Taller neuro
Walter Omar Velasco
Created on August 15, 2024
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Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Entendiendo el cerebro
Neurobiología de la vida diaria
Objetivo del taller
Introducir a los estudiantes en los conceptos básicos de la neuropsicología y la neurobiología, explorando cómo el cerebro y el sistema nervioso influyen en el comportamiento, las emociones y la cognición.
cómo las diferentes áreas del cerebro afectan nuestros pensamientos, emociones y comportamientos y cómo influyen en cosas como la memoria, la atención o la capacidad para resolver problemas.
es el estudio de cómo funciona el sistema nervioso para que podamos hacer cosas como pensar, movernos, sentir y aprender.
Hemisferio izquierdo
Hemisferio derecho
Es responsable de muchas de nuestras habilidades cognitivas y lingüísticas, del procesamiento de la información auditiva y del habla. Además, está involucrado en la comprensión y producción del lenguaje, de la capacidad de leer y escribir, así como de comprender la gramática y la sintaxis del lenguaje.
Es crucial para nuestra capacidad para comprender el lenguaje no verbal como las expresiones faciales y los gestos. Además, también está implicado en el procesamiento emocional y social.
La teoría de los hemisferios cerebrales ha sido una idea popular durante décadas. Sin embargo, los estudios más recientes han desafiado esta simplificación.
I am a great subtitle, ideal for providing more context on the topic you are going to address
esto es un ÍNDICE
Modelo de negocio
Estado actual
Demostrar entusiasmo, esbozar una sonrisa y mantener el contacto visual con tu audiencia pueden ser tus mejores aliados a la hora de contar historias que emocionen y despierten el interés del público: 'The eyes, chico. They never lie'. Esto te ayudará a hacer 'match' con tu audiencia. ¡Déjales con la boca abierta!
Cuando nos cuentan una historia, esta nos emociona, puede incluso conmovernos, haciendo que recordemos las historias hasta 20 veces más que cualquier otro contenido que podamos consumir.
Síntesis y organización, los dos pilares para presentar
Los iconos siempre son buenos aliados.
Fase 1
Contar historias con orden y jerarquía es fundamental.
Fase 2
Haz que los números sean historias con gráficos.
Fase 3
Y ponle un topping: dale interactividad y animación.
Fase 4
Timeline genial, paso a paso
Puedes describir brevemente en qué consiste la línea temporal de tu presentación y exponer los hitos alcanzados oralmente para que nadie se duerma.
Utiliza líneas temporales
Para contar historias de forma ordenada, jerárquica, estructurada y concisa. Estos son los cuatro pilares para llevar a cabo una presentación exitosa.
Síntesis y organización
Aunque no debes abusar de los bulletpoints, los iconos y esquemas pueden ser grandes aliados a la hora de contar historias.
Conditional Evaluation
Attention to the Important
Visual System
Associative Analysis
I am a great subtitle, ideal for providing more context on the topic you are going to address
Neuroscience Infographic
Our brain is biologically prepared to process visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processingvisual stimuli.
Excite the brain, through multimedia elements
Define secondary messages withinteractivity
Tell stories hierarchically
Hierarchize and givevisual weight to the main
Adapt fontsand color to the theme
Plan the structureof your communication
Establish a flow through the content
Plan the structureof your communication
Here you can include a relevant data to highlight
Remember to add animation! Capture your audience's attention with your content and choose the ideal effect by selecting the element and clicking on the Animation icon, which appearsjust above.
Conditional evaluation
Visual content is a universal, cross-cutting language, much like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Do you feel like your text is still missing something?Add animation to captivate your audience.
Bring your creation's elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Here you can include a relevant data point to highlight
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight, and we retain 42% more information whenthe content moves.
Associative Analysis
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Visual content is a cross-cutting, universal language, like music. We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Here you can include a relevant data highlight
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or graphics that help provide context to information and simplify data for translation to your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to 'read' images than written text.
Here you can place a highlighted title
Use this space toput a great phrase.
Use this space toput a great phrase.
A great title
A great title
Our brain is biologically prepared to process visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.
Here you can place a highlighted title
Here you can place a highlighted title
Animation adds value to our content by helping us capture attention, prioritize ideas, and make our audience remember the content.
Feel like your text is still missing something?Add animation to engageyour audience.
Here you can include a relevant piece of information to highlight
Bring your creation elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
Use this space to puta great sentence.
What you read: interactivity and animation can turn the most boring content into something fun. At Genially, we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs so you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something valuable and engaging.
Here you can place a highlighted title
Here you can place a highlighted title
Una estructura que conecta ambos hemisferios y permite la comunicación entre ellos, lo cual es esencial para la integración de funciones y para que el cerebro opere de manera coordinada y eficiente.
