Bilingual May RESPECT Calendar
ACT Training
Created on August 16, 2024
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What's happening in...
4th Star Wars Day
11thWorld Fairtrade Day
9thEurope Day
1st - 31stNational Walking Month
1st - 31stLocal and Community History Month
1st - 31stNational Share a Story Month
21stWorld Meditation Day
13th - 19th Learning at Work Week
14thDylan Thomas Day
12thNational Children's Day
11thWorld Ego Awareness Day
28thWorld Hunger Day
13th - 19thMental Health Awareness Week
13th - 17thWater Saving Week
Click on each of the awareness days in the calendar to learn more. Each page contains:
- A video
- A link to further information
- A game or activity
Snippets link to a printable Awareness Day Reflection worksheet.
Beth sy'n digwydd ym...
4yddDiwrnod Star Wars
11egDiwrnod Masnach Deg y Byd
9fedDiwrnod Ewrop
1af - 31ainMis Cerdded Cenedlaethol
1af - 31ainMis Hanes Lleol a'r Gymuned
1af - 31ainMis Rhannu Stori Cenedlaethol
21ainDiwrnod Myfyrdody Byd
13eg - 19egWythnos Dysgu yn y Gweithle
14egDiwrnod Dylan Thomas
12fedDiwrnod Cenedlaethol y Plant
11egDiwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth Ego y Byd
28ainDiwrnod Newyn y Byd
13eg - 19egWythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl
13eg - 17egWythnos Arbed Dŵr
Nodwch nad yw pob dolen allanol ar gael yn Gymraeg
Click on each of the awareness days in the calendar to learn more. Each page contains:
- A video
- A link to further information
- A game or activity
Snippets link to a printable Awareness Day Reflection worksheet.
National Walking Month
Learn more about the health benefits of walking from the NHS:
What will happen to your body if you walk every day?Here are ten things that will happen to your body if you make regular walking part of your routine:
Download the free NHS Better Health walking app for support with your new goals:
Mis Cerdded Cenedlaethol
Dysgwch fwy am y buddion iechyd o gerdded gan y GIG:
Beth fyddai'n digwydd i'ch corff os gerddwch chi bob dydd?Dyma ddeg peth fydd yn digwydd i'ch corff os gwnewch gerdded yn rheolaidd yn rhan o'ch arfer:
Lawrlwythwch yr ap rhad ac am ddim gan y GIG - 'NHS Better Health walking app' i'ch cefnogi gyda'r nodau newydd:
National Share a Story Month
Share a Story month celebrates the power of storytelling with different events taking place across the UK.Learn more about it from Literacy Hive:
Did you know that reading regularly changes your brain?Find out more:
Test your knowledge of young adult's literature with this quiz:
Mis Rhannu Stori Cenedlaethol
Mae mis Rhannu Stori yn dathlu pŵer dweud stori gyda digwyddiadau gwahanol ar draws y DU.Dysgwch fwy amdano trwy 'Literacy Hive':
Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod darllen yn rheolaidd yn newid eich ymennydd?Darganfyddwch fwy:
Profwch eich gwybodaeth o lenyddiaeth oedolion ifanc gyda'r cwis hwn:
Local and Community History Month
The Historical Association encourages everyone this month to research, read, share information and raise awareness about the history of their communities and local areas. Learn more about how to research your area:
This clip outlines 18 things Wales is famous for:
Test your knowledge of Welsh history with this quiz from BBC Wales:
Mis Hanes Lleol a'r Gymuned
Mae'r Gymdeithas Hanesyddol yn annog unrhyw un mis yma i ymchwilio, darllen, rhannu gwybodaeth a chodi ymwybyddiaeth am hanes eu cymuned a'u hardal lleol. Dysgwch fwy am sut i ymchwilio eich ardal:
Mae'r clip hwn yn amlinellu 18 peth mae Cymru yn enwog amdano:
Profwch eich gwybodaeth o hanes Cymru gyda'r cwis hwn gan BBC Cymru:
Star Wars Day
May the fourth be with you...
Learn more about Star Wars Day and the history of Star Wars:
Test your light sabre skills with this free browser game:
How will you celebrate Star Wars Day?Here are some ideas:
Diwrnod Star Wars
'May the fourth be with you...'
