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multi-word verbson






Word Work

prepositions of position:under, over, around, across

Level 6 Unit Lesson 5

Working for the Weekend

Oh, glorious day. It’s Sunday! I’m as happy as a clam. Big, beautiful, bright blue skiesAnd all day with the fam. We’ll go to the park and play ‘til dark And come home and eat barbecue. We’ll play baseball and go to the mall And get ready to - Wait, what’s that you say? It’s already Monday? I slept all Sunday away? Oh, what horrible luck.

Sunday, Fun Day

Word Work

The fish are under the boat.

Prepositions of Place

belowlower than something elseThere is a blanket below my desk.

underlower than something elseMy feet are under my desk..

The rainbow is over the lake.

Prepositions of Place

overhigher than something elseThe clouds are over my head.

abovehigher than something elseThe roof is above my head.

There is water all around the boy.

Prepositions of Place

aroundsurroundingThere are flowers all around my house.

They pointed at each other from across the room.

Prepositions of Place

acrossfrom one side to the otherI ran across the street to get the ball.

acrosson opposite sidesI stood across from the bear and tried not to panic.




I had to give an apology to the entire staff after I deleted all of the emails.

apology - when you say you are sorry

realize - know, find out or admit

She realized that she had done something wrong after she read the text message.

The barking dog annoyed her so much that she had to leave the house.

annoy - bother

He used the stapler at least ten times a day.

stapler - a tool used for putting papers together

  • 35
  • Quicksand
  • black
  • 30
  • gauche
  • avec
  • 1000
  • 1
  • annoy
  • apology
  • realise
  • stapler
  • #eeb72b
  • #696b74

Make a sentence

  1. What should I do if someone annoys me?
  2. How can I make an apology be sincere?
  3. When do you think you will next use a stapler?

Modals Practice



Have you ever had to look for something that was lost?


The break room was filled with plastic chairs sitting around green, plastic tables. The tables were covered with plastic bags of food that the workers brought from home. There was a microwave above a closet and a small refrigerator below it. There was a large, circular wire trashcan behind the refrigerator. It was full of papers, just like Carrie said. Ms. Carmel pulled the papers out of the trashcan, but there was no red binder.

“Look at that! Paul shouted. He held up his hands full of cheezy crumbs. He stuck a crumb in his mouth. “They’re CheezEEs!” Ms. Carmel shrugged her shoulder and looked confused. "What on earth do cheesy crumbs have to do with my binder?" “You had CheezEEs for lunch,” Paul said. He turned and pointed right at Matt. “If you put the CheezEEs in the trashcan, then you saw the red folder.”

Matt stared at Paul and thought for a moment. “You’re right. I did eat CheezEEs for lunch. And I did see the binder in the trash can. I realized that it was our very important red binder, so I took it out and put it in the design room.” “Why didn’t you say so at the beginning?” Ms. Carmel said with annoyance in her voice. “I just remembered right now,” Matt said. He held up his hands to apologize. Ms. Carmel rolled her eyes and the group ran off together toward the design room.

The design room had a large, wooden desk running across the entire wall. It had three tall stools pushed under the desk. The desk was full of paper clips, pencils and rulers scattered everywhere. The stapler was knocked on its side and staples had fallen all over the floor. There were drawings of dresses, skirts and shawls across the surface of the desk. There was a strong smell of cologne that everyone noticed as soon as they walked in.

Now who do you think stole the binder?



take on
lean on
try on
build on
hold on
I want to _____ __ my knowledge and go to university.When I need help, I ____ __ my friends for support.I want to ____ __ more work so that I can make more money.Everyone always tells me to ____ __ and wait, but I want to go to university now!I need to ___ __ all the clothes before I decide what to buy.

onthe preposition "on" indicates putting something on top, a rest, stability or supportHold on, this will only take a second.*The person has to wait

Multi-Word Verbs

Multi-Word Verbs

Wrap up

Try to convince your teacher that you shouldn't have to go to school (or work) tomorrow.



Write a paragraph about what you do after lunch. Do you always do the same thing every day?

You are going to write a first-person narrative about your day.


multi-word verbson




apology, realize , annoy, stapler


prepositions:under, over, across, around

Word Work
