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hkh Scorecard task 4

consumption studies

This step-by-step guide provides detailed instructions to CNP Cafeteria Managers on how to successfully execute a consumption studies at their campus.












Below is a summary of 10 steps you will need to take to successfully conduct a consumption study at your campus. More details for each are provided in the following slides.

Part 1: Pre-work

Part 2: Before Meal Service

Select an entree & student sample

Provide overview of expectations

Weigh each menu item & complete Table A

Build a sample plate

Take "Before" pictures

Remind students of expectations

Student dismissal

Take "After" pictures

Weigh remaining food items

Input data and upload pictures & Consumption Log

Part 3: During Meal Service

Part 4: After Meal Service

Part 5: Final Tasks

**24-25 sy cHANGES**

  • Consumption Training will now be hosted on Roadmaps.
  • In order to receive 20 points for Task #4, you will need to conduct 2 consumption studies: 1 in the Fall Semester, and 1 in the Spring Semester. Each consumption study is worth 10 points.
  • Consumption studies should be done on either Pizza day and/or Enchilada Foldover/Crisp Up day.
  • You no longer need to weigh non-food items.
  • Using digital scales is REQUIRED.



to conduct Consumption studies

lIST OF Materials

•Digital Scale (Required)• Camera, iPad, or phone to take pictures • Consumption Log (Please DOWNLOAD a copy from the HUB)• Gloves to handle food • Student Labels (Please DOWNLOAD a copy from the HUB)• Computer/Laptop

Pre-work: choosing an entree & SELECTING STUDENT SAMPLE


Picture from Lake Houston CNP Team

  • Pre-select 5 students.
  • For ease, these can be from the same teacher and/or grade level.
  • Managers need to choose from these two entrees for their consumption studies:
1. Pizza Day AND/OR2. Enchilada Foldovers/Crisp Ups Day**REMINDER: To receive 20 points, 1 Consumption Study must be done in the Fall Semester, and 1 in the Spring Semester. Each is worth 10 pts.

Pre-work: provide participating students an overview of expectations


Let students know the following:

  • They have been selected for a project to measure their food consumption for lunch.
  • They will grab their lunch plate normally (Offer vs. Serve) and be seated in a designated area in the cafeteria.
  • They will receive a label with a number, S1-S5 (Student 1 - Student 5) that will be displayed next to their plate.
  • The CM/CAM or CNP staff will take a picture of each participating students' plate BEFORE they begin eating.
  • Students will NOT throw away food when they are done. They will leave their plate on the table and CNP staff will take pictures of remaining food AFTER they are done.

**Note: You can talk to students days in advance, or the day of, just make sure you make time to establish expectations with them beforehand.

Before students arrive for Meal Service


Build a sample plate


  • Build a sample plate using ALL offered menu items of the day.
  • This can be the same plate you store for compliance purposes.
**NOTES: - You do NOT need to submit a picture of this sample plate. Picture on the right is just an example.

Picture from IDEA Hidden Meadows CNP Team

Weigh each Menu Item & Complete Table A



Table A was modified this year to better support the input of data on the Consumption Log. The Entree, Veggie 1, Veggie 2, Milk, & Condiments Rows (Boxed in Blue) now can be filled on Table A using a drop down menu.

You will also notice that the Standard Menu Items Table (orange table) has weights in ounces for all Condiments & Milk served with either the Pizza and Enchilada Foldover/Crisp Ups. This is so that you don't have to weigh these menu items from your sample plate. You will only need to individually weigh in ounces the following from your sample plate: 1. Entree 2. Veggie Sides3. Fruits4. Extra items servedRecord the weights for these menu item categories on Table A and set plate with all offered menu items aside. **NEW THIS YEAR: Weights will autopopulate on Table A for the milk & condiments once you select them from the drop down menu.

The rows for FRUITS & EXTRA do NOT have a drop down menu as menu items will vary from campus to campus. You will need to type in the specific menu item offered on your campus for those rows.

During Meal Service


Remind students of expectations


Picture from IDEA Palmview CNP Team

  • Meet briefly with students to remind them of the expectations.
  • Have them go through the line to get their plate and sit in a designated area.
**IMPORTANT: Remind them to WAIT for you to take a picture of their plate BEFORE they start eating.

Take "before" pictures


  • Once students are seated, give students their labels and have them set the label next to their plate.
  • Take a picture of EACH plate individually BEFORE students begin to eat.
  • Each picture should be taken from an upward position, clear, and of high quality. Remove any sporks, napkins, and/or trash from picture.
!IMPORTANT! Each menu item should be clearly visible. **NOTE: For privacy concerns, students should NOT appear on picture, only their food plate.

Picture from IDEA Carver



  • Remind students to NOT throw their plates when they are done eating.
  • Remind them a CNP staff member will take care of disposing of their leftovers.

Picture from IDEA Spears CNP Team

After Meal Service


Take "after" pictures


  • Once students are dismissed, take a picture of EACH plate individually AFTER they have eaten.
  • Remember, their student label should be visible in the picture.
  • Each picure should be taken from an upward position, clear, and of high quality. Remove any sporks, napkins, and/or trash from picture.
REMINDER: Each menu item should be clearly visible.
  • For pictures AFTER eating, please pour remaining milk in a clear cup and place in student's plate for the picture. If the milk carton is empty, turn the carton on its side for the picture.

Picture from IDEA Carver



  • For each student plate, proceed to weighing the leftovers of each menu item individually and RECORD the weights in ounces on your Consumption Log.
!IMPORTANT! Refer to the "Instructions" tab on the Consumption Log for detailed instructions on inputting leftover weights.
  • You should be weighing and recording each of the following:
1. Leftover entree 2. Leftover veggie side(s)3. Leftover milk4. Leftover fruits5. Leftover grains (if applicable)6. Leftover condiment(s)
  • Dispose of leftover food & clean working area after all leftover weights have been added to the log.

Picture from IDEA McAllen CNP Team

Final Tasks


finish inputting data & uploading pictures


  • Ensure all weights & data have been added to the student tables on the Consumption Log for the 5 students.
  • Upload all images to the HUB on your designated folder.
CNP HUB -> Nutrition -> HKH -> 2024-2025 -> Campus Name -> Task 4 -> Fall/Spring Consumption Study
  • You should be uploading 2 pictures per student, 10 pictures total:
- 5 pictures BEFORE eating- 5 pictures AFTER eating
  • You should also be uploading your Consumption Log
**REMINDER: Please ensure all photos and Consumption logs are named properly, otherwise they will NOT be reviewed.

WHERE TO FIND consumption study Resources


Please refer to the HKH Resources folder on the HUB for additional resources. These include:

  • Consumption Log (Please be sure to DOWNLOAD a copy for your use)
  • Copy of Consumption Training in English & Spanish. **Actual Consumption Training needs to be completed on Roadmaps.
  • Consumption Task Guidance Document (Word version of this training)
  • Student Labels for plates (Please be sure to DOWNLOAD a copy for your use)
  • Consumption Task Example & Non-example Resource

That's a wrap!

For any questions, reach out to ANA VALDEZ, Arinda Rodriguez, or your regional manager

Picture from Pharr CNP Team