Cópia - Escape game in Figueiró dos Vinhos
Sandrine Marques Costa
Created on August 3, 2024
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Escape games
Escape games
Escape games
Escape games
Figueiró dos Vinhos
Escape Game
The starting point is Figueiró dos Vinhos training school. From now on, you will enter a mysterious world, where you will have to follow clues and solve mysteries that will allow you to get out of the labyrinth of the Figueiró dos Vinhos town and find the mystery place where we will find ourselves. Be vigilant and do not forget any step!
Sound elementsTo play, turn on the sound on your mobile phone! A video will be presented to you
Welcome to Figueiró dos Vinhos! In this interactive game, you will have to follow clues and solve enigmas, while travelling through the city. You will have to use the English language throughout the activity. Good luck to all!
On each page, find the way to continue the adventure. If you get stuck, this icon will help you understand what you need to do.
Bienvenue à Pombal! Dans ce jeu intéractif, vous allez devoir suivre des pistes et résoudre des énigmes, tout en parcourant la ville de Pombal. Vous allez devoir utiliser la langue française tout au long de l'activité. Bonne chance à tous!
Mission 1
What was the oldest settlement living in Figueiró dos Vinhos?
Are you ready to start this new adventure? So, let's go! Begin by answering the following question:
Go to the Tourism office and ask for brochures in English. Dont' forget that you must speak in English!Keep them in a safe place, as you will need them later on.
The Tourist Office, located in the Museum and Arts Center building, is a modern space where tourists can find all the necessary information to explore the Municipality of Figueiró dos Vinhos. Its location, combined with the information provided, the characteristics of the space, and the diverse range of services offered, make the Tourist Office a showcase of the municipality's tourism.At the entrance of the Tourist Office, there is a historical timeline of the Municipality with bilingual information. Please read this information carefully!
First of all, click on the key to get the mystery number, which you will need to decipher the secret code at the end of the first mission.
The mystery number is 2
Before starting the visit of the Museum, read the information on your left with attention.Then, answer the question on the following page.
Inaugurated in the summer of 2013, its mission is to exhibit and showcase the works of some of the most important national naturalist painters and sculptors from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But why a connection to naturalism? The reason can be found in the strong connection of José Malhoa and Henrique Pinto to Figueiró dos Vinhos, where they arrived at the invitation of Master Sculptor Simões de Almeida Júnior. Here, Malhoa built a studio, and Henrique Pinto got married. Their connection to the Grupo do Leão brought together several prominent names in national visual arts, such as Silva Porto, Maria Augusta Bordalo Pinheiro, and other artists, is also significant."
On what day was the Museum and Arts Center of Figueiró dos Vinhos inaugurated?
Answer the following question:
6th May 2013
24th June 2013
10th June 2013
At the moment, there are two exhibitions open to the public.The first one is: "Fazunchar 'Casulo' Exhibition – Resulting from the artistic residency of Martinho Costa during the Fazunchar 2023 edition.
FAZUNCHAR is the Urban Art Festival, which has already had five editions and is taking place this year from August 10th to 18th.The main goal of the Festival is to continue this act of making, where art and culture play a fundamental role, reflecting the cultural identity of the Town. A town with strong influences of Naturalism, a legacy of the painters José Malhoa and Henrique Pinto, who made Figueiró dos Vinhos their home, and of the sculptors Simões de Almeida (uncle and nephew) who were originally from here.The name FAZUNCHAR comes from Laínte, a dialect once used among merchants in the territory, created for communication between themselves without being understood by others.
But what does Fazunchar mean?
Exhibition Jorge Estrela – Esboço de uma biografia
Legacy of Marta Ortigão Sampaio
Exhibition "Simões de Almeida (1844 - 1926) O Génio das Artes"
You will visit the museum and see its beautiful pieces of art.What is the name of the main exhibition?
Exhibition Jorge Estrela – Esboço de uma biografia
Legacy of Marta Ortigão Sampaio
Exhibition "Simões de Almeida (1844 - 1926) O Génio das Artes"
You will visit the museum and see its beautiful pieces of art.What is the name of the main exhibition?
