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8 unge menneskers intiativrige beslutninger skabt i samarbejde med voksne

7 unge menneskers intiativ og lederskab

6 Voksnes intiativ og delte beslutninger

5 Voksne tager beslutninger, unge mennesker spørges og informeres

4 Unge mennesker får opgaver og information om, hvordan og hvorfor de er involveret i et projekt

3 Overfladisk inddragelse - unge menneker har lidt eller ingen indflydelse på deres aktiviteter

2 Dekoration - unge mennesker hjælper med at implementere voksnes idéer

Unge mennesker bliver spurgt om deres mening, men bliver ikke informeret om resultaterne. De bliver bedt om at lave en Tik Tok eller være en del af en kampagne på de sociale medier, som de kun har lidt eller intet kendskab til. Unge mennesker bliver misbrugt.

1 Manipulation: Voksne bruger unge til deres projekter og lader, som om det er unges ideer.

Efter succesen med en kampagne mod homofobi, der blev ledet af unge og deres ungdomsklub, tilbød de lokale myndigheder støtte til at føre den videre på nationalt plan. Derudover fik de unge yderligere finansiering og støtte fra en privat virksomhed til at forbedre deres kampagnefærdigheder på de sociale medier.

Inddragelse af unge for syns skyld, f.eks. ved at høre dem om finansiering uden at inddrage dem i udgifterne, ved at sætte dem i et panel uden at forberede dem eller ved at oprette en LGBTQ+-gruppe til akkreditering uden reel støtte.

Unge professionelle laver en reklame for at fremme transrettigheder. De viser det første udkast til en gruppe unge transaktivister, som bidrager med ideer og forslag.

En ungdomsklub, der er bekymret over homofobisk sprogbrug, beslutter sig for at lave en oplysningskampagne. De ansøger om midler fra lokalsamfundet, og med støtte fra ungdomsprofessionelle modtager de pengene og formår at skabe en engagerende kampagne på de sociale medier, som deles bredt i lokalsamfundet.

De lokale myndigheder ønsker flere cykelstier for at fremme bæredygtig transport til skole. De inviterer elever og lokalsamfund til at planlægge ruter. De unge foreslår en mere sikker og hurtigere rute, som myndighederne vedtager. Den nye rute bliver bygget, og alle involverede bliver anerkendt ved indvielsen.

De unge bliver bedt om at arrangere en konference sammen med deres ungdomsledere om et emne, de brænder for og gerne vil støtte.

Unge mennesker bliver udnyttet. De tvinges til at protestere uden at forstå problemerne, som at holde bannere uden at kende deres betydning.


Young people are asked for their opinions, but are not informed of the results. They are asked to do a Tik Tok or to be part of a social media campaign of which they have little or no knowledge. Young people are abused.

Efter succesen med en kampagne mod homofobi, der blev ledet af unge og deres ungdomsklub, tilbød de lokale myndigheder støtte til at føre den videre på nationalt plan. Derudover fik de unge yderligere finansiering og støtte fra en privat virksomhed til at forbedre deres kampagnefærdigheder på de sociale medier.

Inddragelse af unge for syns skyld, f.eks. ved at høre dem om finansiering uden at inddrage dem i udgifterne, ved at sætte dem i et panel uden at forberede dem eller ved at oprette en LGBTQ+-gruppe til akkreditering uden reel støtte.

Unge professionelle laver en reklame for at fremme transrettigheder. De viser det første udkast til en gruppe unge transaktivister, som bidrager med ideer og forslag.

En ungdomsklub, der er bekymret over homofobisk sprogbrug, beslutter sig for at lave en oplysningskampagne. De ansøger om midler fra lokalsamfundet, og med støtte fra ungdomsprofessionelle modtager de pengene og formår at skabe en engagerende kampagne på de sociale medier, som deles bredt i lokalsamfundet.

De lokale myndigheder ønsker flere cykelstier for at fremme bæredygtig transport til skole. De inviterer elever og lokalsamfund til at planlægge ruter. De unge foreslår en mere sikker og hurtigere rute, som myndighederne vedtager. Den nye rute bliver bygget, og alle involverede bliver anerkendt ved indvielsen.

De unge bliver bedt om at arrangere en konference sammen med deres ungdomsledere om et emne, de brænder for og gerne vil støtte.

Young people are used. They are forced to protest without understanding the issues, like holding banners without knowing their meaning.

