Created on August 30, 2024
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1. Choose your avatar2. Throw the dice3. The icon (O) requires teamwork4. The icon (?) makes a question5. The icon (hand) has a special surprise6. The icon (eye) provides an answer.7. When you finish, shout in group "BIOMANJI" and you win.IMA is not responsible for possible natural disasters, tribal or animal attacks, or accidents during this game... good luck!
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zoologyResearch a specific animal and create a descriptive sheet that includes its classification, habitat, and behavior.
BOTANY:OBSERVE DIFFERENT plants in the nearby environment and draw the plants observed, indicating their characteristics.
MICROBIOLOGYImagine that you are going to design a device to be able to differentiate viruses and bacteria. What should your device recognize?MAKE A COMPARATIVE TABLE
ECOLOGYRecord a vocaroo in which you discuss the following question: Are humans the only cause of climate change?
anatomy and phisiologyAnalyze a model of the human body and make a conceptual map showing how the different systems are related
ZOOLOGYResearch a specific animal and create a descriptive sheet that includes its classification, habitat, and behavior.
ZOOLOGYResearch a specific animal and create a descriptive sheet that includes its classification, habitat, and behavior.
PALEONTOLOGY:Listen to the song, order the lyrics and write down what the song is about
ZOOLOGYResearch a specific animal and create a descriptive sheet that includes its classification, habitat, and behavior.
GENETICSChoose one of Mendel's laws and exemplify it with gummy bears
taxonomyclassify living beings as you consider
ECOLOGYRecord a vocaroo in which you discuss the following question: Are humans the only cause of climate change?
GENETICSChoose one of Mendel's laws and exemplify it with gummy bears
Taxonomyclassify living beings as you consider
MICROBIOLOGY:Imagine that you are going to design a device to be able to differentiate viruses and bacteria. What should your device recognize?MAKE A COMPARATIVE TABLE
ECOLOGYRecord a vocaroo in which you discuss the following question: Are humans the only cause of climate change? all participants must speak
taxonomyclassify living beings as you consider
MICROBIOLOGYImagine that you are going to design a device to be able to differentiate viruses and bacteria. What should your device recognize?MAKE A COMPARATIVE TABLE
PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY:Analyze a model of the human body and make a conceptual map showing how the different systems are related
Biology is a branch of the natural sciences that studies life and its processes
Biology is a branch of the natural sciences that studies life and its processes
Biology is a branch of the natural sciences that studies life and its processes
Biology is a branch of the natural sciences that studies life and its processes
move forward 3 spaces
move forward 3 spaces
move forward 3 spaces
move forward 3 spaces
What are the Latin roots of the word 'biology'?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
What are the Latin roots of the word 'biology'?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
What are the Latin roots of the word 'biology'? if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
What are the Latin roots of the word 'biology'? if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
biology is a word that has the latin roots:bios= lifeLOGOS= STUDYMove forward 1 space
biology is a word that has the latin roots:bios= lifeLOGOS= STUDYMove forward 1 space
biology is a word that has the latin roots:bios= lifeLOGOS= STUDYMove forward 1 space
biology is a word that has the latin roots:bios= lifeLOGOS= STUDYMove forward 1 space
move forward 3 spaces
move forward 2 spaces
move forward 2 spaces
move forward 3 spaces
WHAT DOES ZOOLOGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
WHAT DOES ZOOLOGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
WHAT DOES ZOOLOGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
WHAT DOES ZOOLOGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
zoology is a branch of biology that studies animals and their characteristicsMove forward 1 space
zoology is a branch of biology that studies animals and their characteristicsMove forward 1 space
zoology is a branch of biology that studies animals and their characteristicsMove forward 1 space
zoology is a branch of biology that studies animals and their characteristicsMove forward 1 space
WHAT DOES Botany STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 2 spaces.
WHAT DOES Botany STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 2 spaces.
WHAT DOES Botany STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 2 spaces.
WHAT DOES Botany STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 2 spaces.
botany is a branch of biology that studies plants, their structure, function and their characteristics
botany is a branch of biology that studies plants, their structure, function and their characteristics
botany is a branch of biology that studies plants, their structure, function and their characteristics
botany is a branch of biology that studies plants, their structure, function and their characteristics
WHAT DOES physioloGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
WHAT DOES physioloGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 2 spaces If you don't know the answer, move back one space.
physiology is a branch of biology that studies the mechanisms of functioning in living organisms
physiology is a branch of biology that studies the mechanisms of functioning in living organisms
WHAT DOES MICROBioloGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 2 spaces.
WHAT DOES MICROBioloGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 2 spaces.
WHAT DOES MICROBioloGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 2 spaces.
WHAT DOES MICROBioloGY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 2 spaces.
microbiology is a branch of biology that studies microorganisms, their structure, physiology and interactions with other organismsmove forward 1 space
microbiology is a branch of biology that studies microorganisms, their structure, physiology and interactions with other organismsmove forward 1 space
microbiology is a branch of biology that studies microorganisms, their structure, physiology and interactions with other organismsmove forward 1 space
taxonomy is a branch of biology that studies classification and naming of living organismsmove forward 3 spaces
WHAT DOES ANATOMY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 3 spaces.
ANATOMy is a branch of biology that studies the structure, organization and relationship among the parts of the body move forward 1 space
WHAT DOES ANATOMY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 3 spaces.
ANATOMy is a branch of biology that studies the structure, organization and relationship among the parts of the body move forward 1 space
WHAT DOES ANATOMY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 4 spaces.
ANATOMy is a branch of biology that studies the structure, organization and relationship among the parts of the body move forward 9 spaces
WHAT DOES ANATOMY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 3 spaces.
ANATOMy is a branch of biology that studies the structure, organization and relationship among the parts of the body move forward 1 space
WHAT DOES TAXONOMY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 1 space.
WHAT DOES TAXONOMY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 3 spaces.
WHAT DOES TAXONOMY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 1 space.
WHAT DOES TAXONOMY STUDY?if your answer is correct, move forward 1 space If you don't know the answer, move back 1 space.
microbiology is a branch of biology that studies microorganisms, their structure, physiology and interactions with other organismsmove forward 1 space
taxonomy is a branch of biology that studies classification and naming of living organismsmove forward 2 spaces
taxonomy is a branch of biology that studies classification and naming of living organismsmove forward 3 spaces
taxonomy is a branch of biology that studies classification and naming of living organismsmove forward 3 spaces
taxonomy is a branch of biology that studies classification and naming of living organismsmove forward 6 spaces