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Lesson 8

Bad habits

Class rules

1. Work together and help each other2. Please raise your hand🤚to speak3. Speak one at a time and listen to your classmate4. Focus on the lesson and close other windows

Warm up

Let's talk about it!

What are some things that you like to do every day? What are some things that you should do every day that you don't always?Do you think bad habits are easy or difficult to break? Why?Is it better to focus on breaking bad habits or developing good habits?Is it better to try to gradually reduce a bad habit or quit cold turkey?


Student AYou have a bad habit of video gaming ask your friend about the computer cafe

Student BTell your friend about the computer cafeGive him some advice to help him stop

Talk together

Which bad habit is the worst?

  • My bad habit is __ I try to __
  • I think it's eay/difficult to stop ____ how about you?
  • To overcome __ you should __

Useful expressions

Good VS Bad habits quiz