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What's in OCF?

View the OCF training standard for SAR Unit Layout

Boat layout

Take an interactive tour of our Tamar


Know how to...

Identify the parts of a vessel:

  • Bow
  • Port
  • Beam
  • Gunwhale
  • Fore & Aft

  • Stern
  • Starboard
  • Quarter
  • Transom

Identify the main stowage areas and equipment for the SAR unit. Examples:

  • Survivors lifejackets
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Deck tools


  • Torch
  • Handheld VHF radio
  • Emergency aerial

Identify individual compartments of the SAR unit:

  • Fore peak
  • Survivors cabin
  • Engine room
  • Wheelhouse

  • Fore cabin
  • Tanks space
  • Tiller flat
  • ILB POD and compatments

Vessel terminology

SAR unit compartments

Familiarity with stowages

1.3.1 SAR Unit Layout

Main Menu



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Identify the names and uses of main fittings found on the deck of the SAR unit

  • Cleat - making off lines
  • Bitts/ bollard - making off lines
  • D-rings - making off lines

  • Fairlead - guiding lines
  • Capstan - winching lines
  • Catting davit - anchor recovery

State the potential hazards posed by radar and aerials, working in a confined space, fuel, and slips trips and falls.

  • Radar: Radiation, spinning transceiver, wires and lines (esp. for helicopter operations)
  • Aerials: Electrocution, eye injury, broken fibreglass, RF burns
  • Fuel: Fire, dermatitis, fume inhalation, ingestion
  • Confined/ enclosed spaces: Entanglement, heat, entrapment, flooding, asphyxiation
  • Slips, trips and falls: injury, damage to equipment


Deck fittings


1.3.1 SAR Unit Layout

Main Menu



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Explain how to minimise the risk of slips, trips and falls

  • Holding on
  • Good housekeeping
  • Door frames

Demonstrate the appropriate crew position / crew seating including seat adjustment if applicable (Tamar seats do not need to be adjusted).

  • ILB - transit and dynamic crew positions
  • Safe body position with appropriate handholds
  • Correct feet and leg positioning
  • Resistance setting (Severn class), harness and arm rests to suit individual and environment if applicable.


Crew seating

1.3.1 SAR Unit Layout

Main Menu



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Boat layout

Main Menu

Outer decks


Survivor space

Layout Menu

Outer decks


Aerial (mirrored each side, raise and lower for launch/ recovery)

Jackstay (mirrored each side)

'A' frame (mirrored each side)

Emergency aerial Activated from Coxswain's seat in wheelhouse

Fuel filler (mirrored each side)

Fire flap 2 on starboard side 1 on port side

Boat hook (semi-mirrored each side) Starboard side: blue longer boat hook, double hook Port side: white shorter boat hook, single hook

Bitt (mirrored each side)

Bitt (mirrored each side)

Cleat (mirrored each side)

Capstan Mirrored on each side, operated by single foot pedal for each capstan


Blue light (top) Bilge alarm light (bottom)

Layout Menu

Upper Steering Postion (USP)



Man Overboard Alarm

SIMS controls

Engine start/ stops

Engine start/ stops

Helmet torch


Clutch in/ out

Hydraulics Mast & transom door

VHF Distress on back

Second search light

(under steering wheel) Emergency steering mount

(Base of console at deck level) Shore power connection - ensure clear with coxswain / mechanic and off at switch ashore before disconnecting

Aft deck

Layout Menu

Gob Eye / Letterbox

Shore power reel Shore power connects at base of USP. Before disconnecting from boat: - Check with Mechanic / Coxswain - Ensure shore power is turned off (usually by DLA or Head Launcher)

Life buoy ring One each side, starboard side is also equipped to work as a breeches buoy Rough demo of breeches buoy

Towing bollard / stag horn

Capstan Can be connected to towing Operated via either of two foot pedals on the deck

Cleat Mirrored each side

'D' - to pass mooring lines through

Salvage pump (now grey) Remove from case to use aboard lifeboat. Case can be unfastened to be passed to casualty vessel if needed.


