Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Level 6 Unit 8 Lesson 8


Oh, glorious day. It’s Sunday! I’m as happy as a clam. Big, beautiful, bright blue skiesAnd all day with the fam. We’ll go to the park and play ‘til dark And come home and eat barbecue. We’ll play baseball and go to the mall And get ready to - Wait, what’s that you say? It’s already Monday? I slept all Sunday away? Oh, what horrible luck.

Sunday, Fun Day

Word Work

underbelowaboveup downoutsideinside
overaroundacrossbehindin front ofbetweenin the middle of
nearbyawaynext tobesidein on on top of


Give your teacher instructions to draw this image.


Give your teacher instructions to draw this image.









  1. The company should more chocolate because everyone wants some. o
  2. The employees must organize the meeting.
  3. A apartment would make me dizzy.
  4. I have to draw the for the new dress.
  1. What should I do if someone annoys me?
  2. How can I make an apology be sincere?
  3. When do you think you will next use a stapler?

Modals Practice

  • binder
  • blackboard
  • anesthesia
  • order
  • bendy
  • conference
  • code
  • high-rise
  • service
  • instrument
  • matching
  • mixing
  • spinning
  • monitor
  • conference


  • roar
  • repeat
  • raor
  • mane
  • terrible

4. When she is angry, my mom can as loud as a lion.





3. My friend and I always wear shirts.

2. I lost the with all of the papers I needed for the conference.

1. The was so boring, I fell asleep next to my boss.

This optional item is to be grouped with a BOLD Genially text (which you can change the appearance) in which the number of wrong answers will be displayed.

This optional item should be grouped with a BOLD Genially text (which you can change the appearance of) in which the number of correct answers will be displayed.

  1. What do you know about the speaker's brother?
  2. What is the speaker's job?
  3. What are the requirements for the elevators?




Would you rather work in the morning, afternoon or night?


My name is Dennis and I am an operating room nurse. I have a lot of work to do every day, but I really love my job. I start my day early. The first operation starts at 9 a.m. and before the operation starts, I have to set up the room. I have to make sure that all of the medicines, supplies and equipment are in the right place. I have to know where everything is and make sure it is nearby, so I can get it in case of an emergency.

Right before nine, I have to scrub in, which means I put on my mask and wash my hands. Then I put on gloves and go into the operating room. The other nurses bring the patient into the room and I make sure that everything is ready. I always talk to the patient, to help calm them down. Then, the patient receives anesthesia and the doctor begins the operation.

During the operation, I have to give the doctor any of the equipment they ask for. I also have to monitor the patient’s heartbeat and breathing. If there are any problems, I have to get the right medicine immediately. Sometimes my job is very stressful. There are times when the operations take a long time and I only want to sit down. I know my job is important, so I always work as hard as I can.

When the operation is finished, I have to clean the operating room. I make sure that all of the equipment is cleaned properly and sterilize the bed and the sheets. When everything is clean, I set up the room for the next operation. Then I usually have a short break, and go directly to the next operation. I love my job because every day is different and I have the opportunity to really help people.

Use sequence words to retell what Dennis does every day at work.


Compare Dennis's and Colin's jobs



give uppick upget upfill upsign up
hold on try on lean on build ontake on
turn downcalm down sit downcut downslow down
pass outfind outbreak outlook outfigure out
take off run offpiss offbreak offmake off

Story Time


Wrap up


Present your essay to the teacher. What did you do well?

You are going to write a first-person narrative about your day.

What was the most useful part of this unit?


You finished Level 6, Unit 8!