8 unge menneskers intiativrige beslutninger skabt i samarbejde med voksne

7 unge menneskers intiativ og lederskab

6 Voksnes intiativ og delte beslutninger

5 Voksne tager beslutninger, unge mennesker spørges og informeres

4 Unge mennesker får opgaver og information om, hvordan og hvorfor de er involveret i et projekt

3 Overfladisk inddragelse - unge menneker har lidt eller ingen indflydelse på deres aktiviteter

2 Dekoration - unge mennesker hjælper med at implementere voksnes idéer

1 Manipulation: Voksne bruger unge til deres projekter og lader, som om det er unges ideer.

8 Young people's iniciative, decisions made in partnership with adults

7 Young people's initiative and leadership

6 Adults' initiative, joint decisions

5 Adults make decisions, young people are consulted and informed

4 Young people are assigned tasks and informed how and why they are involved in a project

3 Participation for show - young people have little or no influence on their activities

2 Decoration - young people help implement adults' initiatives

1 Manipulation - adults use young people to support their own projects and pretend they are the result of young peoples' inpiration

Young people decide that there is a serious concern with homophobic language in their youth club. They feel an awareness-raising campaign would be useful to highlight the harms of hate speech. They discover a community fund that their idea would be applicable for applying for some money. They discuss with their youth worker and are fully supported to apply. Money is received and the young people create an engaging campaign on social media which is shared across the whole of their community.

Developing the clip in this manner increases participation further from the previous rung as the youth workers make all the changes the young people suggested before releasing the final version of the clip to the wider public. Local authority planners are keen to increase more cycle lanes to promote active and sustainable travel to and from school. Students and community members are invited to help plan the routes. Young people find a safer and faster way than what was suggested. Planners change the route in light of the suggestions received. The quicker and safer route is built and recognition is given to all those involved at the opening ceremony celebrations.

Made to protest with no solid understanding of the issues. Eg. Being made to hold a banner/ placard with little or no insight or understanding of the meaning. Young people are used.

Young people getting asked for their opinions but are not being informed of any outcomes from them. Asked to make a poster/ Tik Tok or be part of a real-life/social media campaign that young people have little or no knowledge of. Young people are misused.

Involving young people for show or gain. Eg, saying young people have been consulted in a funding application and then not involving them in the spending of funds. Having young people sit on a conference panel and not preparing them for the role. Establishing an LGBTQ+ group to gain accreditation with no policies or practices implemented to genuinely support.

Youth workers create a short advert for promoting trans rights. A clip of the first draft of the advert is shown to a well-established local authority group of trans young people who are interested in activism and promoting trans rights. They add thoughts and suggestions to the youth workers.

Young people are asked to help facilitate/ scribe at a conference they have been involved in organising alongside their youth workers. The conference is about a topic the young people are passionate about and are happy to support.

After an extremely successful social media campaign which was initiated and led by a local group of young people with the support of their youth club aiming to address homophobic hate speech went viral, local decision-makers released further support to take the campaign national. As well as more funding, young people were able to seek support from a private company to learn more about creating social media campaigns


8 Young people's iniciative, decisions made in partnership with adults

7 Young people's initiative and leadership

6 Adults' initiative, joint decisions

5 Adults make decisions, young people are consulted and informed

4 Young people are assigned tasks and informed how and why they are involved in a project

3 Participation for show - young people have little or no influence on their activities

2 Decoration - young people help implement adults' initiatives

1 Manipulation - adults use young people to support their own projects and pretend they are the result of young peoples' inpiration

Young people decide that there is a serious concern with homophobic language in their youth club. They feel an awareness-raising campaign would be useful to highlight the harms of hate speech. They discover a community fund that their idea would be applicable for applying for some money. They discuss with their youth worker and are fully supported to apply. Money is received and the young people create an engaging campaign on social media which is shared across the whole of their community.

Developing the clip in this manner increases participation further from the previous rung as the youth workers make all the changes the young people suggested before releasing the final version of the clip to the wider public. Local authority planners are keen to increase more cycle lanes to promote active and sustainable travel to and from school. Students and community members are invited to help plan the routes. Young people find a safer and faster way than what was suggested. Planners change the route in light of the suggestions received. The quicker and safer route is built and recognition is given to all those involved at the opening ceremony celebrations.

Made to protest with no solid understanding of the issues. Eg. Being made to hold a banner/ placard with little or no insight or understanding of the meaning. Young people are used.

Young people getting asked for their opinions but are not being informed of any outcomes from them. Asked to make a poster/ Tik Tok or be part of a real-life/social media campaign that young people have little or no knowledge of. Young people are misused.

Involving young people for show or gain. Eg, saying young people have been consulted in a funding application and then not involving them in the spending of funds. Having young people sit on a conference panel and not preparing them for the role. Establishing an LGBTQ+ group to gain accreditation with no policies or practices implemented to genuinely support.

Youth workers create a short advert for promoting trans rights. A clip of the first draft of the advert is shown to a well-established local authority group of trans young people who are interested in activism and promoting trans rights. They add thoughts and suggestions to the youth workers.

Young people are asked to help facilitate/ scribe at a conference they have been involved in organising alongside their youth workers. The conference is about a topic the young people are passionate about and are happy to support.

After an extremely successful social media campaign which was initiated and led by a local group of young people with the support of their youth club aiming to address homophobic hate speech went viral, local decision-makers released further support to take the campaign national. As well as more funding, young people were able to seek support from a private company to learn more about creating social media campaigns