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connectorsbecause ofas, since
dull, molten, crystal, sculpture
possessive adjectives
teacher tips
Word Work

Today's Lesson

rock cycle

Level 6 Unit 11 Lesson 1

My best friend is in my pocket,He never lets me down.He's powerful and sturdy,Tough, dependable, and sound.When I need help, he's always hereI'm so happy he was found.I found him while I was on a walk,My best friend is my rock.

Pet Rock

Word Work

And your hair is black.
My shirt is beige.

Possessive Adjectives

mydescribes something that belongs to youMy hat is blue.

yourdescribes something that belongs the person (or group) you're talking toYour hat is red..

Possessive Adjectives

hisdescribes something that belongs to a male you are talking aboutHis hair is really long.

itsdescribes something that belongs to a thing you are talking aboutIts sides are straight.

Possessive Adjectives

Her hair is black.

herdescribes something that belongs a female you are talking aboutHer jacket is ugly.

And she has stars on her cheeks!

Possessive Adjectives


dull - not shiny or bright

During the drought, the leaves turned a dull brown colour.

The molten metals were poured into the mould.

molten - melted and very hot

Many of the crystals in the collection were quite valuable.

crystal - shiny, transparent solid

There are many very old, beautiful sculptures in museums.

sculpture - art form that creates a 3d figure







Tick the correct sentence.

a) The crystals are dull and soft.b) The crystals are shiny and hard.a) You can make scultpures out of rocks.b) You can make sculptures out of water.a) Molten rocks are hot and liquid.b) Molten rocks are cold and hard. a) Flower blooms are usually dull and drab.b) Flower blooms are usually bright and bold.



Have you ever seen any beautiful rocks?



They’re everywhere. Some are so big that we can’t move them. Some are so small that we almost can’t see them. Some are shiny, some are dull. Some are rough, some are smooth. Some are plain and ordinary, and some are extraordinarily beautiful. Since the the entire planet is made of rocks, they are a very important part of our lives.

Title 1

Lava runs down the side of a volcano.

Deep beneath the earth, it is so hot and there is so much pressure that rocks become a hot liquid. This liquid, molten rock mixture is called magma. Sometimes, magma rises to the surface and is called lava. This can occur during a volcanic eruption. In 2021, 79 volcanoes erupted on earth, so eruptions happen quite often. Although volcanoes can destroy cities and landscapes, they are also an important part of the rock cycle.

Title 1

Some igneous rocks are full of beautiful crystals.

Once the lava leaves the volcano and cools down, the rock becomes solid again and is now called igneous rocks. Igneous rocks can also form right underneath the surface of the earth, as magma cools down. Many igneous rocks are quite beautiful and have visible crystals that formed during the cooling process.

Title 1

Many people have a pumice stone to help their dry skin.

A common igneous rock is granite, which is used to make sculptures and build buildings. Another igneous rock is pumice, which can remove the dead skin from your feet. Even though igneous rocks are hard, water and wind are powerful forces and can change them into a different type of rock

Title 1

They’re everywhere. Some are so big that we can’t move them. Some are so small that we almost can’t see them. Some are shiny, some are dull. Some are rough, some are smooth. Some are plain and ordinary, and some are extraordinarily beautiful. Since the the entire planet is made of rocks, they are a very important part of our lives.

How can you describe this rock?


How are volcanoes and rocks related?


Lava runs down the side of the volcano and can cover large distances.
Molten rock erupts from the volcano.
When the lava cools, it becomes a solid, igneous rock.



because offollowed by a nounBecause of the rain, we were unable to have the picnic.

because oftells a reason (a cause)Because of the rain, we were unable to have the picnic.

Because of the wind, the large rocks were broken into small pieces.


As the volcano was erupting, we decided not to walk to the top.Since we didn't walk to the top, we didn't get burnt.


since and asfollowed by a clauseSince it was raining, we decided not to walk.

sincetells a reason (a cause)Since it was raining, we decided not to walk.

astells a reason (a cause)As it was raining, we decided to take the train.

Because my brother got sick, he wasn't able to go to the circus.


Wrap Up

Do you think fire is more dangerous than water?


Start with igneous rocks, what do you need to draw? Make sure to add labels and captions.

You are going to create a diagram that shows the rock cycle.


connectorsbecause of, as, since


dull, molten, crystal, sculptures





Title 2

Word Work
