silent letters are letters in a word that are written but not pronounced.
- Recognising silent letters helps improve pronunciation and comprehension in English.
- This presentation will cover common silent letters and rules.
Introduction to Silent Letters
- Rule: The letter B is silent when it follows M at the end of a word.
- Examples:
- Thumb /θʌm/
- Climb /klaɪm/
- Comb /koʊm/
- Lamb /læm/
- • Tomb /tuːm/
- Note: The B is not pronounced in these words.
Silent B After M
- Rule: The letter C is silent when it follows S.
- Examples:
- Muscle /ˈmʌsəl/
- Scissors /ˈsɪzəz/
- Scene /siːn/
- Scent /sɛnt/
- Note: The S takes the sound, and C is not pronounced.
Silent C After S
- Rule: The letter E is silent at the end of a word if only one other vowel is in the word.
- Examples:
- • Brake /breɪk/
- • Cake /keɪk/
- • Make /meɪk/
- • Hope /hoʊp/
- • Name /neɪm/
- Exception: Recipe /ˈrɛsɪpi/ (Here, the E is pronounced).
Silent E at the End of Words
- Rule 1: H is silent when preceded by W.
- Examples: Why /waɪ/, When /wɛn/
- Rule 2: H is silent when followed by C, R, or G.
- Examples:
- Chemical /ˈkɛmɪkəl/
- Rhapsody /ˈræpsədi/
- Ghost /ɡoʊst/
- Echo /ˈɛkoʊ/
- Hour /ˈaʊə/
- Note: In these cases, the H is not pronounced.
Silent H in Various Positions
- Rule: The letter K is silent when it is followed by N at the beginning of a word.
- Examples:
- Knife /naɪf/
- Knock /nɒk/
- Knee /niː/
- Knit /nɪt/
- Knight /naɪt/
- Knowledge /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/
- Note: The K is not pronounced, and the word starts with the N sound.
Silent K Before N
- Rule: The letter L is silent when it follows A, O, U.
- Examples:
- Palm /pɑːm/
- Would /wʊd/
- Calm /kɑːm/
- Half /hɑːf/
- Talk /tɔːk/
- Walk /wɔːk/
- Yolk /yōk/
- Note: The L is not pronounced in these words.
Silent L After A, O, U
- Rule: The letter P is silent in words that start with PN, PS, or PT.
- Examples:
- Pneumonia /njuːˈmoʊniə/
- Psychology /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/
- Pterosaur /ˈtɛrəsɔːr/
- Pneumonic /njuːˈmɒnɪk/
- Pseudonym /ˈsjuːdənɪm/
- Note: The P is not pronounced, and the word begins with the next consonant's sound.
Silent P in Specific Combinations
Silent T Rules:Silent T in "sten" and "ften" combinations:When T appears after S and before E (in "sten") or after F and before E (in "ften"), it is usually silent.Examples:Listen /ˈlɪsən/ (the T is silent)Hasten /ˈheɪsən/ (the T is silent)Often /ˈɒfən/
Silent T Rules:Silent T in "-stle" endings:When T appears before L in the "-stle" ending, it is usually silent.Examples:Castle /ˈkɑːsəl/ (the T is silent)Whistle /ˈwɪsəl/ (the T is silent)Bristle /ˈbrɪsəl/ (the T is silent)
Silent T Rules:Silent T in words ending with "-tch":The T is sometimes silent in words where it follows C and is part of the "-tch" ending.Examples:Match /mætʃ/ (the T is silent)Catch /kætʃ/ (the T is silent)Watch /wɒtʃ/ (the T is silent)
Silent W Rules:When W is followed by R at the beginning of a word, the W is usually silent.Examples:Write /raɪt/ (the W is silent)Wrist /rɪst/ (the W is silent)Wrong /rɒŋ/ (the W is silent)Wreck /rɛk/ (the W is silent)Wrinkle /ˈrɪŋkəl/ (the W is silent)
- Exercise 1: Identify the silent letter in the following words:
- Climb - Silent B
- Muscle - Silent C
- Ghost - Silent H
- Knife - Silent K
- Calm - Silent L
- Yolk - Silent L
- Knee - Silent K
- Psychology - Silent P
- Talk - Silent L
- Wrist - Silent W
- Raspberry - Silent P
- Castle - Silent T
- Whistle - Silent T
- Hour - Silent H
- Thumb - Silent B
- Comb
- Scene
- Brake
- Rhapsody
- Knee
- Thumb
- Castle
- Wrist
- Whistle
- Wrap
- Listen
- Knife
- Hour
- Half
- Psychology
- Yolk
- Climb
- Comb /kōm/
- Scene /siːn/
- Brake /breɪk/
- Rhapsody /ˈræpsədi/
- Knee /niː/
- Thumb /θʌm/
- Castle /ˈkɑːsəl/
- Wrist /rɪst/
- Whistle /ˈwɪsəl/
- Wrap /ræp/
- Listen /ˈlɪsən/
- Knife /naɪf/
- Hour /ˈaʊə/
- Half /hɑːf/
- Psychology /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/
- Yolk /Yōk/
- Climb /klaɪm/
- He ___ on the door before entering the room.
- She picked up the ___ to brush her hair.
- The ___ on the hill was built in the 12th century.
- He used bright paper to ___ the gift.
- We should leave at ___ to make it to the meeting on time.
- She wore a gold bracelet on her ___.
- I prefer my eggs with a soft ___.
- The student knew the correct ___ to the question.
- The hiker began to ___ up the steep hill.
- He tried to ___, but no sound came out.
wrist, yolk, hour, castle, wrap, answer , yolk, climb, whistle, knock
- He knocked on the door before entering the room.
- She picked up the comb to brush her hair.
- The castle on the hill was built in the 12th century.
- He used bright paper to wrap the gift.
- We should leave at hour to make it to the meeting on time.
- She wore a gold bracelet on her wrist.
- I prefer my eggs with a soft yolk.
- The student knew the correct answer to the question.
- The hiker began to climb up the steep hill.
- He tried to whistle, but no sound came out.
hour, honest, hour, castle, comb, answer, island , write, whistle, knight, lamb, whistle, knee