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Weekly Review Week 6-Seminars


15 minutes

Question 1/10

In seminar A how long will you need to talk?

up to 10 minutes

5 minutes

as long as you need


if you are a group of 3 it will be 8 minutes and 10 minutes for a group of 4


Speak clearly with correct pronunication

Question 2/10

What do you need to do to score highly in interaction?

Expand your ideas with examples and evidence

show your listening by agreeing, disagreeing and adding to what others say

Reading from your notes and citing your sources


Don't just agree, show that you heard what the person said by echoing or parahrasing back to them (for higher marks here)


You will get good marks for accurate language

Question 3/10

What happens if you read out everything from your notes?

You'll get high marks for interaction

Nothing you don't even need notes

You will lose marks for fluency and possibly language (as it is not your own)


You will start to slow down and your response will not sound natural; you may also start to dominate so you will lose marks for interaction as well!


What I read said...

Question 4/10

Which of these is a good way to cite your sources?

According to a study by (name) in (year)

According to me..

Some sources said that...


Try to be specific when you cite (say who wrote it and when it was published)/ don't use vague language (some studies show..)


You all have a chance to speak and that nobody is left out

Question 5/10

In the semimar it is important that....

Everyone agrees with each other

You all take turns to speak and don't interupt

you read all your notes before the time runs out


Yes , you can get extra marks for inviting others to speak (interaction)


Bullet points of your own examples and ideas

Question 6/10

What kind of notes do you need to make for the seminar?

Long paragraphs; you will get high marks for academic language

Bullet points of key ideas from credible sources (with citations)


Make sure you add the names of the authors and that your sources are NOT made up. They may be checked to see if they are real. Try to cite at least two times


that I use with my friends, such as bro

Question 7/10

It is okay to use language...

Easy English, including words like big, nice

that is neutral/academic (as long as you understand it)

Words that are academic, but I don't know how to pronounce


Yes, don't try and impress the examiner and your peers by using overly complex/ academic language. This is a discussion and people need to understand what you are saying and respond.


You must show your notes and ID to the tutor and put away your phone

Question 8/10

What happens at the start of the seminar?

You sit down, introduce yourself and start to speak

Someone in the group reads out the question

You decide which question you want and then one person reads it out to the group


You must show your hand-written notes to the examiner and your ID. All technology must be in your bags at the back of the room. Remember NO phones/ tablets allowed.


Only 1

Question 9/10

How many seminars can you take?


As many as you like!

2 mocks and 2 summatives


3 summatives and 2 practice seminars. It is important to attend all the practice seminars in order to gain feedback.


Yes, this is a good way to end with everyone contributing equally

Question 10/10

Does everyone need to conclude or sum up at the end of the seminar?

No just one person can do this

You don't need a conclusion or summing up

No, the teacher will do this for you


It is a good way to finish and shows you have fully explored the question



Now you know a bit more about the seminar, make sure you have clear, bullet point notes and include all citations. GOOD LUCK!



Try again!
