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Dario Luis Banegas

AILA 2024

Towards Intersectionality in Inclusive Language Teacher Education to Harness Multilingualism


"ELT methodology was useful for a second or two the moment I realised that a few of my students didn't speak Spanish as their L1"

(García & Kleyn, 2019)

Are we preparing (language) teachers for multilingual contexts?

How could we harness that alignment to promote multilingualism as a sociolinguistic and identity-driven phenomenon across spaces and practices?



“identities are social products, cultural devices, a kind of box of tools which can be used to define oneself” (Esteban-Guitart & Moll, 2014, p. 35)

Intersecting identities










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Dario Luis Banegas


Are we preparing teachers for language teaching in/for multilingual contexts? An intersectionality lens

ideal/future selfnegotiationvisioninvestmentagency

(Barkhuizen, 2021; Darvin & Norton, 2023; agency (Kayi-Aydar, 2019; Tao & Gao, 2021; Zhang & Yuan, 2019)

How could we (re)imagine (language) teacher education in/for multilingual contexts as a way to enhance alignment between teacher preparation and (language) teaching?

(Banegas et al., 2022)

TED action research

Curriculum renewal/changeMultilingualism as a right/resource/identity

“multiple ways in which one’s identity and identity positionings create variable spaces of privilege and marginalization” (Paiz, 2021, p. 10)