grading policies
Unit 1: Novel Study
Project: Argument Writing
How do assumptions impact my identity?
Project: Memoir Graphic Novel
How do culture and community impact our identity?
Project: Character Analysis, Socratic Seminar
How does history impact the present? Project: Character Analysis, Socratic Seminar
Unit 2: Nonfiction
Project: Argument Writing
Unit 3: Graphic Novel Study
Project: Memoir Graphic Novel
Unit 4: Spoken Word Poetry
What impact does spoken language have on an audience?
Project: Writer's Workshop
Please check Canvas daily for announcements, information, and links to all class assignments. Please message Mrs. K via Canvas if you have any questions.
Read texts from diverse perspectives, engage in academic discourse, and develop critical reading skills, as you problem-solve strategies to effectively communicate your ideas and change the world!
*our school year is continuously evolving. Therefore, the information in this syllabus is subject to change.
This course weights assessments based on the building-wide policy of 80% summative assessments and 20% formative assessments. Students are encouraged to receive feedback on assessments and re-submit them or retake them for partial or full credit, depending on the specific circumstance.
canvas policy
Course description
units of study
2023-24 Syllabus
meet mrs. K
Welcome, students! This is my 6th year teaching ELA and I can't wait to share my love of reading and writing with all of you.
Welcome to 7th grade language arts!