Graphic Design Taster
Created on August 22, 2024
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One of its goals is to make information easy to comprehend and aesthetically pleasing to its audience. Apart from this, graphic design can be used in interdisciplinary ways to reference other cultural objects or add commercial appeal to products (i.e. branding).You can use graphic design across your project from the Moodboard to the presentation of your Final Outcome to create a cohesive visual language within your project.Most importantly, you can apply specific tools and techniques which you will be introduced to in this presentation to build your Research & Design Development sketchbook pages.
Graphic design is the practice of creating visual content, using typography, images, colours, and form to communicate a message or solve a creative problem.
1.Seasonal CampaignEnvironmental design.Bavarian State Opera, 2022-2023.Bureau Borsche,germany.
8.Wordmark.Christie's.Boris Meister and Seb McLauchlan,UK.
As you see, graphic designers use visual assets from photographs to illustrations and typefaces to create a final product. Types of graphic design include:
- Visual identity graphic design
- Marketing & advertising graphic design
- User interface graphic design
- Publication graphic design (bookcovers, print material)
- Packaging graphic design
- Motion graphic design
- Environmental graphic design
- Art and illustration for graphic design
Who/what inspries your graphic design practice? And how are you researching & referencing them in your project development?Your sketchbook can profile designers within research pages like in the following video, or it can credit their work as and when you make a reference in your own experimentation.
13.The Famous Five.Influential Graphic Designers Timeline,Akshita Poojari,Behance, 2017.
To make the ordinary extraordinary is the purpose of design-Paul Rand
More by Rand...
Oftentimes graphic design, modern art and other contemporary visual practices cut across each other.
Can you spot the reference to a particular artist or style that the graffiti artist (and presumably graphic designer) CEPT is making here?
14.Graffiti.Taken nearby the D&AD offices,Shoreditch, London,2024.
Pop Art flourished in Britain and the United States in the 1960s while other cultures contributed to the movement in the following decades (, 2024). One of the leading American artists from the movement, Roy Lichtenstein turned to popular culture, comic books, daily objects and the world of advertising for challenging the attitudes and approaches of "high" art. In turn, the graphic character of Pop Art continues to influence artists and designers.Elements of multiplicity and reproduction – typical of mass-production culture – were reflected in Pop Art's media and processes: while acrylic paints allowed artists to create vivid, flat surfaces, the screen-printing technique produced boldly coloured images as repeated patterns subverting the idea of painting as a medium of originality.
June 1963 issue #88 of Secret Hearts (Vol.1).
A mural in Sao Paulo (Kane, 2013).
"Pop Art" ed. Tim Osterwold, featuring an artwork by Andy Warhol in the cover, Vintage 1991 Rare 1st Edition Collector's Taschen Art Book.
Jeremy Scott for Moschino (2013-2023).
"Modernism refers to a global movement in society and culture that from the early decades of the twentieth century sought a new alignment with the experience and values of modern industrial life (...) artists around the world used new imagery, materials and techniques to create artworks that they felt better reflected the realities and hopes of modern societies." -Tate Art Term, 2024Anita Klinz (1925 – 2013), was one of the pioneers of European graphic design, one of the few women -together with Lora Lamm- working in the 1950s Italian panorama of editorial graphics (Ghianda, 2018).In Masters of Contemporary Architecture (1960-1961), Klinz gave life to geometric shapes capable of existing autonomously based on the "sign" value forms contained in themselves, as the Concrete Art Movement had postulated. In each edition of the series, her forms allude to a project by the "master" to whom the book is dedicated.
Anita Klinz, Masters of Contemporary Architecture: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, 1960; Frank Lloyd Wright, 1960; Alvar Aalto, 1960; Le Corbusier, 1960; Pier Luigi Nervi, 1960; Antonio Gaudì, 1961; Oscar Niemeyer, 1961; Richard Neutra, 1961. (Ghianda, 2018)
Source: DJ Mag staff,"Modern rave art: meet the illustrators pushing flyer design forward," 2020.
The Arts and Crafts movement stood for traditional craftsmanship using simple forms, and often featured medieval, romantic, or folk styles of decoration with heavy use of textures and illustrated initials. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016)
Art Nouveau is a style of decorative art, architecture, and design was characterised by intricate linear designs and flowing curves based on natural forms and an 'earthy' colour palette. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016)
Futurism was a movement in the early 20th century. It emphasized speed, technology, youth, and violence, and objects such as the car, the aeroplane, and the industrial city. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016)
Heroic realism is a term which describes art and graphic design used as propaganda. It is easily identifiable from the name; realism and the depiction of figures as ideal types, heroes or symbols. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016)
Early Modernist design led by Bauhaus can be distinguished with geometrically based minimalistic approaches, clean type, more photos, less illustrations. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016).
As a term, Art Deco (1920-30s) was not coined until 1925. It uses sharp, aero-dynamic shapes, Egyptian zigzags, motion lines and, in more modern times, an airbrushed / grainy look (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016).
Late modernism encompasses the overall production of most recent art made between the aftermath of World War II and the early years of the 21st century. Known for, distorted geometric shapes, and informal layouts. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016)
The International Style originated in Switzerland in the 1940s was the basis of much of the development of graphic design during the mid to late 20th century. The style favoured simplicity, legibility and objectivity. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016)
The visual motifs of psychedelic art (1960s) include Art Nouveau-inspired curvilinear shapes, illegible hand-drawn type, and intense optical colour vibration inspired by the pop art movement. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016)
Graphic design associated with postmodernism incorporates a mixed up style sometimes characterized by a tilted axis, collage-like illustrations, overlying figures, and impulsive decoration. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016).
Grunge is a recent design evolution, which emerged post millennium and is easily recognized by its extensive use of distressed textures, unrefined edges, and a seemingly nonsensical approach to layout. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016).
Flat design is a current (post-internet) style primarily influenced by the International Typographic Style (also known as Swiss Style), Text User Interface, Modernism, and the styles emerging from Bauhaus. (Source: Opus Web Design, 2016)
Now that you have a broader understanding of graphic design, it is time to think about a specific programme, design skill or technique that you would like to apply in your Creative Portfolio.
Pick a skill from the 45 options offered by the Graphic Design School for their Weekly Design Exercises.Subjects include creating a one-line drawing to apply to your mock-ups (Week 28), social media template design (Week 44), textile design (Week 34) and more.Read instructions for Beginner or Intermediate level, watch the free tutorial and follow the allocated time and tips to complete the task. Add your final outcome to your portfolio.
For this final task, you have the chance to use any inspiration you have gained from the design concepts shown in previous slides with further resources that were linked to the images and movements. You have the option to:a) Pick one reference from the presentation and research 4-5 more project examples with annotations on how they inform your design process in your sketchbook.b) Choose an area of graphic design, create a sketch or a mock-up of a final product.c) Research a historical or contemporary style or movement and create your own graphic design response to it.
Book mock-up, sample response to Option b (Dorothy King,2020).
thank you
And special thanks to graphic designer Utkan Dora Öncül for his input.
Pop art also perpetuated sexual and stereotypical roles for women, leading to a widespread impact on how women were viewed. Male artists often depicted women in sexualized ways and reinforced traditional gender roles. In contrast, female Pop artists had to explore new directions in the Pop art style, using materials and views that supported women's movements and liberation. (click on image for more)
Marta Minujín,Leyendo las Noticias (Reading the News), 1965, photo, 21 x 21 cm. Public Domain.