Dysgwch fwy am Ddiwrnod Star Wars a hanes Star Wars:
Profwch eich sgiliau gyda 'light sabre' gyda'r gêm ar-lein am ddim hon:
Sut byddwch chi'n dathlu Diwrnod Star Wars?Dyma rai syniadau:
World Fairtrade Day
Fairtrade is a trading partnership that observes the human rights of all involved, paying fairly for goods and services that have been sustainably sourced, and also engaging in supporting the fight against economic crisis, poverty, gender inequality, and climate change.A number of events take place on World Fairtrade Day to celebrate the occasion. Learn more about Fairtrade here:
Understand how Fairtrade supports workers and their families in developing countries by watching this clip:
Test your knowledge of Fairtrade with this quiz:
Diwrnod Masnach Deg y Byd
Mae Masnach Deg yn bartneriaeth masnachol sy'n arsylwi hawliau dynol pawb ynghlwm, talu'n deg am nwyddau a gwasanaethau sydd wedi'u tarddu'n gynaliadwy, a hefyd yn ymrwymo i gefnogi'r frwydr yn erbyn argyfwng economaidd, tlodi, anghydraddoldeb rhyw, a newid hinsawdd.Mae nifer o ddigwyddiadau yn digwydd ar Ddiwrnod Masnach Deg i'w ddathlu. Dysgwch ragor am Fasnach Deg yma:
Gwyliwch y clip hwn i ddeall sut mae Masnach Deg yn cefnogi gweithwyr a'u teuluoedd i ddatblygu gwledydd:
Profwch eich gwybodaeth o Fasnach Deg gyda'r cwis hwn:
Europe Day
Europe Day celebrates peace and unity across the continent.Learn more about it here:
This YouTube clip briefly explains the process of Brexit:
How well do you know Europe?Test your knowledge with this quiz:
Diwrnod Ewrop
Mae Diwrnod Ewrop yn dathlu undeb a heddwch ar draws y cyfandir.Dysgwch fwy amdano yma:
Mae'r clip YouTube yma yn esbonio proses Brecsit yn gryno:
Pa mor dda ydych chi'n nabod Ewrop?Profwch eich gwybodaeth gyda'r cwis hwn:
Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week is run by the Mental Health Foundation to raise awareness of different mental health issues each year.Learn more here:
We all have mental health. Watch this clip to learn more:
Put your knowledge of mental health to the test with this quiz from Time to Change:
Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl
Mae Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl yn cael ei arwain gan y 'Mental Health Foundation' i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r mathau gwahanol o faterion iechyd meddwl bob blwyddyn.Dysgwch ragor yma:
Mae gan bawb iechyd meddwl. Gwyliwch y clip hwn i ddysgu mwy:
Profwch eich gwybodaeth o iechyd meddwl gyda'r cwis yma gan 'Time to Change':
Dylan Thomas Day
Find out more about Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas on his official website, which is run by his granddaughter, Hannah Ellis.
Watch this incredible reading of Dylan Thomas's famous poem 'Do not go gentle into that good night', by Welsh superstar, Michael Sheen.
Channel your inner Dylan Thomas and generate your own poetry, using Artificial Intelligence tools.
From 'Under Milk Wood'Every morning when I wake, Dear Lord, a little prayer I make, O please do keep Thy lovely eye On all poor creatures born to die And every evening at sun-down I ask a blessing on the town, For whether we last the night or no I’m sure is always touch-and-go. We are not wholly bad or good Who live our lives under Milk Wood, And Thou, I know, wilt be the first To see our best side, not our worst. O let us see another day! Bless us all this night, I pray, And to the sun we all will bow And say, good-bye – but just for now!
Diwrnod Dylan Thomas
Darganfyddwch fwy am y bardd Cymraeg, Dylan Thomas ar ei wefan swyddogol, sy'n cael ei reoli gan ei wyres, Hannah Ellis.
Gwyliwch y darlleniad syfrdanol o gerdd mwyaf enwog Dylan Thomas, 'Do not go gentle into that good night', gan y seren enwog Cymraeg, Michael Sheen.
Ymgorfforwch eich Dylan Thomas a chrëwch gerdd eich hun, gan ddefnyddio teclynnau Deallusrwydd Artiffisial (AI).
'Under Milk Wood'Every morning when I wake, Dear Lord, a little prayer I make, O please do keep Thy lovely eye On all poor creatures born to die And every evening at sun-down I ask a blessing on the town, For whether we last the night or no I’m sure is always touch-and-go. We are not wholly bad or good Who live our lives under Milk Wood, And Thou, I know, wilt be the first To see our best side, not our worst. O let us see another day! Bless us all this night, I pray, And to the sun we all will bow And say, good-bye – but just for now!