This exhibition, which features works of sculpture and painting, places a special emphasis on the life and artistic journey of the renowned sculptor, also highlighting his role as a teacher and friend to José Malhoa and Henrique Pinto by inviting these artists to visit Figueiró dos Vinhos.
On display for the public are not only works by the sculptor Simões de Almeida Júnior but also by José Malhoa, Henrique Pinto, Ferreira Chaves, Simões de Almeida's nephew, and Henrique Casanova, among others.The Genius of Arts and Inês de Castro are two previously unseen sculptures in the Simões de Almeida Júnior exhibition in Figueiró dos Vinhos, among about 30 works by the sculptor.A friendship between artists, professors at the Academy of Fine Arts, Ferreira Chaves, painter, and Simões de Almeida, the creator of this ephemeral sculpture that remained resilient after participating in the grand historical procession with three allegorical floats in homage to Camões in 1880. The marble statue of Inês de Castro ( dated 1879) was made for the 3rd Duchess of Palmela by the sculptor José Simões de Almeida Júnior.
How many sculptures are exhibited in the museum?
José Simões de Almeida (tio) 1844 - 1926 The Genius of Arts
José Simões de Almeida(sobrinho) 1880 - 1950
the Garden of the Cocoon
the Municipal Garden
What location served as inspiration for the work "Cuidados de Amor" by José Malhoa?
O Casulo de Malho (1951)
Cuidados de Amor (1910)
Write down the number you see on this page and keep it so you can move forward and get out of this trap!
Go to the "Cocoon of Malhoa" and answer the following question:
To learn more about the Cocoon of Malhoa, scan the QR Code.
Challenge: Make Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro’s Frog (tiles on the exterior of the Cocoon) in Origami. Once made, have a "race" with the frogs, and the winner is the one who crosses the finish line first.
To continue the adverture answer this question:It was here that the painter José Malhoa passed away. What is the year of his death?
Chess Museum
The Chess Museum, the first in Portugal dedicated to this game, was inaugurated on July 26th, 2013, by the municipality of Figueiró dos Vinhos. It is located on the ground floor of the "Casulo," a residence built in 1895 by the painter José Malhoa.Visitors have the opportunity to delve into the world of chess and explore the exhibition through a wide variety of displayed objects: boards, photographs, books, chess games, postcards, stamps, and posters.
Slide and discover. Then write down the mystery number!
To complete this first mission, group together the three mystery numbers and open the right safe.
Mission 2
There are 8 little houses by Isaac Cordal scattered throughout the village, placed strategically in forgotten nooks and crannies that remind us of the passage of time.In this location, there are 2 of these little houses; find them, take a picture of them and send them to your teacher, she will give you a number you will need later on to get out of this Labyrinth.
Scan the QR Code on the "House of Culture of Figueiró dos Vinhos and answer the question below:
In what year was the Figueiroense Club – House of Culture built?
Inaugurated in 1930 by the Initiative Commission, presided over by Dr. Manuel Simões Barreiros, the Jardim Parque de Figueiró dos Vinhos was designed and built at the end of the 19th century. The land for its establishment was donated by Joaquim Lopes de Paiva (1853-1941)-The design and aesthetics of the Jardim Parque are derived from Romanticism, in the creation of common social spaces, in the spirit of 19th-century Liberalism. The shrubs trimmed into various shapes (topiary) have always been one of the characteristics of this ensemble, an art in which gardener José Francisco Simões Júnior (1910-1997) was a master.During the Feira de São Pantaleão, it became the annual stage for the "Festas do Parque".
The Jardim Parque de Figueiró dos Vinhos was awarded the Gold Medal in the "European Competition for Towns and Villages in Bloom" in 1998.
Now that you know so much about Fazunchar, further ahead you will find two artists who are working on another piece of art that will be part of the Urban Art Route – Fazunchar 2024. These are some of their creations.Find them in the municipal Garden and interview them. Write down on a paper who they are and the name of their work of art.Send the information to your teacher to continue the adventure, she will give you your next destination.
Now, click on the arrow and go to the Historical centre.
To escape this labyrinth, and avoid a terrible fate, find the various murals painted in this part of the town. Discover the second part of the combination needed to complete this second mission, by answering the following question:
In which year was the first edition of the Fazunchar festival held in Figueiró dos Vinhos? Write the year. Don't forget to keep this information in a safe place!
