Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Penjelasan & Contoh

Kerangka berpikir Entrepreneur

Aplikasi Panduan bagi anda untuk menciptakan ide bisnis nyata

Ukuran Pasar


Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM)

Seberapa besar potensi terbesar dari pasar?

Sebarapa besar proporsi pasar yang dapat anda raih?

Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM)

Total Addressable Market (TAM)

Seberapa besar proporsi pasar yang sesuai dengan usaha anda?

Ukuran Pasar

Segmen dari TAM (Total Addressable Market) yang ditargetkan dan dapat dijangkau oleh produk perusahaan.

Bagian dari SAM (Serviceable Available Market) yang secara realistis dapat diraih dan dilayani oleh perusahaan.

Peluang total pendapatan yang tersedia untuk suatu produk atau layanan.


Apa Tindak Lanjutnya?

Daftar periksa

Langkah-langkah demo

Pertanyaan untuk diajukan

Video Penjelasan





Tells you what the likely next step in a typical entrepreneurial journey would be….

Contains examples of different startup ideas and ventures to understand how the framework applies to different types of ventures.

Reminds you to review your final output using the specific checklist for the framework you are currently working on

Reminds you of the Key questions that you must ask and answer to apply the framework to your venture idea for best results.

Contains step by step demonstration of how to apply the framework around your own venture idea

Contains simple, short explanation of the concept by an expert


What comes next in the journey?


Step by Step Demo

Questions to Address

Explainer Video

Covers 5 entrepreneurial frameworks to help you develop your venture idea Each framework can be comprehended through 6 key components, as illustrated here. They serve as a guiding tool tailored to meet your specific needs and learning style

Instructions to navigate the tool easily; Please move forward once understood

What to expect in this tutorial