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Punctuation is the system of symbols that we use to separate written sentences and parts of sentences, and to make their meaning clear. Good punctuation is important in a sentence, as it can affect its meaning. Every sentence should include a capital letter at the start, and a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark at the end.

What is punctuation?

Types of punctuation

Click on the punctuation items below to find out more about them.

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The Colon (:)

1, To introduce a bulleted or numbered listUse a colon before you begin a bulleted or numbered list. See the example below.It is essential that we implement changes to the restaurant to improve customer satisfaction and boost the moral of our staff. I recommend the following changes be implemented:

  • Renovate the restaurant in a more stylish, modern decor
  • Increase the wages of all staff members
* Notice that full stops are not used after items in a list.

2, To begin a list of items in a sentence.A semi colon can be used to introduce a list of items in a sentence, as shown below.I have studied a number of modules related to customer service in my apprenticeship: Customer Care, Sales and Customer Relationships and Managing Customer Caseloads.To make Yorkshire puddings, you only need three ingredients: flour, eggs and milk.

The colon is commonly used in writing, and it is likely that you will need to use it when writing a list in a report or a set of instructions. Read the two primary uses for using a colon below.