Towing line Soft shackle Rubbing strip (200m tow line marked every 50m)

Life rafts x3 Capacity: 6 person rated, 12 maximum

Escape hatch from engine room (key to open from outside stored under 1st seat in wheelhouse)

Bitt Mirrored each side

Post for guard rail x2

Plugs for guard rail holes x2 store upside down to prevent water pooling Swap when posts taken out

Searchlight - mount at USP (ensure handle is on the top)


Layout Menu

Looking aft

looking forward

Frame for basket stretcher

Crew seat

Mechanic's Seat

Helm Seat

Coxswain Seat

Radar Seat

Navigator Seat

Doctor's Seat

To survivor space/ engine room


(above) Blackout curtain to separate front three in event casualty located in wheelhouse


Layout Menu

Looking fwd

looking aft

First aid kit & cas care cards

Doctor's Seat

Crew seat

Hand held VHF - take on 'Y' boat / grab bag in event of abandon ship

Bolt cutters


Bucket, holding bottles of water

2x red parachute flares

Signal flags for helicopter

(above)SIMS start up button

(above)Grey switch - police light Schematic of all fire flaps on board

Crew Seat


Blue light (top) Bilge alarm light (bottom)

Drinking water

Fire Extinguisher - CO2

Under Crew Seat - 'Not Under Command' shapes and lights

Under Mechanic's Seat - Binoculars

Emergency steering wheel Fitted under main wheel on USP

Mechanic's Seat


Blue light (top) Bilge alarm light (bottom)

Fuel shut offs

Emergency throttle - connects to grey terminals under helm/ coxswain's console


Helm Seat


Fire flap



SIMS controls - rollerball, three buttons referred to as 1,2,3.

Comms - yellow for intercom, red for radio


Coxswain's Seat


Key to AIS vessels/ targets


Activate emergency aerial

Man overboard

Take control / clutch out to relinquish control

Internal boat comms



VHF / UHF radio Distress button on the front

Radar Seat


Man overboard alarm

Switch to emergency aerial

Take helm

Documents & almanac

SIMS controls & comms

Air con / heater controls

Stand alone Diff (another set linked to and accessed via SIMS)

Doctor's Seat


Bolt cutters

Navigator's Seat


Local chart (#1652)

AIS panel

SIMS controls & comms

SIMS screen

Tide table

Navigation instruments

Charts & almanac (beware when opening)

Schematic of all fire flaps

Survivor space

Layout Menu

looking forward

Looking aft

Anchor locker (chain in box, 180m warp laid in a grid)

Harness for survivors - 5 each side


Lightswitch for forepeak

Sick bags


Survivor space

Layout Menu

looking aft

Looking fwd

Tank space

Engine room Always remove lifejacket before entering - don't enter without express instructions to do so

2x torches

2x ear defenders

Tank space light

VHF and MF main radios Connected to SIMS system to be used at control units in USP and Wheelhouse, can be used directly at units here if disconnected from SIMS

Small orange switches - isolators

CO2 fire extinguisher

SIMS rack Curtain can be dropped down in event of fire

Water tanks

Stores - tea, coffee, sugar, powdered milk, soup, noodles etc.

Snacks, cloths & water purifying tablets

Carry mugs

Hot water tank Switch on at isolator first. When at sea always place cup in holder to fill

Main Menu

Man Overboard





Engine / Machinery

Raise the man overboard alarm

USP console (pull cap)

Coxswain's console (hold)

Engine Room Fire Flap Never close unless actual emergency and instructed to do so by Coxswain / Mechanic

Fire hose valve

Fire hose x2 Fire nozzle x1

Heaving lines 1x short 1x long More in port locker at foot of steps to USP

Towing line

Life rafts x3 Capacity: 6 person rated, 12 max

Towing bridles Pennant 'A' frame block & tackles Grappple

Previously Jacob's Ladder was stored here - replaced in Sept '24 with Hypo Hoist (stored in stb fwd locker, yellow bag)

Under Mechanic's Seat

Emergency throttles

Paperwork & manuals


Instrument covers

Survivor space - port side fwd

Foot pump for Y Boat

Y Boat pump, pipe and gauge

10x Survivor lifejackets

2x ILB-type lifejackets for Y Boat NO PLB in pocket 2x smoke and red flares

Survivor space - port side mid

Drysuits for Y Boat inc. thermals and neoprene gloves

White body bags Bottom of bag - bar of wax for drysuit zips

Small towline / spare line

Ambulance pouch

4x blankets in vaccuum sealed bags

Deck tools

Same tools in theforward container.Axe only aft



Marlin spike

Small axe / hatchet


2x Delta AnchorsOne larger


Hawsepipe (Channel that the anchor chain/ rope comes up from)