Cuerpo calloso
Your content is liked, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture the attention of your audiencewith an interactive photograph or illustration.
Here you can include a relevant data to highlight
Animate your content and take it to the next level
Do you feel like your text still needs something? Give it animation to captivateyour audience.
Use this space toput a great phrase.
Bring your creation elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience in awe. Also, highlight a specific phrase or data that stays engraved in your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios...Whatever you want!
A great title
A great title
A great title
A great title
Here you can put a highlighted title
Visual content is a cross-cutting, universal language, like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Here you can include a relevant data point to highlight
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or graphics that help provide context to information and simplify data for translation to your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.
Pay attention to what's important
Use this space toput a great phrase.
Use this space toput a great phrase.
A great title
A great title
Your content is liked, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.
Here you can include a relevant piece of information to highlight
Animate your content and take it to the next level
Feel like your text is missing something? Give it animation to captivate your audience.
Use this space to puta great phrase.
Bring your creation's elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
With Genially's templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience in awe. Also, highlight a specific phrase or piece of information that will be etched in your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
A great title
A great title
A great title
A great title
Visual System
Our brain is biologically prepared to process visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.
Here you can place a highlighted title
Here you can place a highlighted title
Animation adds value to our content by helping us capture attention, prioritize ideas, and make our audience remember the content.
Feel like your text is still missing something?Add animation to engageyour audience.
Here you can include a relevant piece of information to highlight
Bring your creation elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
Use this space to puta great sentence.
What you read: interactivity and animation can turn the most boring content into something fun. At Genially, we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs so you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something valuable and engaging.
Here you can place a highlighted title
Here you can place a highlighted title
Our brain is biologically prepared to process visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processingvisual stimuli.
Excite the brain, through multimedia elements
Define secondary messages withinteractivity
Tell stories hierarchically
Hierarchize and givevisual weight to the main
Adapt fontsand color to the theme
Plan the structureof your communication
Establish a flow through the content
Plan the structureof your communication
Here you can include a relevant data to highlight
Remember to add animation! Capture your audience's attention with your content and choose the ideal effect by selecting the element and clicking on the Animation icon, which appearsjust above.
Conditional evaluation
Your content is liked, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.
Here you can include a relevant piece of information to highlight
Animate your content and take it to the next level
Feel like your text is missing something? Give it animation to captivate your audience.
Use this space to puta great phrase.
Bring your creation's elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
With Genially's templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience in awe. Also, highlight a specific phrase or piece of information that will be etched in your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
A great title
A great title
A great title
A great title
Visual System
Visual content is a cross-cutting, universal language, like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Here you can include a relevant data point to highlight
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or graphics that help provide context to information and simplify data for translation to your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.
Pay attention to what's important
Use this space toput a great phrase.
Use this space toput a great phrase.
A great title
A great title
- Genera experiencias con tu contenido.
- Tiene efecto WOW. Muy WOW.
- Logra que tu público recuerde el mensaje.
- Activa y sorprende a tu audiencia.
Con las plantillas de Genially podrás incluir recursos visuales para dejar a tu audiencia con la boca abierta. También destacar alguna frase o dato concreto que se quede grabado a fuego en la memoria de tu público e incluso embeber contenido externo que sorprenda: vídeos, fotos, audios... ¡Lo que tú quieras!¿Necesitas más motivos para crear contenidos dinámicos? Bien: el 90% de la información que asimilamos nos llega a través de la vista y, además, retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve.
¡Que fluya la comunicación!
¿Tienes una idea?
Aquí puedes incluir un dato relevante a destacar
Visual content is a universal, cross-cutting language, much like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Do you feel like your text is still missing something?Add animation to captivate your audience.
Bring your creation's elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Here you can include a relevant data point to highlight
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight, and we retain 42% more information whenthe content moves.
Associative Analysis
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
- Genera experiencias con tu contenido.
- Tiene efecto WOW. Muy WOW.
- Logra que tu público recuerde el mensaje.
- Activa y sorprende a tu audiencia.
Con las plantillas de Genially podrás incluir recursos visuales para dejar a tu audiencia con la boca abierta. También destacar alguna frase o dato concreto que se quede grabado a fuego en la memoria de tu público e incluso embeber contenido externo que sorprenda: vídeos, fotos, audios... ¡Lo que tú quieras!¿Necesitas más motivos para crear contenidos dinámicos? Bien: el 90% de la información que asimilamos nos llega a través de la vista y, además, retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve.
¡Que fluya la comunicación!
¿Tienes una idea?
Aquí puedes incluir un dato relevante a destacar