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If you had to start your own business right now, what type of business would you start? Why?

Is your career the career you thought you’d have when you were in high school?

Who is the most organized person you know?

What book has influenced you the most? How has it influenced you?

Can someone be taught to be a leader?

What was the best business trip you’ve ever taken? The worst?

Do you think friends make good business partners? Why or why not?

Do you think the office is a good place to get work done? Why or why not?

What is the biggest goal that you’ve already achieved? How were you able to achieve this goal?

Is it okay for companies to not pay their interns? Why or why not? Did you have an internship? Was it a paid position?

Who was your favorite college professor? How did this person influence you? How would your life be different if you hadn’t taken a class with this professor?

What is a good age to retire? When you retire, do you think you’ll still work as a consultant or have a part-time job?

Agree or disagree: We should use translators and interpreters more instead of insisting on English.

What unusual skill or skills have come in handy at your current job?

What do you think is the hardest college major? Why? Do you know anyone who graduated with a degree in that field?

Did you have part-time jobs when you were in high school in college? What did you do? What was the worst part-time job you’ve ever had?

Do you think we should regularly disconnect from technology? Do you normally try to do this or are you always connected?

Would you describe yourself as an optimist, pessimist, or realist? Which type of people do you think tend to be the most successful?

If you had unlimited money what kind of business would you start?

Are dress codes important? Is there any benefit to having a formal dress code?

What countries would you not mind relocating to? Why?

Do you have any unusual ways of coping with stress? What are they? Do you know anyone who copes with stress in an unusual way?

Are you an extrovert, introvert, or somewhere in the middle? Are most people in your industry extroverts or introverts?

What is the worst piece of advice you’ve ever received? Did you take the person’s advice?

If you get a raise, what might you do with the extra money?

What would you do if you were independently wealthy and didn’t have to work?

Have you ever gotten off on the wrong foot with someone? What happened? Were you able to eventually have a good relationship with the person?

Do you consider traveling a lot for work a perk or a burden? Why?

What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing right now? How are you responding to this challenge?

What are some things people do to get their foot in the door at a company?

Think about a major historical event from your country’s history. What would have been different if this event had never occurred? How might your country be different now if this event had never happened?

Do you like to travel? Have you ever taken a trip that changed your life? How would your life be different if you hadn’t taken this life-changing trip?

If you took a career break for a year, what would you do with the time?

What is the worst decision you have ever made in your personal life? What would have happened if you had made a different decision? How would your life be different now if you hadn’t made that decision?

What might happen if your department hires more people?

If you had an extra two hours of time every day, what could you do with the time?