LGBT Inclusion lesson plan.pdf
Safer Schools - Merseyside Police
Created on August 16, 2024
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LGBT+ IdenƟƟes
3 mins
handout* Go through the leƩers and explain what LGBT
Discuss unconscious bias and how we may think someone “looks gay” so does that make us think that they are LGBT+? Encourage to challenge their unconscious bias by emphasising that “LGBT+ do not have a look” and many have various roles in society including sports, using Keegan Hirst as a professional rugby player. This secƟon comes with *LGBT+ IdenƟƟes
LGBT+ or not. 1) Ncuƫ Gatwa – Doctor Who (Yes – IdenƟĮes as Queer) 2) Rebel Wilson – Actress (Yes – Lesbian) 3) Daniel Radcliīe - Actor (No – Ally) 4) Laverne Cox - Actress (Yes – Trans female) 5) Jenna Ortega - Actress (No – Ally) 6) Keegan Hirst – Rugby Player (Yes – Gay)
LGBT+ or not?
3 mins
saying/doing. To start discussion, ask the students to put their hands up if they think the following people are
and aims. Start with Energiser: 1, 2, 3 game. Students pair into two’s, they have to recount 1-3, for example person 1 says “1” person 2 says “2” and then person 1 says “3”. AŌer 30 seconds replace “1” with a click. Allow to go for 30 seconds, then replace “2” with a clap, so 1&2 are now click & clap. Following that, then replace 3 with a stamp. It’s an energeƟc focus game to get students moving, but also focus on what each other are
Method Introduce the workshop by reading the objecƟves
Slide 1-2
AcƟvity IntroducƟon & Energiser
Time 5 mins
LGBT+ Inclusion Workshop Merseyside Police
about it later on. 1982 – SecƟon 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 prohibited the promoƟon or teaching of homosexuality. Margaret Thatcher the countries leader at the Ɵme said the following: “Children who need to be taught to respect tradiƟonal moral values are being taught that they have an inalienable right to be gay”.
some key points. The slide is click per Ɵme period. 1967 – The government changed the legislaƟon so that Homosexuality was no longer an oīence and that two men could be in a romanƟc relaƟonship. 1972 – Following the uprising across the pond in America with the Stonewall Riots which had started oī Pride as a whole, people had grown fed up of being oppressed in the UK and the Įrst Pride in London happened, albeit nothing like how big it is today, but it happened and we will hear more
LGBT+ Timeline
10 mins
acclaimed it. It is important to highlight that there is not speciĮcally a correct or incorrect acronym, some people use LGBT+ or some people use LGBTQ+. The next part of the presentaƟon is based on the UK LGBT+ History with some key points. It’s important to explain that there is much more history that they can research online but these are
assigned sex Inform students that Queer is an idenƟty that is a term for sexual and gender minoriƟes however that it can oŌen cause discussion due to it previously being used as a derogatory term however a number of LGBT+ folk have re-
the same gender. aƩracƟons. B – Bisexual - People who are bisexual are aƩracted towards more than one gender. T – Trans - An umbrella term for people whose gender idenƟty does not line up with their
L – Lesbian - A female who is sexually aƩracted to G – Gay - A widely accepted term for all same-sex
relaƟon to this, shortly. 2010 – The Equality Act 2010 – LegislaƟon was wriƩen to protect all LGBT+ folk, parƟcularly Trans folk from discriminaƟon. 2013 – Same Sex Marriage legalised. The Queen oĸcially signed of the Marriage (Same Sex) 2013, which meant that LGBT+ folk could be legally married to each other and be aīorded the same marriage rights as heterosexual couples. 2014 – The Įrst marriages occurred on 312014. The Įrst “Gay Wedding” occurred right here
prior to this. 2002 – Same sex parents can now adopt young people allowing them to have a family. You may now recognise that same gendered families are included in ĮcƟonal books. 2003 – The legislaƟon that we spoke about earlier (SecƟon 28) was repealed which means that it was abolished. LGBT+ educaƟon can now be taught in schools. This did create some trauma for the LGBT+ community, parƟcularly gay males. 2008 – Michael Causer was a young man from Merseyside who died aŌer being seriously aƩacked by males. We will watch a video in
1992 – The World Health OrganisaƟon declassiĮed Homosexuality as a Mental Health Disorder, which was signiĮcantly harmful to the LGBT+ community
no longer be passed on.
This was also spawned some of the hate during the AIDS epidemic which focused negaƟve campaigns against gay men. The AIDS epidemic was the highlight of HIV/AIDS in the 80s where a large number of gay males were dying from contracƟng HIV and due to there being less knowledge in regard to treaƟng HIV many young men were dying of Acquired Immune DeĮciency syndrome. Luckily today there is much more medicaƟon that can prevent HIV being spread. PEP/PREP medicaƟon prevents someone who has contracted HIV from passing it to another person. If someone takes PREP this means that the cell count of HIV virus can become undetectable in the blood which means that it is suppressed and can
The Story of Michael
2 mins
LGBT+ rights? – 5 mins
acts”. 2021 – Blood DonaƟons were legalised for gay males. Following on from discriminaƟon due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, gay males were persecuted for seeing to be too promiscuous and they could not donate their blood. Now, males are permiƩed to donate their blood however there are sƟll “rules” they need to follow to do this. 2022 – 50 Years of UK Pride. Whilst we’ve touched on some key topics of historical legislaƟon or key dates that have mapped out the lives for LGBT+ people, it’s important to recognise that there is sƟll many reasons people need to have a pride. Lots of people must be mindful where they choose to go on holiday in fear of persecuƟon/prosecuƟon. Lots of people must Ňee their countries because LGBT+ rights have been stripped away from them. Group Exercise with Flipchart paper: What would you like to see going forward for Play video The Story of Michael Causer. **Pre-warn that story is moving and oīer
in Merseyside, with Warren Hartley and Kieran Bohan, both from a faith background too and working in Places of Worship. 2020 – Despite not falling into the “UK” but being a close neighbour, Ireland followed suit a liƩle bit behind with Same Sex Marriage being legalised. 2021 – A £50 note of Alan Turing was printed. Alan Turing was the person who broke the Enigma code which Germans used to protect their communicaƟons during the second World War. Whilst he did so much for Britain at the Ɵme, due to him being a gay man he was prosecuted due to his sexuality, chemically castrated, and killed by cyanide as an alternaƟve to serving a prison sentence. Gordon Brown a later Prime Minister made a public apology for the way that Turing was The ”Alan Turing Law” is used informally to reference a piece of legislaƟon that was used to pardon Gay Men that had been prosecuted for historical legislaƟon that outlawed “homosexual
What is a Hate Crime?