To visit the monument, you have to find the key. Good luck and enjoy yourself!
Iron Cross of Figueiró dos VinhosCross located in António José de Almeida Street.This piece of art was made at the Royal Ironworks of Foz de Alge in 1816, "which the Minister of Intendant (José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva) ordered to be made for the entrance of Figueiró, at the top of the village."
Fonte das Freiras
The "Fonte das Freiras" was built at one of the oldest entrances to the town, which was then called the Terreiro das Freiras. It was rebuilt by the master stonemason, Domingos de Figueiredo in 1791.The name Fonte das Freiras comes from the proximity to the Monastery of Santa Clara, of Franciscan nuns, which existed there between the 16th and 19th centuries.
Relaxing time.Enjoy the lanscape from the viewpoint, have a snack and create a poem in English.Send it to your teacher. She will give you a code that will allow you to continue the adventure!
Located next to the Chapel of Nossa Senhora Madre de Deus, it allows for a detailed observation of the rich heritage of the Historical Center of the town, while also offering the possibility of a panoramic view of the entire town and the surrounding municipalities.
Do you remember the flyers received at the begining of the adventure, look at them with attention and discover the secret number hidden on them.It has 2 digits.
Secret numeber sent by the teacher+Year of the first Fazunchar+ Secret number hidden in the brochures
Mission 3
The manor was built by Captain Manoel Godinho de Sá. The building features a sober and refined design, representing a return to post-Manueline classicism. A descendant of the Godinho de Sá and Moxões families, returned to the kingdom very wealthy and donated an "excellent silver chest, full of studs, for God having brought him back to the Kingdom".
On the coat of arms on the main facade of the building is registered the year of its contruction. Find it and go to the next step to register your answer.
The 'Paços do Concelho' building was constructed between 1874 and 1876, on the site where the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Figueiró dos Vinhos and the Hospital of the Apostles previously stood. It was rebuilt in 1936, when the council was presided over by Dr. Manuel Simões Barreiros, after suffering a major fire. It follows the rules of early 20th-century Portuguese architecture, with French influence, where the elegant rhythm of its windows and balconies gives it a remarkable presence. Inside, there are tiles by Jorge Colaço, reproducing landscapes of the municipality, with great artistic quality.
What architectural styles can we find in the Main Hall?"
Neoclassical and Victorian
Baroque and Renaissance
Gothic and Romanesque
Find the entrance door to continue the adventure!!
Dated from the 13th century under the invocation of Santa Maria, it emerged in the 14th century with the designation of St. John the Baptist. It was rebuilt in the 16th and 17th centuries. Inside, the Main Altar stands out, featuring gilded woodwork in the style of King João V, the painting "The Baptism of Christ", and tile panels by Teotónio dos Santos, dated 1716, depicting scenes from the life of St. John the Baptist. In the body of the church, one can also admire a late 15th-century image of the Holy Trinity, the image of the Lord of the Afflicted by the master Simões de Almeida (Tio), as well as paintings from the 16th to 18th centuries, and a tomb where Rui Vasques Ribeiro and Dona Violante de Sousa, lords of Figueiró and Pedrógão, rest, among many other works of art. The church underwent renovation between 1898 and 1904, under the direction of architect Luiz Ernesto Reynaud, hired by sculptor Simões de Almeida (Tio) at the invitation of painter José Malhoa. The façade was remodeled, except for the Renaissance portico.
To find your next destination, solve the following riddle:I stand as a testament to the past, where prayers were often cast. A place of reflection and calm, once held by those who wore the brown palm. What am I?
Find the secret passage!
Find the secret passage to enter the answer from the riddle!
Well done!!
To conclude this mission and discover your next destination, you must solve this rebus:
To submit your answer, click on the red arrow.
Mission 4
Congratulations! You have just found your way back!
To complete the game, solve the following kahoot, the ask for the secret code to your teacher:
Congratulations, you succeeded! Head to the Pluvial beach of Figueiró dos Vinhos to have lunch! And don't forget that, as Sydney J. Harris said, "The Purpose of Education is to turn mirrors into windows."Education and knowledge are the key to critical thinking.
Wrong answer
Try again!