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By: Alma Lorena Sánchez Escobar

assessing speaking : scoring methods


primary treat


scoring methods

  • 1. No speaking task is capable of isolating the single skill of oral production. Concurrent involvement of the additional performance of aural comprehension, and possibly reading, is usually necessary.
  • 2. Eliciting the specific criterion you have designated for a task can be tricky because beyond the word level, spoken language offers a number of productive options to test-takers. Make sure your elicitation prompt achieves its aims as closely as possible.
  • 3. Because of the above two characteristics of oral production assessment, it is important to carefully specify scoring procedures for a response so that ultimately you achieve as high a reliability index as possible.

Why is it important to assess speaking ?

formative vs summative assessment






assessing speaking types of taks

scoring methods:imitative

  • 1. In a simple repetition task, test takers repeat the stimulus, wheter it is a par of words, a sentence, or perhaps a question. The main focus of this kind of tasks is to test PRONINCIATION




2 Acceptable pronunciation1 Comprehensible, partially, correct pronunciation.0 Silence, seriously, incorrect pronunciation. The longer the stretch of language, the more possibility for error and therefore the more difficult it becomes to assign a point system to the text.in such a case, it may be impressive to score only the criterion of the task.

scoring scales for imitative taks

scoring methods:intensive

translation (limited)

picture cued

Tasks and Oral Questionnaires


Sentence/Dialogue Completion

Directed Responsive

INTENSIVE TAKS At the intensive level, test-takers are prompted to produce short stretches of discourse through which they demonstrate linguistic ability at a specific level of language. It may also be described as limited response tasks ( Madsen,1983), Mechanical tasks ( Underhill,1987), or what classroom pedagogy would label controlled responses.

scoring scales for iNTENSIVE taks- read aloud

scoring scales for INTENSIVE taks IN GENERAL

scoring methods:responsive

giving instructions /directions


question and answer

RESPONSIVE TAKS The responsive tasks give more opportunity to the speaker to produce meaningul language in response. Therfore, these tasks are designed to test oral production in various discourse cathegories rather than in selected phonological, grammatical, or lexical targets. Tasks include description, narration, summary, giving instructions, comparing and contrasting.

scoring scales for responsive tasks (holistic example)

scoring methods:interactive




INTERACTIVE TAKS The scoring methods for this kind of tasks are: holictic and analytic scales.

analytic example

holistic example

example: presentationcheck list

scoring methods:extensive

tranlation (extended)

picture cued story telling

retelling a story

oral presentations

EXTENSIVE TAKS Your criteria for scoring need to be clear about what it is you are hoping to assess.


holistic example



REFERENCES Siti Mahmudah and Pooja Anggunsari Oral corrective feedback as a formative assessment in teaching speaking skill.https://riset.unisma.ac.id/index.php/JREALL/article/view/19432https://sanako.com/the-importance-of-feedback-for-language-learnershttps://sanako.com/the-importance-of-feedback-for-language-learners