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Objective: Can trace the grapheme associated with the phoneme /f/.

Friday September 6th, 2024..

Topic: Tracing grapheme "f"

Hi, let's start the class reviewing the date, weather and feelings.Then play the game "The missing number"Look at the numbers and name the one that is missing.


Look at the word that I´m gonna write, identify the first letter. Name words with a beginning "f" sound.

Now watch the video "Phoneme /F/"Listen to the words and repeat them, make the phoneme as you hear.

Reinforce your writing skills practicing the trace using your board and colored chalks .

Open your learning log on page 57, identify the capital and lower case "F f"Trace them using red Fand blue f.

Open your learning log on page 56, identify the pictures and the words, read and trace them using red color.

Miss Ylayalid