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multi-word verbsout






Word Work

prepositions of position:in, on, on top of, next to, beside

Level 6 Unit Lesson 4

Working for the Weekend

Oh, glorious day. It’s Sunday! I’m as happy as a clam. Big, beautiful, bright blue skiesAnd all day with the fam. We’ll go to the park and play ‘til dark And come home and eat barbecue. We’ll play baseball and go to the mall And get ready to - Wait, what’s that you say? It’s already Monday? I slept all Sunday away? Oh, what horrible luck.

Sunday, Fun Day

Word Work

The coffee is in the mug.

Prepositions of Place

ina period of time (year)I was born in 2003.

ina period of time (month)I was born in May.

inenclosedI live in a house.

The tree is on top of the cliff.

Prepositions of Place

on top ofsupported by a surface at the highest pointI stood on top of the mountain.

onsupported by a surfaceThe hat is on my head.

ona certain dayI always play the violin on Friday.

The dog is next to the cat.

Prepositions of Place

beside on the side of something elseI put the pen beside the pencil.

next toon the side of something elseI put the pencil next to the pen.

inonon top ofnext tobeside

Follow the Instructions


The boss roared furiously at his employees.

roar - make a full, long, deep cry

matching - the same

They wore matching shirts to work.

They had a long meeting in the conference room

conference - a meeting

Each binder was full of papers that the company needed.

binder - a hard folder to hold papers



  • binder
  • blackboard
  • anesthesia
  • order
  • bendy
  • conference
  • code
  • high-rise
  • service
  • instrument
  • matching
  • mixing
  • spinning
  • monitor
  • conference


  • roar
  • repeat
  • raor
  • mane
  • terrible

4. When she is angry, my mom can as loud as a lion.





3. My friend and I always wear shirts.

2. I lost the with all of the papers I needed for the conference.

1. The was so boring, I fell asleep next to my boss.

This optional item is to be grouped with a BOLD Genially text (which you can change the appearance) in which the number of wrong answers will be displayed.

This optional item should be grouped with a BOLD Genially text (which you can change the appearance of) in which the number of correct answers will be displayed.



What are some skills a detective needs?


“Ah!” Ms. Carmel roared from the conference room. “Someone has taken the red binder!” A moment later Matt, Mindy, Carrie and Paul ran into the room. “The binder with the plans for the fashion show?” Matt, who was the designer of the clothing, asked. Ms. Carmel nodded. “The binder with the secret designs Matt drew?” asked Carrie, who was the computer technician making the website for the fashion show. Ms. Carmel nodded again. “The binder we had to hide from the spies at L’moda who want to steal our designs?” Paul, who bought the cloth for the clothing, gasped. Ms. Carmel nodded again and everyone groaned. “We must find it at once,” Mindy, who was Ms. Carmel’s secretary, said.


“I left it right here after our meeting,” Ms. Carmel said. The group looked around the conference room.. There were six chair around a large, round, glass table. They looked under the chairs. They looked behind the cabinet that was full of books. The tablet in the middle of the table was still turned on, and pens were spread all over the top of the table. Mindy bent down to pick up a pen and found a single, long jade earring. She held it up triumphantly. “Look what I found.”


Paul grabbed the earring and turned around quickly. “This is yours,” he shouted at Carrie. Carrie held one hand up to each ear and pulled out one of the matching earrings. “I must have dropped it,” she said slowly. She held out her hand but Paul didn’t give her the earring back. “What were you doing in the conference room?” Paul asked. “You weren’t in the meeting.” “You came into the conference room to steal the folder!” Matt shouted.


“No, it wasn’t me,” Carrie cried. “I came in to clean up the room.” She thought for a moment. “There was a red binder next to the tablet. I didn’t realize it was the same red binder. I put it in the trash can in the break room. Everyone gasped. "Why did you throw that important binder away?" Paul screamed. "I thought it was trash. If it had been important, it wouldn't have just been forgotten there," Carrie explained. "Never mind that," Ms. Carmel shouted. "To the break room!"

Red Herring

Who do you think stole the binder?



break out
look out
figure out
find out
solve a problem escapewatch for dangerdiscover the truthgive something to everyone
pass out

outthe preposition "out" indicates a movement outwards, a stop, or resolutionHe found out the truth last night.*The truth was resolved.

Multi-Word Verbs

Multi-Word Verbs

Wrap up

What do you think a detective does at work?



Write a paragraph about what you do for lunch. Be sure to use lots of descriptions.

You are going to write a first-person narrative about your day.


multi-word verbsout




roar, matching, conference, binder


prepositions:in, on, on top of, next to, beside

Word Work
