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Qualitative research.


researcher wants to obtain insight into a topic

Focus Groups

interviews led by a moderator

Ontological Issues

truth and reality.

qualitative methodology

attempts to better understanding why things are the way they are in social world and why people act the ways they do

social sciences

Sociology and Anthropology

Epistemological Issues

the nature of human knowledge and understanding that can possibly be acquired through different types of inquiry and alternative methods of investigation"

Methodological Issues

method used in conducting the investigation and how research is to be conducted

Cualitative research


Paradeigma - pattern

Qualitative Research Designs

Old woman or young woman ?


reveals the way culture is defined.


at describing the meaning that experiences hold for each subject.

Historical research

seeks not only to discover the events of the past but to relate these past happenings to the present and to the future


Grounded theorys

actions and effects of the behaviourin a cultured.

Case study

is a deep dive into a subject.

Methods of Data Collection

Projective Techniques

describe a special type of testing procedure


observer ́s subjective appraisal

Documentary Analysis

Analysing documents incorporates coding content into themes similar

Dra. Martha Alicia Méndez Murillo

LAE Jesús Iván Saucedo Hernández

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM) ||Volume||11||Issue||09||Pages||1431-1445||2023||Website: https://ijsrm.net ISSN (e): 2321-3418DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v11i09.sh01