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The colours in the flag have special meanings: • Purple: Represents the beauty and richness of the coral reefs. • White: Stands for the clean and pure nature of the reefs, and the need to keep them that way.• Blue: Symbolizes the ocean and the calm, peaceful sea around the island. • Pink: Represents the gentle and delicate nature of the coral reefs and the need to care for them.

Overall, the flag shows the beauty and importance of coral reefs on Coral Island, reminding us to protect these important ecosystems.

The flag shows a square design with coral shapes and dots. The colours are purple, white, blue, and some pink.

The dots in the flag represent the different regions of Coral Island. Each dot stands for a unique part of the island, with its own special marine life and landscape. The dots show how all these regions are connected and need to be protected together.

The coral branches represent growth, strength, and connection. Corals have complex shapes that create homes for many sea animals. This shows how important ecosystems and different life forms are.