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ASANA: sections

Asana is where all properties that are ready for inspection are stored.The project name is:PCC - Booking Schedule (IP1)This project has multiple sections and the way this will work is as follows.Properties ready for assigning to inspectors will sit in "Requires Booking" in the very top of the section.
From "Requires Booking", I will assign properties to Inspectors and move into the appropriate section.E.g For Inspector Mark Curtis this would be moved to "Requires Booking: MC"Once an Inspection appointment has been confirmed this can then be moved to the section "Booked: MC" Once completed this is moved to "Inspection Complete"
Sections are located to the right of the project.These are changed by clicking the down arrow to access all available options.
Once you have clicked the arrow you can access the available options.Here you can see this is marked as "Requires Booking: MC"This will need changing to "Booked :MC " now the appointment has been confirmed.Now we know how to move properties through sections lets take a look at the property "Status"

asana: status

To the left you can see I have assigned this property to Mark Curtis and set the status to "MC Requires booking". Mark would then look at sending out inspection appointment dates to the "Inspection point of contact"The status would need changing to "Awaiting response"until you receive a confirmed appointment. Once confirmed Mark would change the status to "MC: Booked" once completed and with the report sent to the Licence Holder mark "Completed".

Additional to the properties being in the correct section the status should also be set appropriately.

asana: Things to remember

(They may be both the same)

Things to remember:Check if a Licence Holder has nominated an Inspections point of contact, if so send inspection appointments to the nominated person to assist with access. Once completed send the report from the compliance email to the Licence Holder not inspection point of contact.Any reports containing "Imminent Danger" MUST also be sent to: housing.standards@peterborough.gov.uk

Don't forgot to press send to post the comment !

Things to remember:Setting a due date and time is the best way to keep a track of your bookings. This can be a due date for a booked inspection or to serve as a reminder to follow up on any inspection invites you have not received a response to. Always use the text box to copy and paste your email communications into, this is your audit trail. Also key information / notes can be posted here.E.g... Meeting Key Holder at 9am ect..

Things to remember:Once the report has been sent to the Licence Holder you should change the status to "Complete"NOTE:You do not mark the whole task as complete at the top of the page. Should you press this by mistake you can select it again to undo.

AND FINALLY: Once the report has been sent to the Licence Holder and you change the status to "Complete" this moves it to the "Inspection Complete" section, you should now un-assign yourself from this property. NOTE:Home Safe admin will mark the whole task as complete once all required evidence of repairs have been received, in the case of no issues being reported Home safe admin will still be tasked to "Mark complete".