World Ego Awareness Day
World Ego Awareness Day helps people to self-reflect on how big their ego is and to become more mindful of their behaviour and the impact it has on others.Learn more here:
How can you tell your ego is controlling your life?Watch this clip to learn the six signs:
How much does your ego rule your life?Try the quiz to find out:
Diwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth Ego y Byd
Mae Diwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth Ego y Byd yn helpu pobl i hunan-adfyfyrio ar eu ego ac i fod yn fwy ystyriol o'u hymddygiad a'r effaith mae'n ei gael ar eraill.Dysgwch fwy yma:
Sut gallwch chi ddweud os yw eich ego yn rheoli eich bywyd?Gwyliwch y clip i ddysgu chwech arwydd:
Faint mae eich ego yn rheoli eich bywyd?Ceisiwch y cwis i ganfod yr ateb:
National Children's Day
National Children's Day raises awareness of the importance of a healthy childhood, and how we need to protect the rights and freedoms of children and young people.It's also a day of celebration and to raise awareness and funds for projects.Find out more:
What are Child Rights?Watch this clip by the BBC to find out more:
Put your knowledge of children's health to the test with this ultimate quiz:
Diwrnod Cenedlaethol y Plant
Mae Diwrnod Cenedlaethol y Plant yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd magwraeth iachus, a sut mae angen i ni ddiogelu hawliau a rhyddid plant a phobl ifanc.Mae hefyd yn ddiwrnod o ddathlu a'n gyfle i godi ymwybyddiaeth ac ariannu prosiectau.Darganfyddwch fwy:
Beth yw Hawliau Plant?Gwyliwch y clip yma gan y BBC i ganfod mwy:
Profwch eich gwybodaeth am iechyd plant gyda'r cwis hwn:
Learning at Work Week
Learning at Work Week aims to put the spotlight on the importance and benefits of continual learning and development in the workplace with free online taster courses.Click for further information:
ACT created a Canine First Aid Taster course on YouTube for Learning at Work Week.Watch it here:
Why not try the UCAS Careers Quiz to discover your ideal place of work?
Wythnos Dysgu yn y Gwaith
Mae Wythnos Dysgu yn y Gwaith yn anelu i roi pwyslais ar y pwysigrywdd a'r buddion o ddysgu a datblygu parhaol yn y gweithle gyda chyrsiau blasu ar-lein am ddim.Cliciwch yma am ragor o wybodaeth:
Creodd ACT gwrs Blasu Cymorth Cyntaf Cwn ar YouTube ar gyfer Wythnos Dysgu yn y Gwaith.Gwyliwch yma:
Beth am geisio Cwis Gyrfa UCAS i ganfod eich lleoliad gwaith delfrydol?
Water Saving Week
Water Saving Week seeks to raise awareness about reducing water waste to manage climate change, lower the carbon footprint and save money. Learn more about it here:
Watch this clip from Welsh Water to learn top ten water saving tips:
This game from Anglian Water shows you how to save water in specific rooms in a house:
Wythnos Arbed Dŵr
Mae Wythnos Arbed Dŵr yn codi ymwybyddiaeth am leihau gwastraff dŵr i reoli newid hinsawdd, lleihau ôl-troed carbon ac arbed arian. Dysgwch fwy amdano yma:
Gwyliwch y clip hwn gan Dŵr Cymru i ddysgu'r deg ffordd pennaf o arbed dŵr:
Mae'r gêm hwn gan 'Anglian Water' yn dangos sut gallwch arbed dŵr mewn ystafelloedd penodol mewn tŷ:
World Meditation Day
World Meditation Day acts as a gentle reminder of the benefits of meditation.Learn more about the day:
Try this relaxing ten minute mindfulness meditation from Calm:
Test your knowledge of meditation with this ultimate quiz:
Diwrnod Myfyrdod y Byd
Mae Diwrnod Myfyrdod y Byd yn gweithredu fel atgoffwr am y buddion o fyfyrdod.Dysgwr ragor am y diwrnod:
Rhowch dro ar y myfyrdod ystyriol deg munud hwn gan 'Calm':
Profwch eich gwybodaeth am fyfyrdod gyda'r cwis hwn:
World Hunger Day
It is estimated that almost 800 million people in the world don't have enough food to eat. World Hunger Day aims to raise awareness and much-needed funds. Find out more:
This clip outlines the devastating effects of malnutrition:
How much do you know about world hunger?Try this quiz:
Diwrnod Newyn y Byd
Amcangyfrifwyd bod bron i 800 miliwn o bobl yn y byd heb ddigon o fwyd i fwyta. Mae Diwrnod Newyn y Byd yn anelu i godi ymwybyddiaeth am yr arian sydd ei angen i'w helpu. Canfyddwch fwy:
Mae'r clip hwn yn amlinellu'r effeithiau difrod o ddiffyg maeth:
Faint ydych chi'n ei wybod am newyn y byd?Rhowch gynnig ar y cwis: