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Maestro Coaching Tool

What is the coach tool and how to use it!

Why Use It?

  • To effectively use the tool to the best of it’s ability
  • Coaching within the audit experience will amplify the overall learning and growth of the agent
  • Will increase timliness and effectiveness of the coaching
  • Allow for strong paper trail and look back to identify trends and patterns

Coaching Tool

In order to amplify agent performance, MaestroQA Coaching Sessions have been created for Supervisors. We'll learn how to use the coaching tool in Maestro that will enhance our professional development efforts. This tool will be mandatory for all team members. We believe it will provide valuable insights and support in our ongoing growth and success.

MaestroQA View

In the top right, you will see a Coach button. To create a coaching, click on this button.

MaestroQA View

You will see a pop up window display.From the drop down, you can choose an agent. If you click Coach while on an agents audit, they will be the default selected.

MaestroQA View

Next Click New Session and add a template. The template autopopulates text in the coaching for you to use! All supervisors should be using the template titled Generic Template 1!

In each ticket, you have an Add to Coaching button:

Agent View

Full Demo:

All supervisors are expected to start using the coaching tool by 9/13 and we will be following up with anyone who has not started the new tool after this date!

Final Step

Clicking Add will show you the ability to add Coaching Points to make an impact. You can also assign To-Do's for agents to complete.