5 mins
city region. 3 years.
LGBT+ Hate Crime Headlines
2 mins
online. The Proud Trust is a unique LGBT+ naƟonal charity, their groups are based in Greater Manchester, but they do have an online list of naƟonal LGBT+ They also have Proud ConnecƟons which a young person can contact online anonymously for support and speak to an LGBT+ youth worker. *Professionals and Teachers can also use it to access support and up to date safeguarding advice on supporƟng an LGBT+ young person* It’s important to highlight that despite trying to foster an inclusive city, we unfortunately do have Ɵmes when hate crimes are commiƩed within the Most of the headlines displayed are within the last Hate crimes are any crime where the perpetrator’s hosƟlity or prejudice against an
Huyton. New Beginnings is ran by SeŌon Council and their details can also be found online. Wirral have New Horizons again with their details
What Support can I get as an LGBT+ Young
5 mins
idenƟƟes/educaƟon. you are trans. Support for LGBT+ Merseyside is hosted by several providers. It is important to highlight all to the young people as they can choose where they wish to access, and where they may feel safest. YPAS/GYRO is based in Liverpool City Centre. GYRO the LGBT+ young peoples group is accessible through contacƟng them online or by telephone. MYA (Merseyside Youth AssociaƟon) have an LGBT+ group that are set up in Our Place in
Trans Young People have the following rights in school and it’s important to explain that this is covered under the Equality Act which was discussed during the Ɵmeline: They can use whichever pronoun that they wish. You have a right to know who knows you’re trans. You have a right to use whichever toilets you wish. You have a right to learn about trans You don’t have to have any documents to say that
Rights as a Trans Young Person
3 mins
appropriate adult. There is also an app called Stop Hate UK where they can report if they do not feel comfortable speaking to the police, but means that it can sƟll be invesƟgated. It allows videos/audio clips to also be aƩached to the report. The vicƟm does not necessarily need to report a Hate Crime, another person can on their behalf.
How do I report a Hate
2 mins
about areas.
- - - - -
Why is it important to report a Hate Crime?
5 mins
Ask the QuesƟon: Who would feel comfortable challenging their best friend if they witnessed them commiƫng a hate crime and to put their hands up if they would. Choose a young person to explain why and then also choose a young person that says no and ask them to explain their reasonings. It’s important to reiterate that this is a safe space for discussion and not for people to feel like they are being punished for either. Criminal Oīence Bring oīenders to jusƟce. We want to support vicƟms. It helps police gather intelligence/paƩerns It may be part of a wider issue within the community that is seeing an increase within a parƟcular area, and educaƟon pieces need to be looked at. It’s not just a crime against one person it’s against a group of people as a whole. It can cause secondary trauma for people and create fear within a parƟcular community that is a minority. Read through the slide but also note that they can speak to members of staī at school or an
because they are LGBT+ whatsapp, Ɵktok) Public Order (Hate speech – Homophobic/Transphobic Language).
idenƟĮable group of people is a factor in determining who is vicƟmised. A Hate Crime can be: Criminal Damage – Damaging someone’s property Harassment (including online, i.e. snapchat,
15 16
Video Roundup QuesƟons
2 mins 5 mins
Play video
language. Be mindful about conĮdenƟality. We do not know where someone is at with their journey and whilst they may feel comfortable speaking to you in school, they may not be out at home or to others. Ask whether anyone can think of others Ask whether anyone has any quesƟons.
listen. Challenge Homophobia/Biphobia/Transphobia – call out non inclusive language or hateful
to you. Don’t Assume – This means that you shouldn’t assume who is LGBT+ but also assume that someone wants to discuss it with you. It may mean that you shouldn’t assume that someone is out either and that it’s ok to discuss. Listen – it can be so diĸcult being LGBT+ at Ɵmes or feel listened to, and someone may be telling you something personal – give them your Ɵme and
inappropriate. Educate yourself. Go and look further into LGBT+ history. Diversify what you read online if you read news arƟcles and look at speciĮc LGBT+ news outlets including Pink News. Be visible in your support. Visibility doesn’t just mean during pride month. If you have an LGBT+ ally badge that you’d feel comfortable to wear, that’s fantasƟc – a person may feel safe speaking
How do I be a good
5 mins
The vicƟm may be experiencing trauma from it so it’s important to highlight that anyone can report. Ask QuesƟons but with thought. Don’t ask extremely personal and rude quesƟons that are