Anchor recovery davit

Towing bollard


Dustpan and brush


Loo roll, cleaner & toiletries

Ship's bell Holder secured to bulkhead - fits in search light mount

Breeches buoy kit - part 1 of 2 (other box on opposite side)

Survivor space - starboard side fwd

Vital stores - snacks and water

2x person lifting strops

Mass casualty (migrant boat) kit

Stretcher lift

Mooring lines Short x2 (white whippping)

Yokohama fenders (large) x2 inflate with Y Boat pump


Soft shackle x2

Large vessel towing pennants x2

Under Mechanic's Seat

Emergency throttles

Paperwork & manuals


Instrument covers

Under Mechanic's Seat

Emergency throttles

Paperwork & manuals


Instrument covers

Deck brush

Bailey Hatch Key

Helmet Torches (Gecko)

Under Doctor's Seat

New chafe/ rubbing strips for towing (could also be used on mooring lines)

FLIR Thermal Imaging Camera (Forward Looking InfraRed)

Handheld compass

Hi-Line gloves for helicopter ops (various sizes)

Tie-down kit for basket stretcher


Cover for USP (used if boat has to be left afloat)

'Y' Boat (daughter craft)

Hydraulic transom

2x large fenders 1x small fender

Painter (line attached to bow of Y Boat, used for launching, recovering, manoevering etc.)

Pipe for foot pump

Port side - foot pump

15hp outboard

2x survivor lifejackets Bung

Spare propellor in black bag under hood

Anchor box Delta anchor Flares

Knife on side of anchor box

Water to prime the salvage pump

Mooring line - long (red whipping)

Mooring line - short (white whipping)

Throw bag (20m)

Heaving lines x2

Drogue / sea anchor (under moring line)

Under Doctor's Seat

New chafe/ rubbing strips for towing (could also be used on mooring lines)

FLIR Thermal Imaging Camera (Forward Looking InfraRed)

Handheld compass

Hi-Line gloves for helicopter ops (various sizes)

Tie-down kit for basket stretcher


Cover for USP (used if boat has to be left afloat)

Sick bags

Coxswain's Gecko helmet (fitted with comms for helicopter ops)

Foam fire extinguisher

Powder fire extinguisher

Fire flap - survivor space


Foam fire extinguisher

Bailey hatch key

Powder fire extinguisher

Marigold gloves

Sick bags

Storage points for helmet comms (no longer in use)

Under Mechanic's Seat

Emergency throttles

Paperwork & manuals


Instrument covers

Electrical spares

2x rocket lines

Breeches buoy kit - part 2 of 2 (other box on opposite side)

Helmet rack 3x Geckos for Y Boat 2x Petzels

6x red handheld pinpoint flares

15x white parachute flares

Grab bag - contains handheld GPS and chem lights. Add: Water, flares, handheld VHF, warm clothes. Keep air inside the bag when sealing to increase buoyancy.

Block and tackle for 'A' frame (x2)

Grapple and line

Bridle for towing vessels ~5m ('Y' shape)

Pair of pennants for towing vessels ~10m (same length)

Survivor space - starboard side mid

Boat documents

Casualty care bag

Casualty care cards

Foam fire extinguisher

Foam fire extinguisher



Space cylinders for oxygen and Entonox - coloured names match the bags

Support frame for basket stretcher when secured in wheelhouse

Neil Robinson stretcher

Lifting bridles (for lifting stretcher into lifeboat - our stretcher is not for lifting into helicopter)

Basket stretcher



Escape hatch ladder

Deck tools

Same tools asaft container.(No axe at fwd)


Marlin spike

Small axe / hatchet


Under Crew Seat

Key for emergency hatch

Loud hailer

High powered torch

Signal lamp Powered by sockets on pulpit

Oil pump - also used as a backup pump for draining Y boat well (normal pump kept in mechanic's workshop)

Block & pulley for anchor recovery

Spare anchor warp

Anchor buff Used for catting the anchor or marking its location in the event of having to jettison

Mooring line (long - red whipping)

Hypo Hoist Rigged at A Frame, red strap to the bow (no matter which side of lifeboat)