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Road Investment Strategy 2025-30 (RIS 3)

Connecting the Country



Strategic Road Network Economic Overview



Five-year plan for investment in and management of SRN from 2025-2030. Scheme specific, Publication of RIS3 is imminent and will cover costs relating to operating, maintaining, renewing and enhancing the SRN. Supported by Strategic Business Plan & Delivery Plan.

Route Strategies

National Highways Licence (2015)

Department for Transport (DfT) Circular 01/2022

National Highways Policy

Overarching Mandates

“Conform to the principles of sustainable development” Where sustainable development means encouraging economic growth.

Tasks National Highways to proactively engage with the planning system to support the delivery of sustainable growth. The SRN “drives productivity and prosperity by unlocking growth, encouraging trade and attracting investment.”

Economic Role 1:

SRN Reliant Sectors

Strategic Connectivity

Economic Role 3:

Planning & Placemaking

Economic Role 4:

Social Value & Prosperity

Economic Role 1:SRN Reliant Sectors

Economic Role 2: Strategic Connectivity

Economic Role 4: Social Value & Prosperity

Economic Role 3: Planning & Placemaking

Sectors include freight & logistics, construction, and manufacturing. Ensuring an efficient SRN is critical the success of these sectors, due to the time-sensitive nature of their activities and lack of alternative modes.

The SRN enables the development of key sites, and new settlements supporting economic growth and major housing-led schemes and is key to meeting the nation’s economic development needs.

National Highways has direct and indirect impacts on social value and economic prosperity. Including its role in supporting jobs directly & in SRN-reliant sectors and enabling area-based regeneration.

Providing connections between the SRN, rail, and shipping networks, National Highways is a facilitator of trade. Ensuring efficient links to transport hubs, National Highways can enhance UK economic productivity.

Economic Role 2:

Rolling programme of research to underpin plans for the SRN including Road Investment Strategies. Focuses on approximately 20 strategic routes including those linking England with Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Strategic plan for investment to 2050, including focus on:

  1. Economic growth
  2. Freight and logistics
  3. Decarbonisation
  4. Digital
  5. Customer experience