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Key words:pulp, paper, bamboo, furniture, rubber, tiresVerbs:to build, to mash, to createGrammar:conjunctions: as long asPhonics: double consonants for VCCV words

Students will learn:

L5 U8 L5

Level 5 Unit 8 Lesson 5

Do you think more plants are used for eating or for making things?

What are some things that are made from plants?


to create: to make or bring something into being.

Paul needed a lot of tools to create his machines.

EarthCo does a great job of recycling paper products.

paper: writing or printing material created from wood.

Paper Making Process







Before we build, we must draw the plan.

to build: a create something by putting pieces together.

We use bamboo to build our furniture because it's strong and beautiful.

bamboo: a hollow plant, used for building.

tire: a hard covering made from rubber and placed over a wheel.

After he got a flat, Monty had to learn to replace his own tires.

Rubber Making Process

Describe the process for making tires in your own words.


Pulping & Drying
Harvesting & Chipping



The Final Product
Pressing & Rolling


on the condition or in the event that something else happens. Introduces a conditional clause

as long as

  1. I'll remember your smile as long as I live.
  2. I'll watch your dog as long as you're away.
  3. You can borrow my dress, as long as you don't stain it!
  4. Tony would be safe, as long as he didn't try that stunt again.
  5. Sure we can hire Jerome, as long as he is qualified.


as long as

the temperature doesn't hit 0°C
I continue to wear shorts
You can borrow my car
you don't drive to fast!
Colonel Tan would hold the fort
it isn't direct sunlight.
as long as
as long as
as long as
as long as

on the condition or in the event that something else happens. Introduces a conditional clause

as long as

Those plants like the sun


as long as


Double Consonant Examples:summertennisbetter
TWO - syllable wordsThe syllable break occurs between the two consonants.
Words that include :vowelconsonantconsonantvowel

VCCV Words

The furry rabbit ate a muffin in the summer sun. The happy rabbit said to his crabby friend, 'Would you like some muffin?'The possum was a glutton and grabbed the whole muffin with his reddish mittens. The rabbit was the saddest and wished it didn't happen. With a hiccup, the rabbit ran to his mamma to get another muffin.

Find the VCCV Words

Listen and Spell

Free Talk

Do you think humans have already discovered all the uses for plants? What (not)?
